Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Family

Five years ago, a select few of us formed a second family. Some of us have faded away, since then. However, some of us have stayed. Chris and I are the only two that have been around all five years. Both of us have brought in others to join our family. Some stayed, some didn't belong. Yesterday, we argued who the godfather would be in our family. He may have brought more people in, but whenever I needed someone taken down, I'd have him and Dan do it. So, I'm the godfather. Another reason would be that Denna always brought her friends to hang with mine, but she'd tell them that "Jack has to be the one to accept you." Speaking of Denna, I've talked to her online a lot. She apologized for not calling me, but I wasn't too concerned with that. Although I really didn't want to tell her what's been on my mind over a computer screen, I had no choice. I couldn't wait until she came home. I'll get into that later. This week, Dan had to make a hard decision. He had to break it off with his girlfriend. She's a freakin' psycho for one thing, but that's not what got him to finally end it. A friend of his informed him that she caught his girlfriend making out with another guy. I give Dan a lot of credit. Even though she did wrong, he still didn't wanna hurt her. It took a few minutes for the words to sink in, but when they did, I was extremely pissed. Dan's just like me. For someone to do something like that to him gets my blood boiling. Yesterday, he finally broke it off with her. I was expecting a war. Her friend, Des'ray has been being a bitch to both Dan and Chris. In fact, Chris was very close to exchanging words with her. If she said anything to Dan, Chris and I were gonna put her in her place fast. As for his ex-girlfriend, Dan asked me not to start anything, so I'm biting my tongue. I have tons of things I'd like to say to her, but out of respect for Dan, I'm keeping my mouth shut. Dan, Chris, and I are a family. There's more out there that are part of the family, but we're the only ones around that are representin'. Bridgette's a psycho because she drops the "L" word on the third day and referred to Dan, Chris, and I as HER second family. Bridgette never was and never will be part of the family. Just like Seth. He's just there. He may hang out with us, but he'll never be one of us. It took Chris and I at least a year before we were like brothers. Back in 2006, there were at least eight of us that always hung out together every day. Even outside of BCC, we'd hang out. The number's not that high as of right now. In 2007, Chris' brother Dan came to BCC and because he was blood related to Chris, he was automatically accepted into the family. Last year, I met Denna. She came with me when I was going to see Dan and Chris. Because she was with me, she was accepted almost immediately. Speaking of Denna, I finally talked to her on Tuesday. Not the way I'd have liked, but at least I talked to her. If I had it my way, I'd have her go for a walk with me. Her asshole husband always has the cell phone, so she couldn't call me, so like I said before, I had no choice. I told her how I felt, which may be unusual for a guy, but I take pride in not being like every other guy. I was grateful that she didn't run or say that maybe we should take a break from talking. That's what Ashley did. I was afraid that history would repeat itself. Actually, I was surprised to learn that I mean a lot to her too. We ended the conversation with "I love you". Before, we'd end it with "I heart you." Which, is the same thing, but it doesn't have the same affect. Our conversation today, I said "I heart you." However, she said "Love ya." Ever since marrying Keegan, she hasn't said "I love you" to me. So, I felt special. If she did end up coming home, she said she'd wanna start over, which is fine with me. I'm still gonna want her to be with me, but if she wants to start over, then we'll start over. When I was on my way home, I realized that I had made her day. I made her feel just as great as she makes me feel. I even asked her if I made her feel special and her response was, "yes, you make me feel nice." Just knowing that, made my day. She comes home in August. Maybe this time, she'll be more like her. Last time, she was disappointed that she wasn't home for good. Hopefully, when she comes back, it'll be just like old times.

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