Monday, March 30, 2009

Last Week Until WrestleMania

Two more weeks and I'll be out of New York State for a while. I'm actually looking forward to it, because this place is definitely taking it's toll on me. Last week wasn't the greatest week, but it wasn't the worst either. Friday, there was a situation. Apparently, this tall guy wearing a black hoodie that said: "poison the well" was trying to pick up Kara and my friend, Amy. Well, I wasn't around, but both of them were shaking after they got away from him. The rest of us that were around, went out of our way to make sure EVERY GIRL WASN'T BY THEMSELVES if they had to go anywhere. It was like we had our own bodyguard service. Oh yeah and after an internal struggle, I've come to the conclusion that although Nate hasn't done anything this semester, he is still pretty close to the line. I met this girl, Veronika. Well, she's on the top of the list of girls Nate wants to date. The poor girl doesn't really have any interest in him. I can't help, but to think back to the Denna situation, last year. Nate thinks that he had a better shot of getting with her than I did. That's funny, seeing how she was also creeped out by him. He can think that all he wants. Denna has told me countless times that if it weren't for that asshole husband of hers, it would've been me that she chose. Still, that didn't stop him from trying to cock-block me, every chance he got. Right now, I find myself in an interesting position. I know he likes Veronika just like he knew I liked Denna. Yet, he tried to steal my thunder anyways. I could try to get a measure of payback. However, that's not really my deal and I think there's enough guys trying to get with her already. Not only that, but that'd be using her for all the wrong reasons. Saturday was my grandfather's birthday. So, I spent the entire day over at their house. An incredible feeling washed over me when I was over there. I'm not the biggest fan of my grandmother, but I have no issue with my grandfather. The best present I could give him was just to hang out over there all day. As a result, this incredible feeling surrounded me. I had that feeling all the time when I was with Denna. Ever since she left, that feeling went with her. Unfortunately, the feeling didn't stay with me. It'll probably come back when I go on vacation. This week, there are somethings that I'm looking forward to and things that I'm not. One of the things that I'm NOT looking forward to is going back to Mike's cabin. The reason being is that both Bridgette Taylor and her slutty bitch friend, Desiree are gonna be there. If it wasn't for the fact that there were going to be other girls there, I wouldn't go. Mikey's my boy, but his taste in women is incredibly disturbing. When he came to visit last week, Desiree was being her little slutty self and seducing him. The problem is that he didn't mind it. She's an annoying little slut. She said some stuff to me that almost got her in a world of hurt. The bitch was about to lose her remaining teeth. But, if Mikey were to have sex with her, it'd be in my favor. She has this freakin' midget that she's engaged to in the Marine Corp. If she ever got on my nerves, I could blackmail that little slut. Bridgette still keeps cuddling with Dan. It's really irritating me. It's taking a lot of will power to not shout: "He freakin' dumped you, bitch! Get the hell over it!" She's also hanging out with these other guys to try to make him feel bad. She's leading them on and that's also pissing me off. I've read her online messages and they're really pathetic. "I'm waiting for a nice guy that likes me for me and not just my body," "I'm getting really annoyed with people trying to get with me when I'm in love with someone else," give me a freakin' break already. She does it to herself and that's why I have no pity for her. I'm guessing that on Friday, I'm gonna flip out on both her and Desiree. Luckily, Seth will be there, so if I have to leave that night, it'll be possible. Sunday is Wrestlemania 25. Denna's not here, so it won't be the same. Still, I'm gonna watch it and I'll probably remember all of it. Last year was great, though. I don't think anything can top it. It wasn't just the event that was awesome. Denna spent the night with me. That's why it was so freakin' awesome. The only thing that the event is missing is Undertaker isn't in the main event. He still has a big match, but I'd rather see him regain the World Heavyweight Championship and get the lengthy title reign that he deserves. This year, he's facing Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels becomes very selfish when Wrestlemania draws closer each year. I remember back in 2004 when he put himself in the Triple Threat World Heavyweight Championship match at Wrestlemania 20. Thankfully, Chris Benoit won that match. This year, he's bragging that he's going to be the one to end Undertaker's undefeated streak at Wrestlemania. HA! Yeah, right. Shawn's 6-9 at Wrestlemania. He may put on one hell of a show, but he's usually on the losing end. There have been matches that I could've sworn that he was gonna win and he'd end up losing. Then again, there were a few matches that Undertaker has had that had me concerned. Basically, when he faced Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 21 and when he faced Batista at Wrestlemania 23. I pretty-much knew that he'd win, last year. I'm not too concerned, this year. Shawn Michaels may be known as Mr. Wrestlemania, but he's lost several times at Wrestlemania. Undertaker may have never beaten Shawn when they've faced off before, but there's a first time for everything. Undertaker's going to be 17-0 and there's nothing Shawn Michaels can do about it.

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