Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Way It Is.

A lot of stuff has happened in the past few days. I'll start with the stuff that happened on Friday. During work, one of the guys decided that he did indeed wanted a graduation party. So, we got some beer and planned a meeting place. First off, one of the guys that was invited, decided to go to the staff meeting. That took an hour. Then, he proceeded to piss me off by just being an annoyance. Things were going smoothly UNTIL it was discovered that I'm a virgin. Nobody understood my reasons for it, but they accepted it. All but the annoying one. He proceeded to piss me off more and more just by running his mouth. Finally, after enough alcohol was in me, I said the hell with honor and respect and decided to show this guy what happens when you push the wrong button. I tried to provoke him by any means possible. Eventually, we had a small scuffle that didn't last long and ended up with one of the guys that was there holding us back. He got in a low blow, but other than that, no harm was done. We're good for now, but I'm still a bit unsure about him. To me, his actions were uncalled for just like mine were. Most of my friends respect my decisions to do or not to do certain things. When someone keeps agitating a situation when I ask them to stop, it pisses me off. Then, I wake up around 10:33 the next morning, which isn't good. I'm supposed to work from 8:00 or 8:30 to 4:00. So, I was late. Work went on like always, then I went home and called a few of my friends that I haven't talked to in a while. My friend, Stephanie's gonna be coming home in two weeks, so her and I are gonna hang out when I take that weekend off. On Saturday, I was talking with this kid, Alex. He was going through some girl problems that I was familiar with. It was almost the exact same story with different characters. It brought me back to the Ashley days. If you wanna check out what those days were like, check out my livejournal. There's tons of entries of me bitching, moaning, and going all emo over her. Hell, I was 19 years old when all this happened. It's funny how most guys put on the tough guy act when they're having girl problems, but on the inside, it's tearing them up. I will admit that I wish things could've been different. Some of the blame goes on me. I should've done a lot of things differently. It's funny, because I stuck by her for a good year and a half. We were very close. I thought nothing could come between our friendship. However, as the old saying goes, nothing lasts forever. It wasn't ENTIRELY my fault for what happened. Still, there are times that I wish I could go back and make things the way they were. We all have times like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm over everything. But, talking with Alex brought me back to those times. Sunday, I went home for the first time in two weeks. Coming home felt like being born again. I almost didn't wanna go back. But, I had to. I still have some unfinished business here. Today, was my day off. It wasn't a great day by any means, but it was decent. Hopefully, Cody will come up on Saturday like we talked about. With July coming around the corner, I'm gonna start taking weekends off. If Louie tries to give me a hard time about it, I'll just tell him it's for stuff for college. I'm gonna try to spend a day of the weekend at home. It'll be easier on my parents. Mom had tears in her eyes when we said our first goodbye. They're not used to me being gone for months. Some days are better than others over here. Sometimes, it's extremely boring over here. Other times, it's great. I started a new blog over the weekend. It'll help me keep my creative ideas and use them when I need them. There's only one entry, but as thoughts come to me, there'll be more of them. For those of you that love writing, I'd recommend checking this out every now and then. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Coming Down to the Final...Everything.

The Ultimate Fighter 7 is done. Amir beat CB twice to get the title of Ultimate Fighter. What's scary about that is the fact that no one that I predicted even came close to the finals. Still, I'm glad Amir won the fights. He's from Forrest's team. On July 5th, Forrest and Quentin will fight it out. I don't know if I'll get to see it, but I want to. The Real World: Hollywood is about the same as ever. Although, it was amusing to watch Sarah get extremely trashed. She acted like every other extremely trashed girl acts. Crying, puking, being annoying as hell, you get the picture. Other than that, it's not the same without Greg. He was a cocky asshole, but he kept things interesting. As for my favorite reality show other than Ultimate Fighter, A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila 2, they did a reunion show. All 30 people that were on the show were on it. Of course, only those that made the show interesting were focused on. Like Jay being a loud, obnoxious, asshole. Chad being seen since he headbutted and sucker punched Bo. Then, running his mouth about Bo's mom. The best part of the show was when Bo went after him. If Chad wasn't in a cage, Bo would've kicked the living hell out of him. I respect Bo even more, because it shows that the only reason he didn't fight back, was because he knew Tila wouldn't like that. Also, getting kicked off the show wouldn't help him in his mission. I really hope Tila chooses him. If she doesn't, she's a shallow, immature, little girl and I'll have no problem registering on the A.S.A.L Blog and telling her that. Onto my little reality show that is my life, things at Frenchwoods camp are going alright. Some days are better than others, but overall, I like it. There are some counselors that give me weird looks when I'm emptying the garbage bins or are just too stuck-up to talk to anybody outside their clique. I just think of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies. "Angus, remember these words...SCREW 'EM! Who cares what anybody thinks?" I've been working with Stevie mostly this week. It turns out that he's not a prick. Some of his opinions differ from mine, but overall, he's a good guy. I've been learning how to repair things at the camp. I like most of the guys that I work with. However, we did get this new annoying little bastard. This kid's worthless. All he does, is drive around on the gators and complain all day. Everyone warned me about him and they were right. There's one in every workplace. My grandparents surprised me by showing up, today. I guess my mom was supposed to get a hold of me to let me know, but I never got the message. This Sunday, I get to go home for a day and a half. Unfortunately, that won't be enough time to check up on my friends, but I can get some things that I've been meaning to get. In July, I'll be home mostly on Saturdays. There's one Saturday in particular that I'll be home most of the weekend. It's on 2CW weekend. Danny really wants to go, I really wanna go, so we're going. Then, there's the new Batman movie coming out on July 18th that I've been counting down the days to see. By the looks of things, I'll be here up to the second week of August. Then, I'll have three weeks to hang out with my friends before leaving for Cortland. There's a select few that I'd like to hang out with before I leave. Hopefully they'll have the time to hang out with me before I leave.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Unreal World.

