Friday, March 14, 2008

Week Recap

This week went better than last week. With the exception of not being able to meet Denna's friend, things have improved. I'll get to that story in a minute. First, I'd like to discuss the new logo on the left side of the blog titled: Verve Earth. Yesterday, I got an e-mail from a guy named Clayton. He's the CEO of Verve Earth, which is another blogging site. Apparently, the title of THIS blog caught his attention. He invited me to check out Verve Earth and to be part of it. I clicked on the link, explored briefly, and decided to sign up. If you click on the link, it'll take you over to my new blog. I've decided that I'm gonna use that one for my wrestling roleplaying online. I used to have a livejournal, which I used to basically piss and moan about how everything sucks. I was 19 years old when I started that one and I was very EMO. I don't really write in that one anymore. I usually use this one. I've played around with this one yesterday. Now, getting back to the Denna's friend situation. She's in two of my classes, but niether one of us are up to making the first move. I was supposed to hang out with her Wednesday, which never happened. Then, I suggested that we hang out today. Well, that almost worked, BUT THE WEATHER HAD TO SUCK TODAY! So, now I have to find another day that works for both of us, which I know is gonna be a pain in the ass. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about this. Not so much meeting her friend, but having to sit back with the possibility that Denna's friend could find someone else without even meeting me. Denna and I sacraficed a chance to date for her friend to meet me, but it would all be in vain if her friend dates someone else. Denna's engaged to someone right now, so it's not like her and I can just say, "Oh well, that didn't work. Do you wanna date me now?" This has happened before. I didn't ask a girl out, because I wasn't ready. By the time I was ready, it was too late and I was miserable. It's all in my livejournal. I really don't wanna go through that again. So, I'm gonna try to meet her as soon as possible. Also, my good friend Scott Hoyt may be up to his old antics again. There's this one guy called, D.C. He liked Robin a lot back in the day, but Robin dated Johnny, so he only stuck around for a few more weeks. Then, he dated this girl, Canli. Hell, after only a few months, he proposed to her. They were engaged up until a couple weeks ago. Apparently, she started talking to Scott and decides that she doesn't wanna be with D.C anymore. So, D.C feels that Scott stole his girl. Well, they're not dating yet, but they did look rather cozy last Friday. Scott has this reputation for being too touchy feely. His mentality is that he's a lady's man and he can touch whatever he pleases. Most of the girls that he hangs out with, have boyfriends and they don't like Scott that much. D.C plans on dragging some of our friends to a place that Scott goes every Friday and beat the hell out of him. First of all, D.C should take care of his own business and not get others involved when it's not necessary. Second of all, it looks like D.C's looking for a scape goat to pin the blame on for his ruined relationship. I talked to most of my friends about it and begged them not to do anything stupid. They assured me that they'd be alright. This is supposed to happen, tonight around ten-ish. Although, I think Scott DOES need his ass kicked for attempting to be a homewrecker several times over, I don't think this is right. We'll just have to see what happens.

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