Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fighting A War

Team UK's still in the lead. Although, Dan Henderson did win the coach's challenge that was worth $10,000 for him and $1,500 for everyone on his team. During the challenge, the USA guys kept running their mouths to Mike Bisping. I know Mike's done the same to the USA guys and I know that when Matt Hughes did it, I didn't like it much. Still, some of the USA guys ask for it. Also, the guys that were running their mouths, I didn't really like to begin with. Damarques Johnson's done nothing but run his mouth about Mike Bisping. Cameron Dollar was another one that kept saying Mike was white as hell. Mike fired back a few times. It wasn't really a big deal, but there's a time when everyone should just shut up and let the coaches do their thing. It was funny though, because during USA fighter Richie Whitson's birthday, Cameron was crying about how he missed his family and how much being inside the house was affecting him. Stop crying, you freakin' pansy. You act like such a cocky little bitch half the time, then you start drinking and your true colors start to show. Basically, I'm really disappointed at the fighters representing team USA. They bicker amongst themselves and play stupid practical jokes on Team UK, then they wonder why they lose. If a guy from team UK doesn't win the entire competition, I just hope the fighter from team USA deserved that win. I realized last week, that despite Cody saying there "were" no sides anymore, that there are still sides. Usually when something like this would happen, I'd just remain neutral. However, I can't do that, this time. Ever since the 70's disco party, things haven't been the same. Kelcie flipped out on me when I did nothing wrong, which in turn, pissed me off. So, I sided with Bridgette and Cody. Kelcie didn't really have anyone on her side. At least no one that I can think of. Then, she called me up and we worked everything out. I came to my senses and I started to hang out with her. Last Saturday, there was either Bridgette's party or there was my party. At Bridgette's party, there was her, Cody, Brad, Denna, Emily, and Cory. At my party, there was Kelcie, Dan, D-squared, Chris, Dilly, Steve, Michelle, Bridgette Taylor, Tyler, Danny, Jay, Calvin, Seth, and myself. There were only two people that I really didn't care for at my party. It was then that I realized that there's Cody and Bridgette's side and there's Jack and Kelcie's side. Because there are sides, that means there's a war. Denna and Cory are neutral, but I know Denna pretty well. She'll give both sides information. She can't really be trusted and she's spilled information about me several times. Jay may not like Bridgette, but she's been running her mouth about me to Kelcie. Danny stood up for me, but if she continues to run her mouth, I'll deal with her myself. I guess on Monday, Bridgette tried to butt in on Jay's personal business with Danny. Well, Jay put Bridgette in her place. However, instead firing back at Jay, Bridgette and Brad blamed Kelcie. She didn't have anything to do with any of it. Kelcie's trying to move on, but Cody calls her or texts her once a week and the two dumbasses (Bridgette and Brad) blame her for anything that goes wrong for them. What Cody, Bridgette, Brad, and all them don't know is that I'm on Kelcie's side. Whatever they tell me, I inform Kelcie. I'm sorry, but I don't approve of how Cody treated her. Kelcie's starting to realize that I'm a good ally to have on her side. She informs me what "the enemy" has been doing and I let her know what I've heard. However, whatever she tells me, I don't inform Cody and Bridgette. Bridgette knows she's losing this war. So, she tries to stir up more drama. She's still trying bury Kelcie. I know she's probably tried to turn Denna and Kelcie's other friends against her. However, when you get me as an ally, you also get my crew on your side. So, Kelcie has me, Chris, Dan, Mike and a few others. Bridgette doesn't know this, but she's already lost.

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