Monday, March 30, 2009

Last Week Until WrestleMania

Two more weeks and I'll be out of New York State for a while. I'm actually looking forward to it, because this place is definitely taking it's toll on me. Last week wasn't the greatest week, but it wasn't the worst either. Friday, there was a situation. Apparently, this tall guy wearing a black hoodie that said: "poison the well" was trying to pick up Kara and my friend, Amy. Well, I wasn't around, but both of them were shaking after they got away from him. The rest of us that were around, went out of our way to make sure EVERY GIRL WASN'T BY THEMSELVES if they had to go anywhere. It was like we had our own bodyguard service. Oh yeah and after an internal struggle, I've come to the conclusion that although Nate hasn't done anything this semester, he is still pretty close to the line. I met this girl, Veronika. Well, she's on the top of the list of girls Nate wants to date. The poor girl doesn't really have any interest in him. I can't help, but to think back to the Denna situation, last year. Nate thinks that he had a better shot of getting with her than I did. That's funny, seeing how she was also creeped out by him. He can think that all he wants. Denna has told me countless times that if it weren't for that asshole husband of hers, it would've been me that she chose. Still, that didn't stop him from trying to cock-block me, every chance he got. Right now, I find myself in an interesting position. I know he likes Veronika just like he knew I liked Denna. Yet, he tried to steal my thunder anyways. I could try to get a measure of payback. However, that's not really my deal and I think there's enough guys trying to get with her already. Not only that, but that'd be using her for all the wrong reasons. Saturday was my grandfather's birthday. So, I spent the entire day over at their house. An incredible feeling washed over me when I was over there. I'm not the biggest fan of my grandmother, but I have no issue with my grandfather. The best present I could give him was just to hang out over there all day. As a result, this incredible feeling surrounded me. I had that feeling all the time when I was with Denna. Ever since she left, that feeling went with her. Unfortunately, the feeling didn't stay with me. It'll probably come back when I go on vacation. This week, there are somethings that I'm looking forward to and things that I'm not. One of the things that I'm NOT looking forward to is going back to Mike's cabin. The reason being is that both Bridgette Taylor and her slutty bitch friend, Desiree are gonna be there. If it wasn't for the fact that there were going to be other girls there, I wouldn't go. Mikey's my boy, but his taste in women is incredibly disturbing. When he came to visit last week, Desiree was being her little slutty self and seducing him. The problem is that he didn't mind it. She's an annoying little slut. She said some stuff to me that almost got her in a world of hurt. The bitch was about to lose her remaining teeth. But, if Mikey were to have sex with her, it'd be in my favor. She has this freakin' midget that she's engaged to in the Marine Corp. If she ever got on my nerves, I could blackmail that little slut. Bridgette still keeps cuddling with Dan. It's really irritating me. It's taking a lot of will power to not shout: "He freakin' dumped you, bitch! Get the hell over it!" She's also hanging out with these other guys to try to make him feel bad. She's leading them on and that's also pissing me off. I've read her online messages and they're really pathetic. "I'm waiting for a nice guy that likes me for me and not just my body," "I'm getting really annoyed with people trying to get with me when I'm in love with someone else," give me a freakin' break already. She does it to herself and that's why I have no pity for her. I'm guessing that on Friday, I'm gonna flip out on both her and Desiree. Luckily, Seth will be there, so if I have to leave that night, it'll be possible. Sunday is Wrestlemania 25. Denna's not here, so it won't be the same. Still, I'm gonna watch it and I'll probably remember all of it. Last year was great, though. I don't think anything can top it. It wasn't just the event that was awesome. Denna spent the night with me. That's why it was so freakin' awesome. The only thing that the event is missing is Undertaker isn't in the main event. He still has a big match, but I'd rather see him regain the World Heavyweight Championship and get the lengthy title reign that he deserves. This year, he's facing Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels becomes very selfish when Wrestlemania draws closer each year. I remember back in 2004 when he put himself in the Triple Threat World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania 20. Thankfully, Chris Benoit won that match. This year, he's bragging that he's going to be the one to end Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. HA! Yeah, right. Shawn's 6-9 at Wrestlemania. He may put on one hell of a show, but he's usually on the losing end. There have been matches that I could've sworn that he was gonna win and he'd end up losing. Then again, there were a few matches that Undertaker has had that had me concerned. Basically, when he faced Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 21 and when he faced Batista at Wrestlemania 23. I pretty-much knew that he'd win, last year. I'm not too concerned, this year. Shawn Michaels may be known as Mr. Wrestlemania, but he's lost several times at Wrestlemania. Undertaker may have never beaten Shawn when they've faced off before, but there's a first time for everything. Undertaker's going to be 17-0 and there's nothing Shawn Michaels can do about it.