Thursday, August 28, 2008

My First Week at Cortland.

I arrived at Cortland on Thursday afternoon. It wasn't too bad. My orientation went pretty fast. I had the room to myself for a couple days. There were only a few meetings that I had to go to, but for the most part, I had a lot of free time on my hands. Sunday, my roommate arrived. He's a nice guy. He plays football on the weekends. So far, my experience at Cortland has been a hell of a lot better than my summer at Hancock. Hell, it's been a hell of a lot better than my time at BCC. Speaking of which, only Chris and Dan are representin' over there. I met a few people over here. There's this Australian girl named Jess. I haven't gotten to know her real well yet, but it's still early. The professors are really easy going over here. Hell, the entire college is. BCC only cared about money. If you couldn't pay up, then it sucked to be you. Cortland's better than that. This weekend's labor day weekend. I'm not going home this weekend, but I will be in the Binghamton area next weekend. Next week, I'm gonna check out the college's clubs and stuff. Also, I'll apply for a job on the campus. The only downside so far is that I'm still poor as hell. I wanna change that...FAST! My dad gave me SOME money, but it's slowly starting to run out. I would've had more if I realized my meal plan was activated two days before my roommate arrived. Even though my dad said to call him when I was running low, I don't wanna have to make that phone call until at least October. My birthday's coming up in a few weeks, so I'll be asking for money around that time. Overall, things have been good. A lot better than the past couple weeks. Actually, ever since I left Hancock, I've felt really good. Maybe it's because I'm around people that I'm comfortable around. So far, the people at Cortland are alright. Then again, they don't know too much about me. The important thing is my roommate doesn't have a problem with my beliefs or interests. That's the main thing, because I'm stuck in a room with him for a year. I have been keeping up with my friends in Binghamton. They're doing alright for the most part. I don't feel as isolated as I did when I was in Hancock. Maybe it's because there's actually things to do around here. I haven't gotten hammered in Cortland yet, but it's still early. I'll probably get hammered next Saturday when I'm in the area.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Busy As Hell

I have one more day until I head to Cortland. This past weekend was fun. Friday, Cody and Kelcie came over to Danny's and we had a few shots of whiskey and Captain Morgan. It doesn't take much to get Kelcie drunk. They didn't stay long. In fact, they had a few shots and left. The next day, I was walking around, when I saw a big maroon van honking at me. It pulled over and the guys that I worked with stepped out of it. Man, that was a shocker. They were the last guys I'd expect to run into. So, all of us headed to the mall. I ran into a few more people I knew. Some of them are going to Cortland as well. I was poor as hell, so I didn't buy anything that wasn't food. It was nice to see them. That reminds me. I ended up getting a facebook, because so many people asked if I had one. Technically, I have a myspace too, but I never use it. I like facebook better. As soon as I figure it out, there'll be a link on the sidebar of this thing, so you all can access it. I'll get some pictures up there as soon as my friends e-mail me the ones they have. Saturday night wasn't anything special. Seth called me up, because he was in the area. I met him at this cafe. His mom got us desert. After that, I headed back to Danny's. We just hung out the rest of the night. Sunday, I went to church, because I haven't been there in a while. Of course I saw Ashley and she surprised me in a way. She was actually kind of nice to me. She's starting a new job, but she said we'd hang out sometime. I found out the reason why she's having a change of heart. She talked to her ex-boyfriend (my friend) Matt Ditch. I talked to Ditch online and asked him to check out her blog to see if it was just me or was she taking cheap shots at me. He confirmed that it was indeed a cheap shot. I guess they talked online too. I don't know what he said, but I'm sure he let her know that he didn't think it was right. I'm no saint by any means. I've done some things I'm not proud of and I apologized for them. I don't attack anyone unless they attack me. Unless I really hate them, then I attack the hell out of them. The rest of that day, I hung out with Robin. I was hoping that I'd be able to hang out with some of my other friends like Stephanie, Amanda, Felicia and Kara. Monday, I found out my grandfather's back in the hospital. Great...just freakin' great. It doesn't help that I'm leaving tomorrow. There's nothing I can do about it, which just makes it worse. If I could put off leaving for college, I would. I'm not 10,000 miles away, but I'm still pretty far. Tuesday, my best friend from High School stopped by the house. He joined the army in 2003. He signed up for another 4 or 5 years. He hasn't changed much. We went out to dinner, yesterday. He's a friend of the family. Tom's one of the few of my friends that my dad not only tolerates, but he likes. That's a big deal, because my dad doesn't like a good majority of the friends that I've brought to the house. I have good friends, but there's a couple that need to work on a few people skills. Today, I finished everything that I need for Cortland. Then, tomorrow I head over there in the afternoon. Part of me wants to go, the other part wants to stay home. I might as well go, because most of my friends will be heading back to college soon as well. Some I'll see over there.

