Monday, March 31, 2008

WrestleMania 24: Undertaker becomes the World Heavyweight Champion.

I went on Spring break last week. Easter was alright, but mostly boring. I hung out with my good friend, Stacey on Tuesday. Wednesday, I went back to Candor. Cody ended up coming up on Friday. A lot of crazy stuff happened on Friday. I ended up getting ganged up on by a bunch of Seth's little brother's friends. There are still a few marks that are gonna take a while to go away. My biggest concern was that Denna make it up on Sunday. Originally, Joe, Ron, Robin, Seth, and myself were gonna watch Wrestlemania 24. Before we went on break, Robin finally got to meet Denna and they got along great from the start. So, Robin suggested that I invite Denna to watch Wrestlemania with me. Her car died that day, so she couldn't make it up. Joe's baby was born, so him and Ron couldn't make it. However, Denna was still planning on coming up to watch it with me. Actually, she was planning on making it up on Friday, but she didn't get back home in time. Since she doesn't drive and neither do I, getting her up was gonna be a challenge. I invited Edaniel to watch Wrestlemania with us too, but I had no way of getting him up here without Joe. He doesn't drive either. Thank God for Cody. He brought both of them up on Sunday and he took Danny home afterwards. However, he gave me a scare yesterday morning. He said that Denna was going to the Syracuse Mall with Bridgette. I was scared she wouldn't get back in time, since it's an hour away from Seth's place. Luckily, Denna's word is her bond. It turns out that she turned Bridgette down to hang out with me instead. Still, she had me pacing back and forth for several hours. In fact, I didn't breathe easy until both of them arrived. We all sat down to watch Wrestlemania. I really couldn't concentrate on the action. Although, she wasn't really doing anything, Denna had 98% of my attention. The other 2% was focused on the action. At one point, she excused herself and was gone for about 15 minutes. I had a feeling that Marcy had gotten a hold of her and was giving her shots. When, we took a break, I found Denna and Marcy talking at the bar. Sure enough, Marcy was working her magic to loosen Denna up. When Denna gets buzzed, she's gets very close to people around her. She likes Italian men and despite the fact that I'm only half, I look Italian. So, we were very cozy on the couch as we watched the rest of Wrestlemania. I really wished John Cena had regained the belt, but there's nothing I can do about it. Cody and I had a bet for the main event. If Undertaker lost, I could never watch any kind of pro wrestling again. Before I finish this story, there's another story that connects with this one. Cody used to smoke. He'd always try to get me to smoke with him. I was being a smart ass one time and said that I would after six beers. Unfortunately for me, he kept the rule alive whenever I went to his place. So, if The Undertaker won, his rule was banned for good. Just like I thought, Undertaker came through for me and made Edge tap out to regain the World Heavyweight Championship. All is right with the world now. After the show was over, Cody and Danny said their good-byes and left. Seth, Denna, and myself went downstairs and had a celebration beer. Seth's favorite wrestler Shawn Michaels had won too and retired 16 time World Champion, Ric Flair. I'm gonna miss seeing Ric wrestle, but I'm glad that I had the honor of watching him in action, period. After our beer, Seth said good night to us and turned in for the night. Denna and I went into the bedroom just next to his. Both of us were buzzed. I had been drinking ever since I found Denna with Marcy, so I was slightly buzzed. Most of our night consisted of kissing and cuddling. Everything felt right. Undertaker won the belt, I had Denna all to myself, and my confidence is at an all-time high. I haven't gotten that close to someone in years. Denna kept on making sure that I was comfortable with what we were doing. The strange thing is that we weren't doing anything wrong. My only rule was that we didn't have sex. I'm saving that for the right person and I won't know who that is until I marry her. Denna respected that wish. She was very affectionate with me. Even when the alcohol wore off, she was still being very affectionate. The feeling can't be explained. It's one of those things that has to be experienced first hand. Today went alright, but I know there'll never be another night like that one. March 30, 2008 was my night and it will always stay that way.

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