Thursday, April 9, 2009

S.O.S Team USA.

Team USA didn't look too good, last night. Before the fights even started, one guy dropped. Then, there was another that had a herpes lesion on his forehead. Another guy couldn't make weight. So, right off the bat, things didn't look good for Team USA. Dan Henderson beat Rich Franklin to earn the right to coach Team USA. I thought I saw him on Team Hughes in season 2, but it turns out that he wasn't. So, I have no grudge against him, yet. Still, I'm pulling for Team UK. As far as the fights went, it looks like Team USA's gonna have to fight an uphill battle. It took some of the fighters a while to spring into action. There was one fight in which a guy got hammered by his opponent the entire round, then in the second round, he ends up choking out his opponent. There was another fight that was similar to that. The guy would get destroyed in the first round, but he'd come back and win the fight in the second round. The UK fighters ended most of their fights in the the first round and it didn't take them long to get started. So, Team USA looks like they're gonna be in trouble. The UK fighters looked more blood thirsty than the US fighters. Anything can happen, though. Around midnight, I'm leaving for Orlando, Florida with Seth and his family. The car ride's gonna be long, but once we're there, everything should be alright. Getting out of New York for a week should do wonders for me. I need to get away from all the high school drama. Ever since Kelcie and I have started talking again, all she ever talks about is Cody. Well, she always talked about Cody. On Monday, we discovered that the two subjects we always talk about is Cody and Denna. We laughed about it, but it would be nice to find a new subject. Robin showed up unexpectedly, yesterday. That was a nice surprise. She freakin' pounced on me after I sat down next to her. Nothing's changed except the fact that she's getting thinner and thinner. The shocking news with that is that she's constantly eating. She's always had a nice body, but damn. She eats like 8 meals a day. She should be so fat, right now. She told me that she's been eating more than she has ever. Other than that, she's doing alright, though. I promised to stop by and see her after I come back from Florida. Pretty soon, I'll be able to pay her the $40 that I owe her. If she hadn't tacked on those two books with the Mother's Day present, I'd only owe her $10 and I'd have been able to pay her back a long time ago. Last year, Robin found a mother's day gift that I could get my mom. The problem was it was $75. So, she offered to get it and have me pay her back when I could. That's what we did and so far, I've given her $60. The ending of the story is that mom loved the rose and my dad didn't ask how much it was, which relieved me. I didn't wanna explain how I got my mother her mother's day present. This Sunday is Easter. It'll be the first time that I'll be away from home on a holiday. However, I'm not complaining. I need to get away for a few days. When I return, I'll be more relaxed and focused.

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