Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Way It Is.

A lot of stuff has happened in the past few days. I'll start with the stuff that happened on Friday. During work, one of the guys decided that he did indeed wanted a graduation party. So, we got some beer and planned a meeting place. First off, one of the guys that was invited, decided to go to the staff meeting. That took an hour. Then, he proceeded to piss me off by just being an annoyance. Things were going smoothly UNTIL it was discovered that I'm a virgin. Nobody understood my reasons for it, but they accepted it. All but the annoying one. He proceeded to piss me off more and more just by running his mouth. Finally, after enough alcohol was in me, I said the hell with honor and respect and decided to show this guy what happens when you push the wrong button. I tried to provoke him by any means possible. Eventually, we had a small scuffle that didn't last long and ended up with one of the guys that was there holding us back. He got in a low blow, but other than that, no harm was done. We're good for now, but I'm still a bit unsure about him. To me, his actions were uncalled for just like mine were. Most of my friends respect my decisions to do or not to do certain things. When someone keeps agitating a situation when I ask them to stop, it pisses me off. Then, I wake up around 10:33 the next morning, which isn't good. I'm supposed to work from 8:00 or 8:30 to 4:00. So, I was late. Work went on like always, then I went home and called a few of my friends that I haven't talked to in a while. My friend, Stephanie's gonna be coming home in two weeks, so her and I are gonna hang out when I take that weekend off. On Saturday, I was talking with this kid, Alex. He was going through some girl problems that I was familiar with. It was almost the exact same story with different characters. It brought me back to the Ashley days. If you wanna check out what those days were like, check out my livejournal. There's tons of entries of me bitching, moaning, and going all emo over her. Hell, I was 19 years old when all this happened. It's funny how most guys put on the tough guy act when they're having girl problems, but on the inside, it's tearing them up. I will admit that I wish things could've been different. Some of the blame goes on me. I should've done a lot of things differently. It's funny, because I stuck by her for a good year and a half. We were very close. I thought nothing could come between our friendship. However, as the old saying goes, nothing lasts forever. It wasn't ENTIRELY my fault for what happened. Still, there are times that I wish I could go back and make things the way they were. We all have times like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm over everything. But, talking with Alex brought me back to those times. Sunday, I went home for the first time in two weeks. Coming home felt like being born again. I almost didn't wanna go back. But, I had to. I still have some unfinished business here. Today, was my day off. It wasn't a great day by any means, but it was decent. Hopefully, Cody will come up on Saturday like we talked about. With July coming around the corner, I'm gonna start taking weekends off. If Louie tries to give me a hard time about it, I'll just tell him it's for stuff for college. I'm gonna try to spend a day of the weekend at home. It'll be easier on my parents. Mom had tears in her eyes when we said our first goodbye. They're not used to me being gone for months. Some days are better than others over here. Sometimes, it's extremely boring over here. Other times, it's great. I started a new blog over the weekend. It'll help me keep my creative ideas and use them when I need them. There's only one entry, but as thoughts come to me, there'll be more of them. For those of you that love writing, I'd recommend checking this out every now and then. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your blog by pressing "next blog" I just wanted to mention (first of all, I'm female) that I think there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin. You should keep that belief close to your heart. I gave in to peer pressure (years ago, I'm in my 30s and married now) and after I got married, I wished that I'd waited. It would have been so much more special to be a virgin on my wedding night. Anyone who ends up marrying you would be a lucky lucky woman. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.