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Visiting Cortland

I finally got to visit Cortland for the first time, since December. Even though I've been gone for months, it still felt like home when I came back. I left Candor later than I originally wanted, but it didn't matter. I still managed to see quite a few of my friends than I thought I would. Again, I was amazed by the lack of drama at that place. I hung out with my roommate, Joe for a while. Then, as I was leaving to meet other people, I ran into Kristi and Hillary. Both of them gave me big hugs. So, I talked to them for a little bit. Then, I went off to hang out with some of my other friends. I know when I was at Cortland, I was wishing I was back in Binghamton. Now, I'm back at Binghamton and wishing I was back at Cortland. That's only because that situation happened with Kara, last semester. I realized what would've made me satisfied. If my boys from BCC were with me at Cortland, then everything would've been great. I still loved it over at Cortland, but it would've been nice if my boys were with me. After coming back for a day, I've decided that I want desperately to return to Cortland as soon as possible. If I can pay off what I owe and get a 2-year degree at BCC, there might be a chance that I can come back. The ECPW show was pretty good. Unlike the 2CW show, I wasn't bored at all. Instead of retaliating, they were a class act. Its unfortunate that I'm gonna miss their next Binghamton show. I have a wedding to go to on my dad's side the next day in Virginia Beach. So, I'm gonna miss ECPW's version of a cage match. Keith Zimmer took care of me yesterday and today. Seth pussed out on Friday about going to the ECPW show. He dropped me off at Cortland, then left to go to the movies with Danny's. First of all, that's pretty stupid. That's a lot of gas to waste. Zimmer gave me a place to stay and he drove me back to Candor. I felt bad that I couldn't give him gas money back to Cortland. He said not to worry about it. However, to repay him for his generosity, I'm gonna try to get as many people to the Binghamton show that I can. I'll hand out fliers, I'll tell my friends about it, I'll do everything humanly possible to make sure that they fill up a lot of seats. In June, I'll bring as many people with me to their Cortland show that I can get. That's how I'll make it right.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weeding The Garden

I can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. You choose which one. I know that I've said this before. But, people are really starting to test me. I've done nothing to Kelcie, but she keeps on making me out to be the bad guy. After going to 2CW, we went to pick up Dan and Chris. When we got to Danny's, Kelcie was sitting there hanging out with Jay. I tried to explain that I valued her friendship more than my so-called friendship with Bridgette, but she wasn't in the right state of mind. However, according to her, I got in her face and had my voice raised to her. Danny was right there. I didn't do anything like that. Well, she told Cory and he confronted me about it. After hearing my side of the story, he was cool with me. In fact, he realized that him and I aren't too different. I'm just getting sick of people making me out for something that I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, I don't wanna see Kelcie, I don't wanna talk to Kelcie. I'm done being nice. She'll regret it later. One day, she'll need to talk to me and I'm just going to turn my back on her. Alright, enough of that. Friday, Seth and I went to the movies. I saw Slumdog Millionaire, which wasn't too bad. Then, we picked Danny up from work and went to a party on the south side of Binghamton. We didn't stay long, but it was a good time. The next day, we went to the 2CW show. After seeing both 2CW and ECPW, I'm starting to lean towards ECPW. There are guys in 2CW that I like and I'll still go to the shows, but ECPW has bigger stars. With the exception of Kamala and Jimmy Snuka, their main attractions can still go. Brutus Beefcake still had it when I saw him a few weeks ago. 2CW did a cage match, which was Keith Zimmer's idea for a future show in ECPW. Also, 2CW handed out signs that said ECPW BLOWS!, EXTREMELY CRAPPY PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING, and 2CW OWNS BINGHAMTON. Not