Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring Break.

I left for Orlando on Thursday. Seth's sister drove most (if not all) of the way down. It was her, her friend, Santanna, Seth and me. We got there around 5:30 in the afternoon, Friday. The house that Seth's family rented was freakin' sweet. Saturday, we went to Disney World. I've always wanted to go to Disney World, but I never had the chance until last week. Disney's great, but the prices are ridiculous. On Easter, we went to Typhoon Lagoon, which is a Disney water park. That was pretty cool too. Monday, we were back at Disney. Most of the time, we were at Disney. I'm not really a big fan of rollercoasters, but I went on a few of them while I was there. What I liked mostly about Disney is that it had something for everybody. There was no age barrier. Tuesday, it was raining. So, we didn't go to Disney until around 6:00 at night. Before that, Seth's mother and sister got into it. Later, his mom would flip out on his step-father, which I thought was a little uncalled for, but I kept my mouth shut. So, Tuesday sucked. Wednesday, Seth, Santanna, his sister, and I went to Blizzard Beach, which is another Disney water park. I wasn't really big on this one. I liked Typhoon Lagoon better. After that, we got a 12 pack of beer and hung out at the house. That was relaxing. Later, I watched the Ultimate Fighter. Rob Browning didn't win his fight, so he will not be part of this season. Thank God for that. He's just like his brother. In fact, the guys that had already won the right to stay in the house, called him Junie Browning Jr. Now, Team USA is a full team. I still think the UK's gonna crush these guys, but anything can happen. Thursday, we went to Disney for the last time. We had another family with us. Friday, I left with Seth's step-father. Seth flew home with his mom. So, I was in a van all of Friday. Saturday, we got back around 2:30 in the afternoon. I slept for a little bit, then Cody called me about Danny's surprise birthday party around 5:00. At the time, I told him I was down for it, but I honestly didn't expect to make it. I was dead tired. I woke up around 8:00. I felt well-rested, so I got ready. When I got there, there were a few new faces. Bridgette Buckland was there. Kelcie showed up, later. Bridgette's deathly afraid of Kelcie. So, when Kelcie was calmly talking to Bridgette, she freaked out. Personally, I thought that was hillarious. Because Bridgette freaked out, there was a little bit of drama, but it didn't kill the party. Samantha and Jerimiah were there. It was cool to see them again. Sam hasn't changed at all. Jerimiah hasn't either. Him and I were busting on each other a little bit. I still don't remember meeting Sam, last year. I kind of wish I did. But, then again I was so wrapped up in Denna, that it really wouldn't have mattered anyways. At Cody's birthday party AND Danny's birthday party, Sam kept looking in my direction. I know she's happy with Jerimiah and he's a good guy, so I know it's not an attraction. There's just something about the way she was looking at me. Oh well, I probably won't see her until somebody else's birthday party. Sunday, Seth and I hung out at Danny's again. We stayed there until Monday. On Monday, Cody came over to Danny's and chilled with us. That was pretty-much my vacation. This was exactly what I needed. Ever since Wrestlemania, I've started to feel more like myself. I'm starting to feel as good as I did, last year. Still, if I had the chance to go back just one year, I definitely would. I know I've said that before, but last year was still a lot better than this one. But, things are starting to get better. The same thing happened after Cody's birthday party. That was short-lived. However, I have a feeling that this time, things are gonna get better. When I found out that I couldn't go back to Cortland, I basically stopped caring about pretty-much everything. I used to take a great sense of pride in how I looked, how I conducted myself, my attitude, everything. Well, I just stopped caring about all that. Even when Denna was around, I didn't really put that much effort into myself. Last year, I always made sure I wore cologne. I always wore either a white shirt or a button-up shirt. I put in a lot of effort in my appearance, especially after I had met Denna. Although, she was pretty-much impressed regardless of how I looked. Still, I put in an effort. Especially with the cologne. I even bought a $50 bottle, because I knew she'd love the scent of it. Even when she had left, I still put in an effort. Then, I started feeling sorry for myself and I stopped caring. Now, I'm back to wearing cologne, the shirts, gelling my hair, everything. I found my smile again. Even my personality has improved. There's still a few things that need to be dealt with, but now I'm in the right mind set. I'm back and I'm not going anywhere.

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