Monday, March 31, 2008

WrestleMania 24: Undertaker becomes the World Heavyweight Champion.

I went on Spring break last week. Easter was alright, but mostly boring. I hung out with my good friend, Stacey on Tuesday. Wednesday, I went back to Candor. Cody ended up coming up on Friday. A lot of crazy stuff happened on Friday. I ended up getting ganged up on by a bunch of Seth's little brother's friends. There are still a few marks that are gonna take a while to go away. My biggest concern was that Denna make it up on Sunday. Originally, Joe, Ron, Robin, Seth, and myself were gonna watch Wrestlemania 24. Before we went on break, Robin finally got to meet Denna and they got along great from the start. So, Robin suggested that I invite Denna to watch Wrestlemania with me. Her car died that day, so she couldn't make it up. Joe's baby was born, so him and Ron couldn't make it. However, Denna was still planning on coming up to watch it with me. Actually, she was planning on making it up on Friday, but she didn't get back home in time. Since she doesn't drive and neither do I, getting her up was gonna be a challenge. I invited Edaniel to watch Wrestlemania with us too, but I had no way of getting him up here without Joe. He doesn't drive either. Thank God for Cody. He brought both of them up on Sunday and he took Danny home afterwards. However, he gave me a scare yesterday morning. He said that Denna was going to the Syracuse Mall with Bridgette. I was scared she wouldn't get back in time, since it's an hour away from Seth's place. Luckily, Denna's word is her bond. It turns out that she turned Bridgette down to hang out with me instead. Still, she had me pacing back and forth for several hours. In fact, I didn't breathe easy until both of them arrived. We all sat down to watch Wrestlemania. I really couldn't concentrate on the action. Although, she wasn't really doing anything, Denna had 98% of my attention. The other 2% was focused on the action. At one point, she excused herself and was gone for about 15 minutes. I had a feeling that Marcy had gotten a hold of her and was giving her shots. When, we took a break, I found Denna and Marcy talking at the bar. Sure enough, Marcy was working her magic to loosen Denna up. When Denna gets buzzed, she's gets very close to people around her. She likes Italian men and despite the fact that I'm only half, I look Italian. So, we were very cozy on the couch as we watched the rest of Wrestlemania. I really wished John Cena had regained the belt, but there's nothing I can do about it. Cody and I had a bet for the main event. If Undertaker lost, I could never watch any kind of pro wrestling again. Before I finish this story, there's another story that connects with this one. Cody used to smoke. He'd always try to get me to smoke with him. I was being a smart ass one time and said that I would after six beers. Unfortunately for me, he kept the rule alive whenever I went to his place. So, if The Undertaker won, his rule was banned for good. Just like I thought, Undertaker came through for me and made Edge tap out to regain the World Heavyweight Championship. All is right with the world now. After the show was over, Cody and Danny said their good-byes and left. Seth, Denna, and myself went downstairs and had a celebration beer. Seth's favorite wrestler Shawn Michaels had won too and retired 16 time World Champion, Ric Flair. I'm gonna miss seeing Ric wrestle, but I'm glad that I had the honor of watching him in action, period. After our beer, Seth said good night to us and turned in for the night. Denna and I went into the bedroom just next to his. Both of us were buzzed. I had been drinking ever since I found Denna with Marcy, so I was slightly buzzed. Most of our night consisted of kissing and cuddling. Everything felt right. Undertaker won the belt, I had Denna all to myself, and my confidence is at an all-time high. I haven't gotten that close to someone in years. Denna kept on making sure that I was comfortable with what we were doing. The strange thing is that we weren't doing anything wrong. My only rule was that we didn't have sex. I'm saving that for the right person and I won't know who that is until I marry her. Denna respected that wish. She was very affectionate with me. Even when the alcohol wore off, she was still being very affectionate. The feeling can't be explained. It's one of those things that has to be experienced first hand. Today went alright, but I know there'll never be another night like that one. March 30, 2008 was my night and it will always stay that way.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patrick's Day Story.