I caught the second showing of The Real World: Hollywood. This episode was even more amusing than the others. This guy, Will seems to have a problem sticking with one girl. He says that he only wants one girl, but he flirts around with others. There were two new roommates that were added in this episode. One of them was a dude, who seems alright. The other is a flirtatious girl. She was immediately attracted to Will and the two flirted constantly. Here's the best part of this situation. Both of them have significant others. Will started to back off, but then he tried to act like he's done no wrong. I'm sorry, but he's just as guilty as she is. I think both of them are disloyal little bitches. Still, I'm no angel. It's not the loyalty part that's the problem. It's the fact that I was doing something similar like this back towards the end of March and all through April. It all has to do with Denna. She was attracted to me, but she also liked this Keegan guy. At the time, she was single. Had I known that I was in a competition, I would've tried harder. Instead, she's dating this Keegan guy and trying to hook me up with Kelcie. It was a half-assed effort on her part. That and Kelcie was running with a bad crowd. Now, Kelcie's dating Cody. Around spring break, Denna came to watch WrestleMania 24 with me. After Marcy loosened her up with some shots, things started to heat up. We went down to get her camera, but before she opened the door, she leaned in and we kissed. We did that all night. Kissing led into cuddling, which led into other things. She was being disloyal to Keegan. However, I was reaping the rewards, so I didn't mind it. My conscience went on vacation. Hers did as well. However, hers came back. Mine didn't. We finally stopped doing stuff like that in May. Now, everything's coming back to bite us in our asses. Scott never came to fix the phone, so I haven't gotten a hold of Cody yet. As soon as I do, I'll find out what's going on. Until then, there's not too much I can do. Work wasn't that bad, today. There's this one guy, Stevie. He's about 43 years old. I don't know what it is, but I get bad vibes from him. The thing is, I don't know if he's just busting our balls or if he's just being a prick. My boss, Louie on the other hand, is freakin' awesome. Last night, I met several beautiful girls. I remember some names, but not all of them. I'd like to get to know them better. Some of them I'm farther with than others. If Cody were here, he'd tell me to read the damn books. He found these books about getting women and more importantly, getting laid. Well, I have no interest in getting laid yet, but I do have an interest in getting a girl. I only need one. Two many will lead to headaches. I'm taking June 30th off to take my road test. The third time's the charm. It looks like I'll only have to take one day off, which is great. I won't have to deal with the transportation bullshit that I usually have to put up with. My grandfather said he'd take me back home whenever I needed to. Good thing he offered, because I have a lot of fun plans in July. Things are going alright. Not good, not bad, just alright. If I'm lucky, things will get even better.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Whole New World, A Whole New Reality

