Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Seeing Kara

I went back to BCC, this afternoon. Last week, there was another incident between Nate and Kara. The soonest that I was able to get a ride to BCC was today. I will admit that when I first heard what happened, I wanted to kick Nate's head in. This is what I heard. I heard that Nate flipped out and threw a chair in Kara's direction. The chair didn't hit her, but it extremely scared her. Kara pleaded that I wouldn't go after Nate and she had a pretty good argument. In the end, I promised her that I wouldn't go after him, despite how much I wanted to. I was actually supposed to go to BCC yesterday, but Zimmer didn't get his video recorded in time. So, I showed up around 3:50pm, today. Kara's been wanting to see me for months now. Finally, we were able to hang out for a while. Zimmer and Cummings said that if Nate did anything that I didn't like, they'd "have a talk with him." Surprisingly, things didn't get ugly. In fact, Nate apologized for not just the harm he caused to Kara, but for the whole situation involving Denna. I accepted the apology and asked him very calmly to keep his emotions in check. He wants to start off clean and I see no reason why not. However, the next time someone gets hurt because of his actions, then the gloves are off and I'm taking action. Unfortunately, I could only hang around for an hour. I did promise Kara that I'd come back real soon. Hanging out with Kara today seemed different from the times that we hung out back in April and May. I can't explain it, but there was definitely something different. Both of us are single, but I'm not sure if that's it. It could be just because I haven't been around in so long. I hated BCC with a passion when I was going there, but I did meet a lot of cool people over there. Unfortunately, most of them were gone, today. I'd like to stop by there when I have more time to see them. I'm thinking about going there on my Thanksgiving break. I get out a day before they do. Today, I would've loved to have hung out for a little longer, but I had to leave when Zimmer and Cummings wanted to leave. I know that I'll have plenty of time in December. I get out a few weeks before they do. So, I plan on stopping in when I know all of them will be there. I'm pretty content in Cortland, but it was nice to have gotten away for a few hours. I know Kara really wanted to see me and I couldn't just stay at Cortland when something like that happened. My only regret is that I couldn't get there sooner.

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