Friday, March 7, 2008

EMO Week Returns

Without fail, EMO week has arrived. It always manages to show up once every semester of College. My friends have been up my ass for different reasons. Some were up my ass because of the Denna situation and the rest were up my ass, because they think I'm getting taken advantage of. No matter how I try to explain it, they still don't get it. I'm getting really tired of explaining it. The funny part is that I joked last week that this week would suck, because last week was great. I hate it when I'm right. Plus, there's the average drama going around with some of my friends. Friendships are ending, relationships are breaking up, it's been hell. The only comforting thought is that today is Friday and I'm not gonna be home this weekend. Seth finally got another job at Agway in Owego, but I'm still invited up this weekend. I haven't drank, since the 2CW show. Hell, I haven't been drunk since I met Denna. There's a lot of things that I haven't done since meeting Denna. Some are good, some are bad. I'm gonna get back on track on Monday. I don't know how many times I've said that, but this time I truly plan on getting back on schedule. There's another piece of good news. The Ultimate Fighter Season 7 will be starting soon. I saw a commercial when I was watching TNA last night. This time, the fighters have to FIGHT TO GET ON THE SHOW! Smart move on Dana White's part. There won't be any dumbasses that wanna get on the show just to be on TV anymore. I don't know if we actually get to see THOSE fights. Maybe some highlights from the fights, but that's about it. The two coaches are Quentin Jackson and Forest Griffin. Forest won the very first Ultimate Fighter. Hell, his fight was the best out of all of them. He defeated Stephan Bonner by decision, but the fight was so awesome, Dana White awarded both of them six figure contracts. However, Forest got the wrist watch and a new car for being the winner. Dana White's a stand-up guy. He calls it right down the middle. Well, sometimes he has to call it like he sees it if it's really bad. Season 7 starts in April...I think...I'll have to check it out. I hope it is, because this is Mania month. I'm on Wrestlemania 16 right now. That one sucks. My favorite one is right after it. Back in 2001, I screwed up in school and as a result, I was grounded...SEVERELY! All I could do, was study and do homework. Anything that was used for entertainment in my room was taken out. My TV, video games, videos, everything. All that was left was my dresser and my bed. It was my fault and I can admit that. Even though I didn't get to watch RAW back then, I still knew what was going on. I was isolated from that even. For about...a month I had no idea what was going on. Back then, wrestling was my life. I was obsessed with it. That whole month of February, I didn't know what was going on in the WWE world. In March, I was brought up to speed. It was Wrestlemania month, there was no way in hell that I wasn't gonna miss out on it. That year, it was scheduled to take place on April 1st. There were a lot of big matches on the card. Undertaker was facing off against Triple H, Shane McMahon was facing his father and owner Vince McMahon, Chyna was returning from a serious neck injury to face the Women's Champion Ivory, and Stone Cold Steve Austin won the Royal Rumble to earn the main event spot against the WWE Champion, The Rock. My grandparents had this friend who offered to tape it for me. He never met me, didn't know much about me, but he still wanted to tape Wrestlemania 17 for me. He taped it on that day, but I didn't see it until the following Friday when I had a half day off of school. I was somehow allowed to go to my grandparents' place, so I got to see it. My self-esteem was pretty damn low at this point. It's kind of hard to keep your self-esteem when your father's screaming at you about your grades and says "you're in prison as far as you're concerned!" Basically, that meant there was no entertainment, nothing on the walls, I could only read my text books from school, it sucked. The two matches that I was really anxious to see were Undertaker vs. Triple H and Stone Cold vs. The Rock for the WWE Championship. Those two matches got me through all those months that I was grounded. The entire Wrestlemania was very good. That's why March and/or April are a big deal to me. Those guys got me through a tough time just by going to work and doing their job. Especially when Stone Cold came back from his neck injury and won the WWE Championship back after 8 months. I wasn't a huge Chris Benoit fan back then, but he turned good shortly after, so I liked him for a little bit. He's on that one. This year, the only match that I'm anxious to see is Undertaker vs. Edge for the World Heavyweight Championship. I'm glad that the WWE is making it up to Undertaker and giving him his last Championship reign. I heard last year that he was scheduled to be the Champion until September, but he injured his arm. I don't know how long he'll be champion for this year, but he has to win it back first. Most likely, he will. I don't see a guy like Edge ending his undefeated streak.

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