only that, but Zachary Springate III grabbed the mic and said that ECPW couldn't hold 2CW's jock. ECPW never slandered 2CW once. So, now that 2CW called out ECPW, it's gonna be war. The 2CW show didn't disappoint, but I'm looking forward to the Cortland show, next weekend. This week, I'm going to "weed the garden" once again. Like I've said before. My friends define who I am. With Bridgette Taylor and Kelcie gone, I might as well find out who my true friends are. The hell with the rest of them. I may joke about being the godfather in the family, but in a way, I fit that role. I already know that Danny, Chris, and Dan are behind me. Seth's just there, but whatever. Overall, the weekend wasn't bad, but I'd like just one weekend that nobody screwed with me. If I'm in Cortland next weekend, then I don't think I'll have to worry about that.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Family

Five years ago, a select few of us formed a second family. Some of us have faded away, since then. However, some of us have stayed. Chris and I are the only two that have been around all five years. Both of us have brought in others to join our family. Some stayed, some didn't belong. Yesterday, we argued who the godfather would be in our family. He may have brought more people in, but whenever I needed someone taken down, I'd have him and Dan do it. So, I'm the godfather. Another reason would be that Denna always brought her friends to hang with mine, but she'd tell them that "Jack has to be the one to accept you." Speaking of Denna, I've talked to her online a lot. She apologized for not calling me, but I wasn't too concerned with that. Although I really didn't want to tell her what's been on my mind over a computer screen, I had no choice. I couldn't wait until she came home. I'll get into that later. This week, Dan had to make a hard decision. He had to break it off with his girlfriend. She's a freakin' psycho for one thing, but that's not what got him to finally end it. A friend of his informed him that she caught his girlfriend making out with another guy. I give Dan a lot of credit. Even though she did wrong, he still didn't wanna hurt her. It took a few minutes for the words to sink in, but when they did, I was extremely pissed. Dan's just like me. For someone to do something like that to him gets my blood boiling. Yesterday, he finally broke it off with her. I was expecting a war. Her friend, Des'ray has been being a bitch to both Dan and Chris. In fact, Chris was very close to exchanging words with her. If she said anything to Dan, Chris and I were gonna put her in her place fast. As for his ex-girlfriend, Dan asked me not to start anything, so I'm biting my tongue. I have tons of things I'd like to say to her, but out of respect for Dan, I'm keeping my mouth shut. Dan, Chris, and I are a family. There's more out there that are part of the family, but we're the only ones around that are representin'. Bridgette's a psycho because she drops the "L" word on the third day and referred to Dan, Chris, and I as HER second family. Bridgette never was and never will be part of the family. Just like Seth. He's just there. He may hang out with us, but he'll never be one of us. It took Chris and I at least a year before we were like brothers. Back in 2006, there were at least eight of us that always hung out together every day. Even outside of BCC, we'd hang out. The number's not that high as of right now. In 2007, Chris' brother Dan came to BCC and because he was blood related to Chris, he was automatically accepted into the family. Last year, I met Denna. She came with me when I was going to see Dan and Chris. Because she was with me, she was accepted almost immediately. Speaking of Denna, I finally talked to her on Tuesday. Not the way I'd have liked, but at least I talked to her. If I had it my way, I'd have her go for a walk with me. Her asshole husband always has the cell phone, so she couldn't call me, so like I said before, I had no choice. I told her how I felt, which may be unusual for a guy, but I take pride in not being like every other guy. I was grateful that she didn't run or say that maybe we should take a break from talking. That's what Ashley did. I was afraid that history would repeat itself. Actually, I was surprised to learn that I mean a lot to her too. We ended the conversation with "I love you". Before, we'd end it with "I heart you." Which, is the same thing, but it doesn't have the same affect. Our conversation today, I said "I heart you." However, she said "Love ya." Ever since marrying Keegan, she hasn't said "I love you" to me. So, I felt special. If she did end up coming home, she said she'd wanna start over, which is fine with me. I'm still gonna want her to be with me, but if she wants to start over, then we'll start over. When I was on my way home, I realized that I had made her day. I made her feel just as great as she makes me feel. I even asked her if I made her feel special and her response was, "yes, you make me feel nice." Just knowing that, made my day. She comes home in August. Maybe this time, she'll be more like her. Last time, she was disappointed that she wasn't home for good. Hopefully, when she comes back, it'll be just like old times.