Wednesday, November 19, 2008

How Things Used To Be

Things have gone alright, since my visit to BCC. Team Mir still has control, but whatever. Nogueira will destroy Mir when they fight in December. Brock Lesnar beat Randy Couture for the UFC Heavyweight Championship. That really sucks, because I like Randy over Brock. Last week, was very interesting. Later on that same Tuesday that I came to see Kara, something happened. My roommate hung out with Kristi. I actually got to see them kid around a bit. When I first came to Cortland, Kristi told all of the new guys that Whitaker Hall (my dorm building) was like a big family. My roommate said that it was awesome. This semester, things haven't been good for him. His girlfriend has forbidden him to hang out with Kristi. I guess they were really close, last semester. Like how Ashley and I used to be our first year at BCC. Like how Robin and I are now. Before I continue with the story, I'm gonna side track a bit. Joe's girlfriend, Alicia is really starting to irritate me. She complains about EVERYTHING! Not only that, but she's constantly bossing Joe around and I don't go for that crap. Thanksgiving break's coming up and I'm calling all of my lady friends up, so I can hang out with them. I'm gonna hang out with Stephanie at one point. She really wants to hang out with me, which is somewhat surprising. We've hung out before, but I think she really does miss me. I miss her too. I told Joe and Alicia about that and Joe smirked slyly. I informed them that she was engaged. Alicia said: "what is it with you and married girls?" Basically, implying what happened with Denna earlier this year. I told her calmly nothing was gonna happen, but she was like, "If you did it once, you'll do it again." She really doesn't know me. I shrugged it off, but she had no place making a comment like that. Anyways, I think I saw a shell of Joe's former self on Tuesday. He looked happier than he's been in months. It was a nice change. It gave me a glimpse of what things were like, last semester. I basically told both of them, that they don't have to worry about me letting anything slip to Alicia. Joe admitted that he hasn't really been himself, this semester due to all of this. He claims to be happy with Alicia, but he wants to be with Kristi. If it were anybody else, I'd probably have ripped into them, but Joe's not a prick. I gave him the best advice that I could offer him. I told him that he needs to do what's best for him. On Friday, it was Kristi's birthday. I made it a point to stop by her dorm and wish her a happy birthday. We talked for about ten minutes. It turns out that during the course of the semester, we've become close. I don't know exactly how close, but we give hugs, now. Kristi's one of those people that can brighten up your day without even realizing it. If I were Joe, I'd know exactly what to do. I'd dump the complaining, immature, little girl and I'd date Kristi immediately, before it's too late. However, I don't know how much him and Alicia have gone through in their year and a half of dating each other. According to him, they've been through a lot. Still, I know just as well as anybody that things change and people change. A shining example of this would be Ashley and me. At the time, I thought we'd be best friends forever. I also thought that eventually, her and I would be dating. I was wrong on both counts. Ever since she's been with that other guy, things haven't really been the same. You look at us both and you'd never have realized that one point, we were extremely close. Hell, we were inseparable. I wish things had turned out differently, but nothing lasts forever. If I were to predict how Joe's scenario was going to spread out, it would be this. He'd finally have had enough of Alicia's crap and dump her. He'd tell Kristi that he broke up with Alicia and they could finally be together. She'd give him a sad look and tell him that it was too late, she found someone else. He'd say he understood, but it would still eat away at him. He'd watch as Kristi walked away from him with her new boyfriend. As for me, I'd watch from the distance and shake my head. This is just a prediction. I don't really know if this is how it'll all fold out. But, that's been my luck. It's happened so many times, I've lost count. I know this much. Not everyone's gonna be happy at the end of this story. So, it looks like this story will not have a happy ending. This whole thing is in Joe's hands right now and he knows it. The ball's in his court. We'll just have to see what happens.

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