On the Ultimate Fighter, Jesse Taylor has advanced to the finals. The semi-finals are tonight, but I'm gonna miss them. I found a job for the summer. I started last Tuesday. I'm working Maintenance at a summer camp called French Woods. Seth could've worked with me, but he's too much of a lazy ass. Before I left, my parents were up my ass about it. They had a few concerns, but I can take care of business while working here. I'm staying at Scott Schaefer's house. His only rule is that the place remain clean. He doesn't care who I invite up or anything. He's gonna get the phone working tomorrow. As for the people I work with, they're pretty awesome. Aaron, who I met a few weeks ago, doesn't live to far from where I'm staying and he's treated me like gold. This is probably one of the best places I've worked for. Ron Schaefer hasn't been too harsh, but I know what Scott was talking about when he said that earning his father's respect was hard. He's been polite towards me, but whenever I call him sir or thank him for his time, he shows no acknowledgment. Still, he hasn't said anything harsh in my direction. As nice as the house is, it's extremely empty and I have no DVD player yet. So, I spend most of my time at the camp. I'm meeting new people, keeping in touch with my family at home. It's not bad at all. I eat at the camp and pretty-much do everything there. The only thing that I'll have to learn is how to do laundry. I'm still watching a lot of pathetic reality shows. So far on A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila 2, Bo's still in the running and Jay's history. Thank god. Jay was everything that Bo said he is. A loud, obnoxious, jackass. I loved it when Tila eliminated him. He pushed things over and had a bitch fit. It was hilarious to watch. Bo's in the finals of that ridiculous show and despite the fact that I think Tila's shallow and immature, I hope he wins it. I know things won't work out if he does win, but it will symbolize that nice guys don't always finish last and he has potential to find true love. By the way...JERSEY SUCKS! Now, onto The Real World: Hollywood. Greg, who's another cocky, obnoxious asshole, was kicked off. This Joey guy returned from rehab and has since been bitching about wanting to drink. The roommates didn't make things easy for him. Going out every night, coming back trashed at 2 AM in the morning. In the end, Joey also left and thank god for that. What a whining bitch that guy was. Now, onto my own reality show. I talked to Denna today. Things aren't going well. Apparently, my boy, Cody has been spreading rumors, which I don't know are true or not. I really could care less about that. What I do care about is the fact that he may still be telling Bridgette about the stuff that Denna and I did. I really hope that's not the case. He should know better. Still, I'm gonna talk to him about it as soon as the phones are fixed.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Falling Apart.

Surprisingly, Matt Brown lost his fight last week. There were two fights last week, but I only remember Matt Brown losing. Luckily, my pick is still in the competition. Things haven't been that great, lately. Undertaker lost a career ending match, so who knows if he's really done or not. He got screwed by backstage politics. It wasn't even his fault. Just because they couldn't find him opponents that he could draw money with, they stripped the belt off of him. It's a bunch of crap. To make things worse, things between Denna and I are very awkward. I did end up meeting this Clarissa girl, but the thing is that I'd see her only once a week. That doesn't work for me. I want something more legit than that. I still haven't met Aubry and to be perfectly honest, I want to. I have her number, but she doesn't know that. Unfortunately, that's the only way I'll get to meet her. Kara's pissed at her and Robin thinks she needs to grow up. So, it's up to me to make it happen. I may call Kara to see if her and Aubry have made up. I hope to hell that she has. Getting back to this Denna situation, thanks to me and a few other people, everyone's trying to get involved in our business. I told my friends to drop it and let it go, which they said no problem. However, that little bitch, Bridgette's getting involved now. She's trying to turn my friends against me. Unfortunately, she's not in New York right now, so I can't have her dealt with. Denna's isolating herself from everyone and I'm having a hell of a time trying to contact my boys. I swear it, I'm about to snap again. The last time I snapped, I took a swing at someone. I was able to calm down a bit afterwards, but someone may not be so fortunate this time. On top of all that, this is the month in which Chris Benoit killed his family and himself, plus my grandfather committed suicide 11 years ago around the same time. I still haven't found work yet, my parents have been up my ass about everything, and I've spent the last 5 days home. There's not much that I've been able to look forward to. I'm going away this weekend, but I still have the rest of today, tomorrow, and Thursday to get through. I tried calling my good friend, Stacey to see if she can come hang with me, but like everyone else, I haven't gotten a hold of her. I used to love summer, but this one isn't starting out too good. I've been watching a lot of reality TV as well. I've watched so much of it that I want to start my own. I have an idea of where I want to go with it. It's gonna take a lot of planning and it may not be ready until next year. Also, I really need to finish my story. The one that I've been working on for six years. The computer in my room sucks. It's too damn old to read my zip drive. I'm too damn busy getting things ready for Cortland and doing my wrestling roleplaying to do it on this computer. Basically, dark days have arrived. I need to get out of here before I lose my freakin' mind. God, I'm acting like I did when I first started college. I have a lot of stuff that needs to get done and not too much time to do it. I just want this month to fly by. At least the week can fly by if not the entire month. The sooner August comes, the better off I'll be.