Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Sleep was an option, this weekend. I never get enough of it. However, I usually get a decent amount. Well, that wasn't the case for a good portion of the weekend. Thursday, I helped Seth's mom out a little, then Seth and I went to go see Terminator Salvation. We left earlier than we usually would, because it was opening night. We went to see Danny for a little bit. Then, we headed back to the movie theater. However, my phone went off before we went in. Kelcie called me wanting to hang out. She had graduated from BCC that night and she wanted to celebrate. Back in the day, Denna would wanna hang out when there were wrestling PPVs on. I used to blow her off to watch them. Now, look where it got me. I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. I told Seth to attempt to get a refund for the tickets. He just switched them for the 10:00pm show the next night. We picked up Kelcie and decided to go to the hooka bar. We hung out there for a while, then we went back to The Beef. We hung out with Danny a little bit. I got Kelcie a glass of wine. She's a bit of a light-weight, so it didn't take much to get her buzzing. We took her home, then we took Danny home. I got to play the role of the hero, that night. Kelcie said she didn't wanna drag us away from the movies, but I said it was no big deal. I could hear the appreciation in her voice when I told her that Seth was refunding our tickets. I got another peck on the cheek as a thank you. The next day, I helped Seth's mom prepare for Christian's birthday party. When Seth got out of work, we went to see Terminator Salvation. This time, Mike Sisin called me. We had to save him from his dumb girlfriend, Tiffany. After the movie was over, we came and got him. That's when sleep became very scarce. We were up until 5:00 in the morning. I slept until 3:00 in the afternoon, but Seth had to work at 1:00 in the afternoon. We had plans to go to Tioga Downs to watch UFC 98. We were both tired as hell. Danny, Jay, and Kelcie came along with us. I was watching the event when Kelcie came up to me. She didn't know how to play the slot machines. I started to get up to show her and again, she said that she didn't wanna drag me away from what I was doing. I said it was no big deal and I tried to help her. I eventually grabbed Seth and Danny to help her. Danny stopped after $20.00 and watched the event with me. Jay and Kelcie came over to us. Kelcie asked for a dollar and acted all cute and innocent. "I'll give you a kiss on the cheek," she swooned. Well, because I can hardly say no to any girl, she got what she wanted and I got what I wanted. Actually, she ended up getting another two bucks off me. In return, I got to rub her down when we got back to the house. We got to the house and Danny, Seth, and Jay watched a movie. Kelcie and I hung out downstairs. I rubbed her down and she gave me a back rub. Then, Danny and Jay took the bedroom I usually sleep in. Seth slept in his room. Kelcie and I took the couch. One thing about Kelcie is that she hates being alone. So, she wanted me as close as possible. We positioned ourselves opposite of one another. She said her feet were cold, so I placed them under my shirt. Even when I'm freezing, my body's still warm. She said that was "heavenly." Still, I couldn't really sleep. Eventually, she fell asleep and I temporarily was able to move into a more comfortable position. I don't know how long I slept, but I know it wasn't very long. Well, we all got up at noon. Seth took everybody home. I was with Danny and Jay at his mom's place. They had a cook-out, that day. Danny's family are very nice. There was plenty of food. They told me to come back again. Seth came to get us. He dropped Danny and Jay off, then he took me to the movie theater to meet my friend, Stephanie. We made plans to see Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. After the movie was over, I said good bye to Steph and had Seth pick me up. Because we didn't sleep very much in the past two nights, Danny let us stay at his place for the night. The minute I got to Danny's, I threw a pillow on the floor and collapsed on it. The rest of them were watching TV. Danny asked if I had seen one of the new episodes of Family Guy. I responded with "don't care," and tried to sleep. Now, before I continue, there's a few things that should be brought to everyone's attention. I've pretty-much spoiled Kelcie rotten for the past month. The reason being is that she's worth it. I've taken her out to dinner twice, I've given her back massages, and I just never say no to her about anything. But, unlike everyone else that I've spoiled, she's shown her appreciation. Also, I have a thing for eyes. Some say that they're a window to the soul. I respect the power that eyes have. They tell the whole story. My two weaknesses with girls are when they give the puppy dog look and when they cry. Kelcie's only given me the puppy dog look twice, but she did it playfully. Alright, now that's been brought to everyone's attention, I can continue. So, I'm trying to sleep, but after being there for only five minutes, I feel something playfully poke my side. I looked up and Kelcie's sitting in the armchair, smiling brightly at me. "Where's my foot massage?" she asked playfully. "You want one?" I asked as I rolled over on my back. She took her flip-flops off and rested her feet on my stomach. When I was a kid, mom and I would watch movies a lot. We'd lay on opposite sides of the couch and she'd ask me to give her foot rubs. Because of this, I eventually became pretty good at giving them. My lady friends have suggested that I made that my profession, but that's not happening. With my luck, some old fat lady would come in wanting one and I'd have no choice, but to massage her. Screw that! However, I haven't heard one complaint to this day. So, I gave Kelcie a foot massage and it hit me that she's really getting used to me spoiling her. She's also becoming very comfortable around me, which is doing wonders for my self-esteem. She thanked me for the foot massage and gave me a big hug, then she left. I finally fell asleep after an hour. Yesterday, I went over to Robin's for yet another bbq. It didn't last long, but Seth had to work, so I hung out with her the rest of the day. Apparently, things have sucked for her too. I promised that I'd come back and hang out with her again real soon. Hanging out with Robin brought me back to how it used to be back in the day. We used to hang out all the time. That also did wonders for my self-esteem. I go back home, tomorrow. Luckily, I only have to be there two days and then I'm leaving again. Danny's son's birthday is Saturday and I'm going bowling with a friend of mine on Friday. So far, things are slowly improving again.

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