Thursday, May 21, 2009

One Of A Kind

Team USA pulled off a win, last night. I was kind of surprised at that. Team USA whines and cries a lot. It's really embarrassing. This week, Jason Pierce was pissing and moaning about everything. Everyone on Team USA are sick of his negativity. He hurt his foot during the fight that he won to get inside the house. Not only that, but he's friends with the guy that Dan Henderson wants him to fight. Needless to say, he's a little reluctant stepping into the octagon. This is how it is. When you're in the UFC, sometimes you have to fight your friends. If you're on the Ultimate Fighter show, the chances of making friends are almost a guarantee unless you're an asshole. I always get annoyed when a fighter says, "We're friends and all, but I gotta bash his face in." It seems like a cocky statement from where I'm standing. If I were a UFC fighter and I had to fight a good friend of mine, I'd say something to the effect of "I'm just gonna do my best and we'll still be friends either way." Anyway, Jason Pierce has done nothing but bitch and moan for two weeks now. He even walked away from an assistant coach when he was talking to everybody. As far as he was concerned, practice was over. That was last week, though. This week, he was just a miserable son of a bitch. Everybody including the UK guys were fed up with him. Team USA's down and the last thing that they need, is someone spreading negativity. Jason Dent beat his opponent with a choke/armbar hold. Dana White called in Jason Pierce after the fight. He basically told him that he was done. He could tell that Pierce had no intention of fighting, so he benched him. Dana said it best, last night. You either have the heart to fight or you don't. Pierce didn't have it, so Dana didn't waste his time on him. The episode ended with Pierce having a temper tantrum in the parking lot. Dan Henderson didn't have faith in Pierce winning anyways. I kind of feel sorry for Henderson. Although, he's only down by one win, his team has performed poorly so far. Then again, a coach's leadership shows through his players. When I was on the wrestling team in 2001, I had the worst coach to ever step foot on a mat. He didn't really care about the sport at all. He only agreed to be the coach to save the program. I don't know if he did it to act like some kind of hero, but he was far from it. There was a lot of b.s during practices. The guys on the team didn't care, because the coach didn't care. The team captain sucked both on and off the mat. His attitude was piss-poor. I remember the coach bringing in a friend of his to show us some techniques. The guy observed all of us and then said, "There's a lot of grab-assing going on in this room, right now. So, I'm going to leave. When all you guys are done grab-assing, give me a call." Then, he stood up from his chair and left. My grades sucked, so I didn't really get that much mat-time, but that's not the point. In 2002, a new coach took over. There was no b.s and the guy knew what he was doing. He did wonders for the program. He bought new warm-up gear, new sweat shirts, and a new wrestling mat that we needed badly. There was less grab-assing and more getting down to business. We still joked around and had fun, but we were working our asses off too. Grades were still horrible, but the team was starting to improve. I took a year off, because I knew my grades wouldn't be any better that year. Well, the team was still improving. They were actually winning tournaments now. When I returned to the mat in 2004, not only did we become Division II Mac Champions, but I finally secured a win. Dan Henderson needs to turn his team around and fast. Quarter-finals are right around the corner. He needs to even things up, next week. As for the "war on friendship", things have pretty-much stayed the same. Actually, I haven't hung out with Kelcie that much, this week. I haven't hung out with Denna at all, since she came home. I still don't know what to think of Cody. I'm still not happy about everything he's done. Choosing Bridgette over Kelcie is like choosing a rusty used car over a Lambo. I've probably said this before, but I should've dated Kelcie instead of trying to get with Denna, last year. I think I might've had a chance. I kind of feel bad for her too. Not just because of all the hell Cody put her through, but because everyone wants to date her. Calvin, Seth, me...well not so much me, but at one point, I'd have asked her out. She asked me a couple weeks ago when Steve Clark and I had picked her up for my party if I ever got tired of Seth. The answer is all of the time. I put up with Seth because I have to. Some of my major issues that I have with him are his lack of hygiene and appearance, his immaturity, his inability to think before he speaks, and he tries to be me. His freakin' cousin's the same way. Both of them try to act like me. They don't dress like me, because that's just not possible. They do try to talk like me. I've complained about this before. Hence the reason I don't say "Champ" anymore. Here's an example of how Seth tries to be like me. Whenever we're in his car and a song from the 90's comes on the radio, I'll shout "old school!" Well, now HE does it. Another example: Danny's puerto rican and has an accent when he talks. I can match his accent and sound just like him. Now, Seth does the same "Danny" accent that I do. It's kind of annoying. I remember Kelcie assuring me that I'd never be like anyone else. She and most of my friends agree that I'm one of a kind. There'll never be another person that's just like me. Seth needs to get that through his head. Also, I can get away with a lot. Well, Seth'll see me get away with it and just assume that he can get away with it too. Well, he can't get away with the same crap I can. I don't even know how I get away with it. He made a fat joke to Chris once when I was at Cortland. Chris told him in a very serious tone, "Jack's not here to save you anymore." I find that funny, because I never did save Seth from anybody. A month ago, Kelcie asked for our help with a video project. I had to "fall" and need help getting back up. Well, Seth's role was to offer a hand and allow me to lean on him. During one of the takes, I said in a low voice: "this is the only time I will ever use you as a crutch." He thought I was kidding, but I wasn't. Hell, I remember when Denna came back home the first time. I wanted to see her, so Seth and I went to Danny's. He was saying crap like, "if it weren't for me, you wouldn't get to see her." I put him in his place fast. I told him that I'd have done whatever it took to get to Danny's that night, whether it were to take a bus, find someone else to take me, or walk. I told him to never make himself more important than he is. After all of these stories that I just told, why do I still hang out with him? I claim that I don't need him and he's worthless, so why do I still allow him to chill with my friends and me? Well, first of all, his family's nothing like him and they're good, honest, hard-working people. Second of all, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

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