Due to the fact that St. Patrick's Day was yesterday, I didn't go home. Instead, Cody, Edaniel, Paul, and I hit every bar we could find. Basically, it was have one drink, then leave. So, the chances of meeting girls was out of the picture, because we didn't stay long enough to even get the chance. Everybody in the bars were completely hammered. I think happy hour started early because of the day. We didn't hit our first bar until around 8:00 at night. You could tell some were more drunk than others. At one bar, this guy fell off his bar stool. Cody and Edaniel helped him up, because they've been in that condition more than once. I ran into an old friend of mine at the first bar. His name's Brad. I met him two years ago. We used to play basketball and stuff back then. We ended up at Danny's work. He gets drinks for free, but the poor guy couldn't drink for personal reasons. Some of the people that work with him, came over to our table. One of the girls he works with is 31 years old and has a kid. Here's the interesting part. Apparently, she thought I was good looking. I don't know what it is with me. First the 28 year old a month ago, now a 31 year old. I talked to her a little bit, but that was about it. Then, to make it up to Danny, because he couldn't drink, we ended up back at the strip joint. Of course, I saw my favorites and they remembered me. They're very good at what they do, but I still think that they have potential for bigger and better things. Cody had so much fun, that he wants to do it all over again on Friday. He said that he could get me home by Easter, so it looks like I'm going. As far as last weekend went, I never did get to meet Denna's friend. I'm getting very frustrated that it's taking me so long. Eventually, I'll man up and talk to her, but it might be too late at that point. Tomorrow, I'm thinking about introducing myself. Now, all I have to do is do it. I'm pretty sure that next week is spring break for me. I'll probably hang out at Seth's place. Speaking of which, my past two Saturdays have consisted of hanging out with Marcy. I don't know why, nor does it bother me, but she's been having a lot of heart-to-heart conversations with me. When I first met her, she thought I was like every other guy. So, it wasn't until I really started to hang out there a lot and drink with them, that she realized that I was much more than that. With her and Aaron, you have to earn their respect, but once you do, they'll back you up no matter what. Aaron barely said a sentence to me before. It wasn't because he didn't like me. He just keeps to himself. I used to do the same thing. Him and I usually talk about UFC, girls, or drinking. Mostly, drinking. Things are starting to calm down a bit. Right now, we're in roller-coaster mode. There's ups, downs, twists, turns, going backwards, upside down, you get the picture. Everything usually settles after everyone has had a nice long break from everything. By next week, everything will be fine.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Week Recap

This week went better than last week. With the exception of not being able to meet Denna's friend, things have improved. I'll get to that story in a minute. First, I'd like to discuss the new logo on the left side of the blog titled: Verve Earth. Yesterday, I got an e-mail from a guy named Clayton. He's the CEO of Verve Earth, which is another blogging site. Apparently, the title of THIS blog caught his attention. He invited me to check out Verve Earth and to be part of it. I clicked on the link, explored briefly, and decided to sign up. If you click on the link, it'll take you over to my new blog. I've decided that I'm gonna use that one for my wrestling roleplaying online. I used to have a livejournal, which I used to basically piss and moan about how everything sucks. I was 19 years old when I started that one and I was very EMO. I don't really write in that one anymore. I usually use this one. I've played around with this one yesterday. Now, getting back to the Denna's friend situation. She's in two of my classes, but niether one of us are up to making the first move. I was supposed to hang out with her Wednesday, which never happened. Then, I suggested that we hang out today. Well, that almost worked, BUT THE WEATHER HAD TO SUCK TODAY! So, now I have to find another day that works for both of us, which I know is gonna be a pain in the ass. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about this. Not so much meeting her friend, but having to sit back with the possibility that Denna's friend could find someone else without even meeting me. Denna and I sacraficed a chance to date for her friend to meet me, but it would all be in vain if her friend dates someone else. Denna's engaged to someone right now, so it's not like her and I can just say, "Oh well, that didn't work. Do you wanna date me now?" This has happened before. I didn't ask a girl out, because I wasn't ready. By the time I was ready, it was too late and I was miserable. It's all in my livejournal. I really don't wanna go through that again. So, I'm gonna try to meet her as soon as possible. Also, my good friend Scott Hoyt may be up to his old antics again. There's this one guy called, D.C. He liked Robin a lot back in the day, but Robin dated Johnny, so he only stuck around for a few more weeks. Then, he dated this girl, Canli. Hell, after only a few months, he proposed to her. They were engaged up until a couple weeks ago. Apparently, she started talking to Scott and decides that she doesn't wanna be with D.C anymore. So, D.C feels that Scott stole his girl. Well, they're not dating yet, but they did look rather cozy last Friday. Scott has this reputation for being too touchy feely. His mentality is that he's a lady's man and he can touch whatever he pleases. Most of the girls that he hangs out with, have boyfriends and they don't like Scott that much. D.C plans on dragging some of our friends to a place that Scott goes every Friday and beat the hell out of him. First of all, D.C should take care of his own business and not get others involved when it's not necessary. Second of all, it looks like D.C's looking for a scape goat to pin the blame on for his ruined relationship. I talked to most of my friends about it and begged them not to do anything stupid. They assured me that they'd be alright. This is supposed to happen, tonight around ten-ish. Although, I think Scott DOES need his ass kicked for attempting to be a homewrecker several times over, I don't think this is right. We'll just have to see what happens.

