Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weeding The Garden

I can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. You choose which one. I know that I've said this before. But, people are really starting to test me. I've done nothing to Kelcie, but she keeps on making me out to be the bad guy. After going to 2CW, we went to pick up Dan and Chris. When we got to Danny's, Kelcie was sitting there hanging out with Jay. I tried to explain that I valued her friendship more than my so-called friendship with Bridgette, but she wasn't in the right state of mind. However, according to her, I got in her face and had my voice raised to her. Danny was right there. I didn't do anything like that. Well, she told Cory and he confronted me about it. After hearing my side of the story, he was cool with me. In fact, he realized that him and I aren't too different. I'm just getting sick of people making me out for something that I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, I don't wanna see Kelcie, I don't wanna talk to Kelcie. I'm done being nice. She'll regret it later. One day, she'll need to talk to me and I'm just going to turn my back on her. Alright, enough of that. Friday, Seth and I went to the movies. I saw Slumdog Millionaire, which wasn't too bad. Then, we picked Danny up from work and went to a party on the south side of Binghamton. We didn't stay long, but it was a good time. The next day, we went to the 2CW show. After seeing both 2CW and ECPW, I'm starting to lean towards ECPW. There are guys in 2CW that I like and I'll still go to the shows, but ECPW has bigger stars. With the exception of Kamala and Jimmy Snuka, their main attractions can still go. Brutus Beefcake still had it when I saw him a few weeks ago. 2CW did a cage match, which was Keith Zimmer's idea for a future show in ECPW. Also, 2CW handed out signs that said ECPW BLOWS!, EXTREMELY CRAPPY PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING, and 2CW OWNS BINGHAMTON. Not only that, but Zachary Springate III grabbed the mic and said that ECPW couldn't hold 2CW's jock. ECPW never slandered 2CW once. So, now that 2CW called out ECPW, it's gonna be war. The 2CW show didn't disappoint, but I'm looking forward to the Cortland show, next weekend. This week, I'm going to "weed the garden" once again. Like I've said before. My friends define who I am. With Bridgette Taylor and Kelcie gone, I might as well find out who my true friends are. The hell with the rest of them. I may joke about being the godfather in the family, but in a way, I fit that role. I already know that Danny, Chris, and Dan are behind me. Seth's just there, but whatever. Overall, the weekend wasn't bad, but I'd like just one weekend that nobody screwed with me. If I'm in Cortland next weekend, then I don't think I'll have to worry about that.

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