Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nothing Changed.

The weekend was definitely interesting. Friday, I took Kelcie out to dinner like I promised her. It started out pretty good. This time I was able to cover not only the meal, but the tip as well. The last time that I went out on a date, it was back in 2005. I paid for everything that night as well. That's how it should be. The man should pay for everything. Hell, the man should DO everything. I feel like a loser if I can't pay for anything and I'm hanging out with a girl. Last year, I was pretty good financially. When I was at the bars, I could pay for a beer for me and whatever the girl wanted. I was able to experience the finer things in life. But nothing lasts forever. Well, everything was so far so good. Then, she wanted to go to this bubble tea's place in vestal. That was fine with me. She ordered her drink, I ordered mine. She reached in her wallet and I pulled out a $10.00 bill. I handed the cashier the money while asking her what did she think she was doing. When someone's out on a date with me, I pay for everything. She was beaming appreciatively. Things were going better than even I could imagine. Then, just like everything else, they came crashing down. Of all the people to walk into that damn place, Cody and Bridgette walked in. Kelcie's mood plummeted. We left immediately. I was pissed off, because I was trying to give Kelcie just one night where she didn't have to think about any of that crap. Kelcie, even though she was upset, noticed that I wasn't too happy either. She thought I was pissed that our date was ruined. Which, I do admit that was one of the reasons why I was pissed. But, it was more that I was trying to give Kelcie one good night and I couldn't even do that. Well, she said that dinner was wonderful and she thanked me for everything. I was still fuming, though. So, she asked if I wanted a kiss on the cheek. I responded with "I don't care." Not the best choice of words I admit. Luckily for me, Kelcie wasn't offended. Instead, she grabbed the front of my shirt and said "well, come here, cutie." Then, she gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. We hung out at Danny's for a little bit, then I went to The Beef to meet Seth and bring Danny home. I told Danny what happened. Danny's response was "if she breaks my brother's heart, I'm gonna break her heart." Calvin's been hanging out with Kelcie ever since she went with him to his sister's 15th birthday party. She told me that she likes hanging out with Calvin, but she doesn't like him as a boyfriend. However, she hasn't told Calvin that. So far, Calvin's been making all the moves. Kelcie's trying to be nice and not hurt anyone's feelings, but she needs to be honest with this guy before it gets ugly. I don't really approve of Danny preparing to get all hostile over the situation. It's Calvin's business. I'd remain neutral if something happened, but I'd still be between a rock and a hard place. When we got back to Danny's Cody was there along with Calvin and Kelcie. I honestly don't know what Cody's intentions are. I am proud of Kelcie for being strong so far. When he called her, she threw it all back in his face. A lesser girl would've forgave and forgot. She was smarter than that. They were talking outside, but I don't know what was said. I just made sure both of them were alright before I left. I had about a six pack after my date with Kelcie, so I was pretty hammered. Part of me isn't too happy with Cody trying to talk to Kelcie again. He's used her the past couple months and he disregarded her thoughts and opinions about pretty-much everything. Kelcie said there was nobody better than Cody, but I disagree. Everytime I look in the mirror, I see someone better than Cody. If I see him doing his usual antics, I'm putting a stop to it...FAST! I slept until 2 in the afternoon. Then, I had to go back to Hancock to help Seth's mom and step-father. I was just helping them prepare the computer lab for the summer. I'm going back to help them finish up on Thursday and Friday. However, I refuse to work there again. I had my fill, last year. I don't care how desperate I get, I will never work at that place again. It's not worth it. Sunday, we all went to a barbeque in Kirkwood. There were a few people from Harpursville over there. They pretty-much stayed the same with the exception that they drink now. Then, Danny, Seth, and I went to the movies. They saw Star Trek, I saw Angels & Demons. I had no interest of seeing Star Trek. Monday, I helped Marcy get the rest of her stuff out of the house. She rewarded me by getting me all tanked up. I came home today, but I'm just gonna leave again on Thursday. I wanted to hang out with some people this week, but I gotta do this other crap. Next week, I'll hang out with everyone.

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