Friday, March 7, 2008

EMO Week Returns

Without fail, EMO week has arrived. It always manages to show up once every semester of College. My friends have been up my ass for different reasons. Some were up my ass because of the Denna situation and the rest were up my ass, because they think I'm getting taken advantage of. No matter how I try to explain it, they still don't get it. I'm getting really tired of explaining it. The funny part is that I joked last week that this week would suck, because last week was great. I hate it when I'm right. Plus, there's the average drama going around with some of my friends. Friendships are ending, relationships are breaking up, it's been hell. The only comforting thought is that today is Friday and I'm not gonna be home this weekend. Seth finally got another job at Agway in Owego, but I'm still invited up this weekend. I haven't drank, since the 2CW show. Hell, I haven't been drunk since I met Denna. There's a lot of things that I haven't done since meeting Denna. Some are good, some are bad. I'm gonna get back on track on Monday. I don't know how many times I've said that, but this time I truly plan on getting back on schedule. There's another piece of good news. The Ultimate Fighter Season 7 will be starting soon. I saw a commercial when I was watching TNA last night. This time, the fighters have to FIGHT TO GET ON THE SHOW! Smart move on Dana White's part. There won't be any dumbasses that wanna get on the show just to be on TV anymore. I don't know if we actually get to see THOSE fights. Maybe some highlights from the fights, but that's about it. The two coaches are Quentin Jackson and Forest Griffin. Forest won the very first Ultimate Fighter. Hell, his fight was the best out of all of them. He defeated Stephan Bonner by decision, but the fight was so awesome, Dana White awarded both of them six figure contracts. However, Forest got the wrist watch and a new car for being the winner. Dana White's a stand-up guy. He calls it right down the middle. Well, sometimes he has to call it like he sees it if it's really bad. Season 7 starts in April...I think...I'll have to check it out. I hope it is, because this is Mania month. I'm on Wrestlemania 16 right now. That one sucks. My favorite one is right after it. Back in 2001, I screwed up in school and as a result, I was grounded...SEVERELY! All I could do, was study and do homework. Anything that was used for entertainment in my room was taken out. My TV, video games, videos, everything. All that was left was my dresser and my bed. It was my fault and I can admit that. Even though I didn't get to watch RAW back then, I still knew what was going on. I was isolated from that even. For about...a month I had no idea what was going on. Back then, wrestling was my life. I was obsessed with it. That whole month of February, I didn't know what was going on in the WWE world. In March, I was brought up to speed. It was Wrestlemania month, there was no way in hell that I wasn't gonna miss out on it. That year, it was scheduled to take place on April 1st. There were a lot of big matches on the card. Undertaker was facing off against Triple H, Shane McMahon was facing his father and owner Vince McMahon, Chyna was returning from a serious neck injury to face the Women's Champion Ivory, and Stone Cold Steve Austin won the Royal Rumble to earn the main event spot against the WWE Champion, The Rock. My grandparents had this friend who offered to tape it for me. He never met me, didn't know much about me, but he still wanted to tape Wrestlemania 17 for me. He taped it on that day, but I didn't see it until the following Friday when I had a half day off of school. I was somehow allowed to go to my grandparents' place, so I got to see it. My self-esteem was pretty damn low at this point. It's kind of hard to keep your self-esteem when your father's screaming at you about your grades and says "you're in prison as far as you're concerned!" Basically, that meant there was no entertainment, nothing on the walls, I could only read my text books from school, it sucked. The two matches that I was really anxious to see were Undertaker vs. Triple H and Stone Cold vs. The Rock for the WWE Championship. Those two matches got me through all those months that I was grounded. The entire Wrestlemania was very good. That's why March and/or April are a big deal to me. Those guys got me through a tough time just by going to work and doing their job. Especially when Stone Cold came back from his neck injury and won the WWE Championship back after 8 months. I wasn't a huge Chris Benoit fan back then, but he turned good shortly after, so I liked him for a little bit. He's on that one. This year, the only match that I'm anxious to see is Undertaker vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship. I'm glad that the WWE is making it up to Undertaker and giving him his last Championship reign. I heard last year that he was scheduled to be the Champion until September, but he injured his arm. I don't know how long he'll be champion for this year, but he has to win it back first. Most likely, he will. I don't see a guy like Edge ending his undefeated streak.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Doing What's Right

