Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Getting Back On Top

The Ultimate Fighter Season 9: United States vs. United Kingdom started on Wednesday. The UK fighters look pretty dominating. More than half the fights ended with a knee to the jaw. I haven't seen the U.S fighters yet, but my money's on the UK right now. Apparently, Dan Henderson and Rich Franklin have fought to see who's coaching the U.S team. I think Dan Henderson won that fight, but I'm not exactly sure. Friday was a freakin' disaster. Despite my warnings, Mike had Desiree and Bridgette at the cabin. Surprisingly, Bridgette wasn't really that annoying. In fact, she was fine. However, Desiree was both annoying and obnoxious. Things definitely would've been better if she wasn't at the cabin. Although, if Mike hadn't invited both her and his girlfriend, Tiffany to the cabin, there probably wouldn't have been any tension. At one point, Tiffany had enough of Desiree and started screaming at her. Then, she went after her. However, Dan and Chris were there as well. Dan held Tiffany back and I guess Desiree was hiding behind Chris. Seth was also being annoying, but I'm used to it. Before all of that happened, Chris was thinking about things that happened over the summer. Basically, it's similar to the Denna situation, last Spring. Like me, he's sick of getting the short end of the stick. So, the cabin wasn't as great as it was, last year. Saturday, Dan, Chris, Bridgette, and Steve Clarke came over to Seth's place. His parents are in Florida already, so he had the house to himself. We just hung out and watched a couple movies. It was much better than Friday at the cabin. Also, my grudge against Bridgette Taylor dissolved. I can't hold a grudge to save my life anyways. It still weirds me out that she calls us her second family, but I don't have any big issue with her....for now. Sunday was Wrestlemania 25. Before that, I got an unexpected phone call from Kelcie. We talked about everything that's gone down in the past few weeks. All has been forgiven. Her and I hung out, yesterday. She came with us to watch Wrestlemania 25 at Danny's. This time, I was actually able to focus on the matches. Still, it would've been nice to have a repeat of last year. The best part of the entire PPV was Undertaker becoming 17-0. That match with him and Shawn Michaels was probably the best match on the entire PPV. Things are starting to get better. They're not back to the way they were, but there's definitely improvement. I still wish things were like they were in 2008, but that was a one-time deal. Kelcie and I both wish we could go back. Sometimes, there's days I wish I could go back all the way to 2004. The sacrafice would be that I might not meet some of the friends that I have now. I wouldn't know Dan, Chris, Kara, Abby, Robin, Johnny, or anybody. Danny was part of Ashley's life before, so I'd probably still meet him and Cody. Then again, maybe just knowing Cody, would lead to me meeting everybody else. Still, I wouldn't wanna risk it. I don't know what I'd do without those guys. I'm better off with them than without them. The week and overall, the weekend have been better than the others. So, I'm starting to return to acting like myself. Despite what Denna says, I still think that I was changing. Maybe she didn't notice it, but I did. In her defense, she didn't have the same emotions running through her mind, like I did. It doesn't matter now, because I'm acting more like myself. I feel better, I look better, I am better. I should still feel the same way, if not better for the next couple weeks. I have a lot to look forward to. Maybe the rest of this year will be tolerable. Right now, things are looking good.

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