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Things are starting to calm down a bit around here. With the exception of Monday, the week wasn't that bad. Then again, I didn't hang out at BCC that much, so that could have something to do with it. I haven't talked to Kelcie, since she called me on Sunday. Dan and Chris wanted to talk to her, but I told them not to worry about it. They didn't want Bridgette to break up my friendship with her, but she didn't. Kelcie chose to end it herself. Depending on how this week goes, I might call her up and settle things. Worse case scenario, I'll make sure I get the last word. Friday, after Seth got out of work, we went over to The Beef to hang out with Danny. That was actually a smart move. Cody wanted us to go to the hooka bar, but we'd have to pick up Bridgette on the way. Seth didn't want her in his car, so I told Cody he was too tired to go anywhere. One of Danny's co-workers, Joe called up a lady friend of his. She told him that she was bringing three of her friends with her. He turned to me and said, "I only need one of them, so play it cool." I thought that was freakin' awesome. I'm used to these freakin' guys surrounded by a group of girls and they're usually unwilling to share. Joe has his priorities in order. He knows that he only needs one girl to be happy. When they came, I talked to one of them. Her name's Jane, she goes to Binghamton University. Unfortunately, they didn't stay long, but Joe works with Danny, so I'm not worried about not seeing them again. Saturday, was gonna be the big Mardi Gras party. Key word in that sentence is "was". Danny left his girlfriend, Jay in charge of that party. Jay doesn't really know how to plan a party, so there was a drunk annoying guy, a pregnant girl with her black boyfriend, and Seth and me. Seth and I left around midnight. I called Danny when we got home, because I was bored AND I wanted to find out if any girls managed to show up. "No, everybody left," he replied. We talked about how disappointing the party was and then I told Danny about the parties at Camp that I hosted. Danny said those were the kind of parties that he wanted. I wish Danny could've made those parties. For one thing, nobody would've messed with me if Danny were there. Nothing would've been broken and I'd still have had $200 in my wallet. As I was reminiscing about the parties at Camp, it came to me that I really did enjoy myself, last summer. Sure, the job wasn't exactly a barrel of laughs and I missed my boys back home, but at the end of the day, those same people that I worked with were in the same boat that I was in. I wouldn't go as far as say we were a second family, but we made the best of it. I miss anybody from Australia. They were just awesome. Especially, Matt and Erin. I think I was Erin's favorite. Matt would tell me that Erin always asked how I was doing. She was great. My other favorite was Meagan from Scotland. Her and I were gonna hang out at the place I was staying, but that never happened. I have a feeling that she'll work at the camp again, because last year was her second year working there. I do plan on visiting the camp a couple times, this summer. But, I have no intention of working there again. Before going to Danny's, I took a long walk. I had a lot of things on my mind. Mostly, Denna was on my mind. I found out on Friday that she was leaving early Saturday morning to go back to Kansas. If I had known she was leaving sooner, I'd have made an effort to hang out with her during the week. As I've said before, I have a few journals from high school. My journal from 9th grade is filled with pages about wrestling. Wrestling, wrestling, wrestling, my girlfriend, wrestling, my girlfriend, wrestling wrestling, wrestling. Then, my 2006 journal AND my old livejournal online is filled with Ashley. Ashley, Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. That's all it is. I've read this one a few times. Now, I discovered a pattern. This one's filled with things about Denna. Denna, Denna, Denna, Denna. Yeah sure, there's other stuff in here as well, but from 2008 to about now, it's been all Denna. I've been thinking of why I didn't tell her about everything a year ago. Last night, I realized why. I thought that I had already lost. My spirit was broken. So, I just let her go. I felt used, so I just let her go. 2008 was definitely my year. My favorite football team, the Giants won the superbowl, Undertaker won the World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania, my bank account was the best it's ever been, and Denna came into my life. I wasn't alone in 2008, because she was there. Almost immediately after meeting me, she met my friends and she was accepted. This all happened before her moronic husband entered the picture. The second or third day we hung out, we were flirting with each