Thursday, April 23, 2009

Team UK: 1 Team USA: 0. Invasion In The Octagon.

Team UK dominated the first fight against Team USA. Although, the fight itself lasted longer than I thought it would. The UK fighter planted a beautiful, picture-perfect kick to the side of the USA fighter's head. Mike Bisping was already claiming victory before the fight was even announced. There was one USA guy that was getting annoyed by this. He's a bit childish, though. He spent the entire episode writing on Team UK's clothes. Like T-shirts and wrestling shoes. Writing things like USA 1 UK 0. Bisping just told his guys to rise above it and let Team USA look like jackasses. I agree with him. I can just tell that this guy from Team USA and Bisping are going to clash before the season's over. Mainly, because Bisping is very cocky. I'm sure after every fight that Team UK wins, Bisping will gloat just loud enough for all of Team USA to hear. As for the fight itself, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't that great either. At one point, it looked like the USA fighter had tapped out. In fact, I'm almost positive that he did. However, Herb Dean was the referee for the match. He's the worst ref on the UFC payroll. I didn't have a problem with his refereeing skills UNTIL UFC 61: Bitter Rivals. There was a big grudge match that pitted Tito Ortiz against Ken Shamrock. These two guys at the time, HATED each other. When the fight began, Shamrock darted straight for Ortiz. Ortiz took him down and peppered him with elbows. Herb Dean stopped the fight 28 seconds into it, making Ortiz winner by TKO. I was pleased that Ortiz won, but come on! Everybody else was pissed and felt they were ripped off. I think the reason why Herb Dean stopped the fight so early, was because he didn't want either fighter's blood on his hands. Still, it was a freakin' grudge match. Ever since, I have thought that Herb Dean has been the worst ref ever. Last night, he was just as sloppy. There was definitely a tap out, but Herb Dean didn't stop the fight. Instead, he asked: "was that a tap?" By that time, the USA fighter had gotten out of the submission hold. I would've been extremely pissed if he had won after that. He clearly tapped and Bisping had seen it as well. So, Herb Dean sucks as a ref. As far as the rest of the week goes, it hasn't been too bad. One of the new people that I've met at BCC, asked for my help with an audio extra credit project. We both have the same class together, so I said sure. He's using me as the topic. I asked what he wanted to discuss and his answer was, "I wanna know what makes Jack....Jack." It got me thinking about how I plan on answering that. It'd probably have been easier just to ask some of my friends that know me. I'm still pondering how I'm gonna answer that. I have a certain amount of respect and honor that hovers around me. My sense of humor is probably the biggest factor. It also allows me to get away with a lot more than I should. Other than that, I can't really think of anything else. I dress casual, but in a way, it's still unique than most. I believe in giving people what they deserve whether it's good or bad. I also believe in keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. My ego's definitely a factor. I didn't really have one until after high school. Even then, it wasn't really that big. Now, I have a huge ego. Sometimes it's good, sometimes not so much. I really can't explain it. Still, I'm going to try to answer his question as best that I can. He's not planning on getting started until Monday. That still gives me time to think it over.

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