Monday, March 2, 2009

The Good, The Bad, The Aftermath

This weekend has definitely interesting. Yesterday wasn't really that good due to Seth's little step-brother egging me on to the point that I popped him in the jaw. To make things worse, Kelcie's upset at me because of what happened on Saturday, although I did absolutely nothing wrong. Today, Seth came really close to getting cracked in the jaw like his step-brother. I'm really getting fed up with him. The bastard doesn't think before he speaks. Last week wasn't exactly the greatest week in the world either. Surprisingly, I talked to Bridgette about the stuff that's going on between her, Cody, and Kelcie. To my shock, she's not really interested in Cody. So, I cleaned the slate with the final warning that she doesn't interfere in Cody and Kelcie's relationship. Well, despite all that, Cody and Kelcie are taking a break. So, Kelcie called me up and took out all of her frustration on me. I'm sorry, but that's messed up. I did nothing wrong. I would still be there for Kelcie if she needed me. Instead, she chose to cut all ties with me, with Cody, and all of Cody's friends. She'll regret it later and she'll have to live with it. Alright, enough about all that. Friday's party didn't go as well as it could have. In fact, Friday's party sucked. Which is a shocker, because I thought it was gonna be great. But, Chris was all pissed off at something, Dan's girlfriend was spreading high school drama, and Dan was nervous about what to do with her. So, it wasn't really that great. Here's the amusing part. I thought Cody's '70's theme party was going to suck as well. Surprisingly, it was a hell of a lot better than Friday's party. My highlight from that party was talking to Denna's friend Cory. Apparently, before Denna brought him over to Danny's a few weeks ago, she told him I was the guy that needed to accept him. Denna told him a lot about me when she came home. I just find that flattering. It's almost like getting a father's approval when you're dating his daughter. The fact that Denna brought him over to hang out with MY friends is also a huge honor. When she was in Kansas, my name didn't come up at all. That's mainly because her and I weren't talking. I felt like I had been used and she thought I was an asshole. Then, we both apologized and things got better between us. I liked Cory the first night that I met him. But, we didn't really have the conversation that we had on Saturday. He said that he just wanted me to know that he wasn't going to do anything to hurt Denna. I assured him that I already knew he wouldn't do anything like that. Denna almost did kick somebody's ass at the party. I was about to get involved, but Cory was the voice of reason. Still, we went outside just to make sure that Denna was alright. Overall, the party on Saturday was a blast. Unfortunately, the aftermath was far from it. Things don't seem the same and I don't know how much more I can take. Things just seem to be getting worse and worse. I can't express how badly I wish I could go back just one year. 2008 will always be my year.

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