Saturday, March 1, 2008

Doing What's Right

I spent most of this week hanging out with Denna. Actually, I hung out with a lot of my friends this week. But, I hung out with her for most of the week. Her dad dyed her hair black. Except that he didn't do the entire thing. It looked like there was a patch of brown in the middle of her head. It was actually the last remains of red hair. To my (and everyone else's who knows her) horror, Bridgette said she'd fix it. I despise Bridgette, because she's an immature, conceited, slut. She uses men like they're her boy toys. I have a serious problem with that. Denna's freakin' amazing and I didn't want Bridgette contaminating her. Despite my misgivings, Denna let Bridgette fix her hair. Her hair is now mostly black. Hair color isn't a big deal, but I love red heads. My biggest concern is that Bridgette would rub off on Denna. I'm glad that wasn't the case. I got to know a lot about Denna. For one thing, she's extremely playful like the other red heads that I know. Another thing, she's very affectionate. Another red head quality that I absolutely love. Basically, the girl's incredible. Yesterday, she hung out with Cody, Jeff, Seth, and myself. Seth went to go get money that his cousin, Henry owes me. The rest of us hung out. Then, Jeff and Cody left to do other things. That just left her and me. I went to work at 3:00pm and she followed me over there. She asked if she could stay a bit and I said sure. She's really into astrology. She brought some of her books with her and we read about the different signs. While we were reading, she had her arms wrapped around my neck. She said she felt very comfortable around me. That's probably because she knew that I didn't want to get in her pants. She'd run her nails along my arm, hug me tightly, things like that. Then, she held both of my hands and leaned in to give me a gentle, tender, kiss on the lips. Finally, I had to ask her where we stood. I didn't put it THAT WAY, I was very considerate when I asked her. She said that she'd consider me, but she had already promised her friend. I agreed with her decision. I had to give her friend a fair shot no matter how I felt now. Although it sucks, we're doing the right thing. The bizarre thing is that she still feels comfortable around me. She's not weirded out or anything. Those who show loyalty to their friends despite their feelings have my respect and admiration. I think it's because I know we're doing the right thing that I'm not like I was when Ashley turned me down. In fact, I still feel incredible. If Denna's friend is anything like her, I'm looking forward to meeting her.

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