I spent most of this week hanging out with Denna. Actually, I hung out with a lot of my friends this week. But, I hung out with her for most of the week. Her dad dyed her hair black. Except that he didn't do the entire thing. It looked like there was a patch of brown in the middle of her head. It was actually the last remains of red hair. To my (and everyone else's who knows her) horror, Bridgette said she'd fix it. I despise Bridgette, because she's an immature, conceited, slut. She uses men like they're her boy toys. I have a serious problem with that. Denna's freakin' amazing and I didn't want Bridgette contaminating her. Despite my misgivings, Denna let Bridgette fix her hair. Her hair is now mostly black. Hair color isn't a big deal, but I love red heads. My biggest concern is that Bridgette would rub off on Denna. I'm glad that wasn't the case. I got to know a lot about Denna. For one thing, she's extremely playful like the other red heads that I know. Another thing, she's very affectionate. Another red head quality that I absolutely love. Basically, the girl's incredible. Yesterday, she hung out with Cody, Jeff, Seth, and myself. Seth went to go get money that his cousin, Henry owes me. The rest of us hung out. Then, Jeff and Cody left to do other things. That just left her and me. I went to work at 3:00pm and she followed me over there. She asked if she could stay a bit and I said sure. She's really into astrology. She brought some of her books with her and we read about the different signs. While we were reading, she had her arms wrapped around my neck. She said she felt very comfortable around me. That's probably because she knew that I didn't want to get in her pants. She'd run her nails along my arm, hug me tightly, things like that. Then, she held both of my hands and leaned in to give me a gentle, tender, kiss on the lips. Finally, I had to ask her where we stood. I didn't put it THAT WAY, I was very considerate when I asked her. She said that she'd consider me, but she had already promised her friend. I agreed with her decision. I had to give her friend a fair shot no matter how I felt now. Although it sucks, we're doing the right thing. The bizarre thing is that she still feels comfortable around me. She's not weirded out or anything. Those who show loyalty to their friends despite their feelings have my respect and admiration. I think it's because I know we're doing the right thing that I'm not like I was when Ashley turned me down. In fact, I still feel incredible. If Denna's friend is anything like her, I'm looking forward to meeting her.