Monday, August 3, 2009

Storybook Ending

Last week was pretty interesting. Monday, Mike Sisin called me up. He vented a little bit about Kelcie. His main problem is that he no longer wants to play around, so he's looking for someone that feels the same way. On top of that, he wants to get with Kelcie. The problem with that is for one thing, she's still not over that egotistical, manipulative, asshole, Cody. Another thing is that she's not ready to jump in a relationship with anyone. She's tried several times, but because she's not over Cody, they've all failed. Mike and Kelcie have done a few things together, but the problem is that to Kelcie, they meant nothing. To Mike, they meant something. He was irritated that she still won't date him due to the fact that they've hung out for the past two weeks along with everything they did. I'm gonna say this one last time. If anyone has a reason to bitch about not dating Kelcie, it's me. Again, here are the reasons why. I've taken her out to dinner twice, I took her to the movies once, I've had to listen to her talk about Cody 24/7, I've watched her cry about it several times, and when everyone else was against her, I stood by her whenever she needed me. However, I'm not bitching about it. What Mike needs to do, is just accept the fact that they're probably only going to be her and I are. We headed over there to find that Kelcie was stressed and upset. Kelcie also informed me that although Denna may act all nice when I'm around or talking to her online, she acts differently towards me behind closed doors. That pissed me off a great deal. Here's this girl that has played me, Cory, and that loser ex-husband of hers, and she has the nerve to say that I'm too clingy and annoying. It was her that came back and talked to me. I was perfectly fine not talking to her. What was all that about? Did she just do that to sooth her guilty conscience? Before, I actually did care about Denna and I'll even admit that I felt sorry for her. But, after hearing how freakin' two-faced she really is, that amount of pity is gone. Denna's an immature, stupid, little slut that doesn't know what she wants and is gonna piss off the wrong person someday. This stupid little slut complains about me when she cheated on her husband TWICE??? Hell, I'm ten times better than Denna will ever be. When I get married, I'm not gonna have to worry about my wife cheating on me and she won't have to worry about me either. There will be no divorce. That will be it for both of us. Because Kelcie was upset and I was pissed, Mike suggested hanging out for a bit. So, that's what we did. They ended up going to the cabin, but I stayed in Binghamton. I'm not going there unless it's just Mike and me or if there's another girl there for me to hang out with. Tuesday, Robin called me to ask if she could stay at my place for a night. She wasn't getting along with her mom or Johnny and she felt that she was gonna snap. I asked mom, she said it was fine. Then, I hung out with Kelcie for the rest of the day. We picked up Robin and headed back to my place. Dad came home drunk, talked to Robin a bit, then Robin was arguing with her brother about Johnny. Before I continue, I should mention that Robin works for the state as a notery. She can't say "no" to a job that they give her, because it's considered a felony. With that being said, she told her brother on the phone, "if I go to jail because of that son of a bitch, he's going with me." Dad heard her, took me aside, and got in my face about it. I told him to ignore it. She wasn't doing anything wrong, but he kept glaring at me. So, I glared at him back. It wasn't until Robin explained what she meant that he lightened up a bit. The rest of the night went smoothly. Wednesday and Thursday were nothing special. Friday, I got my haircut and some other things that I needed for the wedding on Saturday. Saturday, I found out that we were going to the actual wedding and then going to my dad's boss's pool party until the reception. The wedding wasn't too bad. The only things I'd have changed, would be the temperature inside the church and the person performing the ceremony. It was incredibly hot in the church and the priestess was boring. She had a solemn tone when she spoke as if she were preaching at a funeral. The pool party wasn't too bad. Dad got in all his cheap shots in on me while we were there, which was fine with me. Whenever we're at family gatherings or parties, he usually brings up all of my short-comings. I thought that he'd do the same at the wedding to which I planned on firing back despite the consequences that would follow. However, to my surprise, he didn't do anything like that. We got there a half hour early. I waited outside for Kelcie. She was a half hour late. Man, she looked incredible. I remember looking at the pictures from Denna's wedding. She looked ordinary. She didn't do anything to look above the norm. Then again, I think she knew deep down that this marriage was gonna fail. This wasn't even Kelcie's wedding, but she put in that extra effort and she looked gorgeous. The dinner was excellent. I took Kelcie around and introduced her to my family and friends. Dad liked her. That's real big, because dad doesn't like too many of my friends. In fact, I can count them on one hand. We danced about six times. She kept thanking me for inviting her. I'm glad she made it. At my cousin, Jamie's wedding, the band sucked, Robin was on my ass about her freakin' dogs, and I had no one to dance with. Basically, that wedding wasn't really that good. At Kacie's wedding, the band was better, no one was on my back, and I had someone to dance with. We had a great time. Being at home for long periods at a time, takes it's toll on me. I start feeling bitter and worthless. At Kacie's wedding, I felt like a million bucks. Both Kelcie and myself had a good time. Kelcie and I just went as friends and that's how it stayed. I don't think anything will change as far as that goes. There aren't too many people trying to get with her anymore. Seth's probably still trying to get with Mandy and Calvin has a girlfriend. I don't see us dating, although I don't think I'd mind it. Personally, I think I was the better choice out of all of them. I don't know what Mike's thoughts are on getting with her. Well, for whoever tries, I just have one thing to say. Beat that, boys. That wedding was out of a fantasy story and nobody's gonna be able to top that. Once again, the guy that has no job and no car has blown by everyone. Someday, someone's gonna be very lucky. Whoever it is, I just hope they deserve it.

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