other. I knew she liked me and I'm pretty sure she knew that I liked her. I remember everybody was to leave the BCC Campus due to a big snow storm heading our way. I had to take the bus. Bridgette and Denna had to take the bus as well. I really didn't like Bridgette back then and I guess my facial expressions showed it. Denna noticed and playfully poked my side. That started a poking/tickling war. Later, she called me and said she did that to distract me. She could tell that Bridgette was getting on my nerves, so she distracted me. That's when I realized that there was some kind of attraction there. I don't know what it is about her. I can remember every moment and every word we've shared. Not only that, but I remember the scent of her perfume (cologne actually), the way she looked at me, the way she'd gently brush her hand on my cheek. There's an old saying. You don't know what you have until it's gone. That was the case with Ashley. With Denna, I knew exactly what I had. I had learned the first time with Ashley. So, when I was walking, I was thinking about everything. One thing that I've learned is that in some cases, there's no such thing as "too late." Hell, there is no tomorrow. So, I'm going to tell Denna everything. I'm gonna prove to her that I'm better than her worthless husband. Also, I'm gonna prove to her that I'm the path to her being happy, because I don't think she's happy, right now. She seemed happier, here in Binghamton. Where all her friends and family are. Where I am. I think she'd be happier with me, because last year, she was happy with me. She did ask me to keep in touch with Cory, which I had already planned on doing. That was her way of asking me to look after him. That's no problem. My mission is to get things back to the way they were. I'm gonna make things go back to the way they should be. I know talk is cheap and actions speak louder than words. It's about time I took action.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Good, The Bad, The Aftermath

This weekend has definitely interesting. Yesterday wasn't really that good due to Seth's little step-brother egging me on to the point that I popped him in the jaw. To make things worse, Kelcie's upset at me because of what happened on Saturday, although I did absolutely nothing wrong. Today, Seth came really close to getting cracked in the jaw like his step-brother. I'm really getting fed up with him. The bastard doesn't think before he speaks. Last week wasn't exactly the greatest week in the world either. Surprisingly, I talked to Bridgette about the stuff that's going on between her, Cody, and Kelcie. To my shock, she's not really interested in Cody. So, I cleaned the slate with the final warning that she doesn't interfere in Cody and Kelcie's relationship. Well, despite all that, Cody and Kelcie are taking a break. So, Kelcie called me up and took out all of her frustration on me. I'm sorry, but that's messed up. I did nothing wrong. I would still be there for Kelcie if she needed me. Instead, she chose to cut all ties with me, with Cody, and all of Cody's friends. She'll regret it later and she'll have to live with it. Alright, enough about all that. Friday's party didn't go as well as it could have. In fact, Friday's party sucked. Which is a shocker, because I thought it was gonna be great. But, Chris was all pissed off at something, Dan's girlfriend was spreading high school drama, and Dan was nervous about what to do with her. So, it wasn't really that great. Here's the amusing part. I thought Cody's '70's theme party was going to suck as well. Surprisingly, it was a hell of a lot better than Friday's party. My highlight from that party was talking to Denna's friend Cory. Apparently, before Denna brought him over to Danny's a few weeks ago, she told him I was the guy that needed to accept him. Denna told him a lot about me when she came home. I just find that flattering. It's almost like getting a father's approval when you're dating his daughter. The fact that Denna brought him over to hang out with MY friends is also a huge honor. When she was in Kansas, my name didn't come up at all. That's mainly because her and I weren't talking. I felt like I had been used and she thought I was an asshole. Then, we both apologized and things got better between us. I liked Cory the first night that I met him. But, we didn't really have the conversation that we had on Saturday. He said that he just wanted me to know that he wasn't going to do anything to hurt Denna. I assured him that I already knew he wouldn't do anything like that. Denna almost did kick somebody's ass at the party. I was about to get involved, but Cory was the voice of reason. Still, we went outside just to make sure that Denna was alright. Overall, the party on Saturday was a blast. Unfortunately, the aftermath was far from it. Things don't seem the same and I don't know how much more I can take. Things just seem to be getting worse and worse. I can't express how badly I wish I could go back just one year. 2008 will always be my year.