Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Long Weekend.

My weekend actually started on Thursday. Kelcie grabbed me after her class. She brought me over to her place. Seth called me, so we could figure out what was going on for the weekend. Kelcie told me to have him come over. So, he came over and we all went to hang out elsewhere. We ended up at one of Kelcie's friend's places. Then, we all went to the Cyber Cafe for a while. After that, we dropped off Kelcie's friend and went to visit Danny at his work. He got us some drinks and Kelcie, dessert. We all ended up at his place after that. Seth and I stayed the night, but Kelcie went home. Friday, I had lunch with my mom and picked up my suit for Saturday. Danny invited all of us to his sister's 15th birthday. I forget the term for the celebration, but it's one of those formal affairs. Then, I headed back to my house to pack for the weekend. I didn't do much in Candor, but it was relaxing. Saturday, we met Danny at the church. He directed us to the Days Inn hotel, where his parents had booked the banquet room. Speaking of parents, I got a voice message from my dad, informing me that he opened my mail and found out that I owe Cortland and a few other places money. He talked to me the next day and I guess he cooled down, since then, because he didn't bring it up, yesterday. The only problem I have with this is that I really don't need my father opening my mail. The bad part is that I can't reprimand him about it, because he'll flip out. Oh well, he's not on my back about it, so I'm gonna let it go. Around 7:00 at night, there was open bar until an hour before close. The reception was much like one of a wedding. The food was excellent. Danny always bragged about the food, but I never fully believed him. Calvin, (Danny's brother) had invited Kelcie to be his date. If I had invited Kelcie to a family event like that, I'd be by her side for almost all of it. Calvin...he didn't hang around that much. Neither did Cody, but at least he had an excuse. Calvin did dance with her, but apart from that, he wasn't really around her that much. It kind of worked in my favor, because she asked me to dance with her. Seth recorded it on his phone, because he thought my dancing was funny. He's a freakin' moron. I saw the video on his phone and it looked fine. Hell, it looked great. All of us went back to Danny's after the party. We hung out for a little bit, then we went to sleep. Around 9:00 Kelcie, Seth, and I woke up. I sat on the couch next to Kelcie and she rested her head on my lap. If I hadn't moved at some point, she'd probably have fallen asleep on me. On Thursday, she playfully asked when I was gonna take her out on a date. She was only half-serious, though. Then, when her and I were hanging out before Seth showed up, she asked to sit on my lap so "her pants won't get dirty." So, I let her sit on my lap and we just hung out. Anyways, we hung out at Danny's until around 12:30. Kelcie asked for our help with a video project. We said sure and agreed to meet her at her place around 3:30. Ok, here's where it gets amusing. When Seth tries to get with girls, it's like watching a monkey screw a football. He wants to get with Kelcie. When Seth wants to get with a girl, he always does the same thing. First, he tries to impress them by making up a bunch of b.s. He'll also keep calling them, "sweetheart" and "beautiful" running his hand up and down their back. Then, he'll make up some sob story, so they'll pity him. It's really pathetic. I've seen him do this a few times. He tried a new tactic on Sunday. After helping Kelcie with her project, we headed back to his place. Before we finally arrived there, he decided that he wanted to show Kelcie where he wanted to get married someday. That meant taking a trip over to Aaron and Marcy's place. I just shook my head in disbelief. Can you say, TRYING TO HARD? He wanted to take her to meet her dad, so he could return the tux he used on Saturday, but we wasted too much time at Aaron and Marcy's. When we got to his place, his mom did her usual "cockblocking". Except, she didn't really try to cockblock her son. She chose to cockblock me. Now, I could accuse her of trying to make Seth look good, but that's freakin' impossible. When I was downstairs, Seth started his sob story. At first, I thought he was referring to Kelcie's ex-boyfriend, Cody. I thought I heard him say, "he treats you like shit. It really pisses me off sometimes," but I misheard. He was referring to his step-father treating his mother badly. Now, that's not entirely true or false. Scott has been really good to April in the years that I've known them. However, he is starting to do a lot of stupid things. Things that I don't really agree with. Well, Kelcie had homework to do, so she started doing it. Well, Seth wanted to help, so she let him highlight some important things in the articles she was using. I glanced over at the papers Seth was highlighting and it was almost completely pink. "This guy has no freakin' clue what he's doing," I thought to myself. Well, Seth would comment to Kelcie that she's a smart girl and whatnot. He was basically kissing her ass. Don't get me wrong, Kelcie is a smart girl and an absolute sweetheart. But, he was definitely trying too hard. Well, she finally finished at 4:00 in the morning. We all went downstairs and she gave me a massage. Then, I gave her one to return the favor. Seth and I were gonna go to bed in his room, but Kelcie insisted that we all share the bed in the guest room. So, that's what we did. Yesterday, I was talking to Denna online about everything. She said "Kelcie likes you." I was caught off guard with that comment. I asked how she could be so sure and Denna said that she knew when Kelcie was interested in somebody. I'm still not 100% sure if she is, but I'm gonna test the theory. Denna gave me a lot of pointers to help me out. It would certainly explain why Kelcie's been getting really close to me. It would've been too easy to blow Seth out of the water on Sunday. Calvin wasn't around long enough, so the whatever "competition" is out there, it's no threat. But, it's like Danny says. There's only competition in sports. Robin showed up on Monday. I told her about my weekend and how Seth's trying to get with Kelcie. She just laughed and said that Seth was a pig. Then, when I told her about a dream that I had where I beat the hell out of Seth and scream at why he's such a damn failure, she explained what it meant. It actually made a lot of sense. When people like Seth have it so easy and get whatever they want, it irritates me. He just floats on through life without a care in the world. If he wasn't living with his mom and Scott right now, then he wouldn't have any way to "attempt" to impress Kelcie. People like me have to earn whatever we get. I don't like things handed to me. Now, this ties in with Kelcie, because Seth's trying to get with her by showing her things that HE DOESN'T OWN. The whole "meet my family" game was really pathetic. Kelcie deserves better than Seth. Still, she can choose whoever she wants or not at all.

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