Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stabbed In The Back.

For some reason, they're starting to have two fights per Ultimate Fighter episode. Team UK picked up another win, but Team USA had the last word by getting their first win. I'm sorry, but I'm really pulling for Team UK. Most of the guys on Team USA are immature litte punks. There's one guy that I dislike on Team USA. Cameron Dollar. He's this little punk-ass bitch that's getting on everyone's nerves. The other guy that keeps bitching about Bisping, won his fight, last night. Speaking of Mike Bisping, he wasn't at the last fight. No one knows where he was. To the UK fighter's credit, he didn't blame Bisping for the loss he suffered. I seriously think that if Dan Henderson didn't show for a fight and the USA figher lost, he'd blame it on Henderson. Team USA has been bickering among themselves. That's part of their problem. They're not acting like a team. They'll learn soon enough. This week hasn't exactly been the best. Tuesday, I hung out with Kelcie like I always do. Well, she told me some more crap that Seth's been pulling. I guess after he was done hanging out with Cody, he went to hang out with Kelcie. She asked "Where's Jack?" because she wanted to hang out with me as well. He said I was hanging out with Robin, which is NOT true at all. I was at home. Then, he kept telling her that she's beautiful. There's a reason why I don't use certain words. It's mostly due to the fact that creepy little bastards use them and I don't wanna be put in that category. "Beautiful" is one of those words that creepy little bastards use in my opinion. So, I cautiously use it or I don't use it at all. Seth uses the words "beautiful" and "gorgeous" way too much when describing girls. First of all, not all girls are gorgeous. I think that there are different levels of how good a girl looks. Gorgeous is right up on the top of the list. Well, they went to hang out with Kelcie's friends. When they got there, he was playing with her hair, rubbing her shoulders, her back, things like that. He kept hovering over her and crap. Basically, he was acting like they were dating. Then, she saw a good looking guy over there that she didn't know. He saw her too and asked, "what's your name?" She told him, but Seth barges in and introduces himself. I guess the guy backed off after that. Then, when Kelcie starts talking about Cody, he says "I think everybody's sick of hearing about him." How freakin' stupid can you be? But, that's not what really pissed me off. He began making up these lies. He told Kelcie that Danny, Jay, and I are hiding something from her, because we don't wanna hurt her. When Kelcie asked him what it was, he said, "I can't tell you, I don't wanna hurt you." That's a freakin' lie. There is no big secret. Well, before Kelcie told me about this, she said that she couldn't date me due to the fact that I'm Cody's friend. I was fine with that, but then she told me what Seth did and said that she didn't wanna hang out with him alone again. I was pissed after hearing all this. Kelcie doesn't give second chances. However, she gave me one and I know that her trust in me has been restored. He could've screwed everything up for me. Just because he wanted to get with her. He's a backstabbing scumbag. Kelcie tried calming me down by blaring music, waving my arm around, and even kissing my hand. I know she cares and that's just as good as anything. She asked me to "let it go", but I had to let Danny know what's been going on. Also, there's no secrets between my boys and I. I talked to Danny at his work with the scumbag right around the corner. He also told me to let it go. So, for now I am. But, rest assured. Seth's gonna get his. He's so freakin' pathetic. I really wanted to kick his head in. Also, Dan's back with Bridgette. She freakin' manipulated him and I'm none too pleased about it. If she hurts him, I'm gonna make her life a living hell. The only good thing that's happened so far is that Chris has a girlfriend too. I haven't met her yet, but the same goes for her too. If she hurts him, she's dealing with me. As for me, I have no one. Still, I have a feeling that I might not be single for much longer. I don't have anyone lined up, but I have the same feeling that I did, last year. Within a few weeks, I met Denna and there seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I do get to take Kelcie out on a date, next week. We're going as friends and we agreed to be just friends. Still, I've been there before, last year. There's definitely going to be some major changes happening soon. The first one being dealing with Seth.

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