Friday, August 15, 2008

All This Pressure.

This week has sucked for the most part. I had to pay part of my college tuition, which I was barely able to do. The part that sucks is that I'm damn-near broke from it. I probably should've stayed home this weekend, but I'm a stubborn s.o.b. Thanks to my dad, I have enough to get me through the weekend. The last thing I need to do before leaving for Cortland is get immunization shots. I'm not sure how well that's gonna work out. My doctor's on vacation for a few weeks. My parents are trying to get me in earlier than what was suggested. This past Wednesday, I had this stress-caused head ache. That's the first time I've ever gotten a head ache due to stress. The worst part was that I still had it yesterday morning. I took an aspirin and went back to bed. I woke up a couple hours later and the head ache was gone. Then, I drained what I could out of my bank account. My friend, Cory came by in the late afternoon. He asked if I wanted to go out. I sadly told him that I only had $3.00 in my wallet. He just waved a hand and said he got it. Before we left, my dad came home. He said he might stop at the bar later if we were there. That's what he did. He gave me some cash to last me the night. I only used half of it and the other half will get me through the weekend. I'll pay him back next week. He's not the only one that I owe money to. I still have to pay Robin back for Mother's Day. Henry owes me money, but he's an idiot and on top of that, he's unemployed. I swear...if I catch him buying anything, I'm adding on a $20 stupidity fee. Tonight, I'm gonna be drinking with Cody, Kelcie, and Danny. Saturday, I don't necessarily have plans, but there's still a few people that I haven't seen, since I came home. Sunday's the reason why I came to Binghamton in the first place. WWE Summer Slam's this Sunday. I'm supposed to pay for pizza. I'm gonna ask Danny if he can help out with that. Man, being poor sucks. One good thing about going to Cortland will be that I can find a job while I'm there. Dad's giving me some cash before I go up there, because he couldn't get me a plane ticket last month. It won't last though, because I still need to pay for the freakin' books. Last night helped relieve a lot to the stess I was dealing with, this week. I ran into several people that I went to school with. The best part is that I woke up without a hang over. I plan on having as much fun as possible, this weekend. Because I don't think next week will be any better.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

It's Good To Be Home

When I was saying good bye to my friends at French Woods, a lot of them asked if I had a facebook. I didn't have one at the time, but my roommate from Cortland called me, today. I never met him, but we discussed our living arangements. He seems cool enough. Well, he has a facebook and asked if I had one. So, today I made one. I found a lot of people from my high school. I technically have a myspace too, but I hate it. So, I never use it. I have a picture of me and Denna up as my profile picture. Speaking of her, she left for Kansas last week. That's fine and everything, but she forgot to say good bye to someone....ME! To add to my amusement, I took a look at Ashley's blog and I may have found another cheap shot. "I hate it when people act like jerks then say they're my best friend." Um...I haven't done that one in a while, so I'm not sure. Either way, I'm better than her. Everyone knows it. I have so many friends, I lost count. Ashley can count HER friends on one hand. Ok, enough slandering on my end. So far, things have been much better, since returning home. At the WWE Show, I got Big Show's autograph. Believe me, it wasn't easy. He was swamped with fans. Friday, I'm gonna be drinking with Cody, Kelcie, and Danny. Just like we did back when I was at BCC. The difference is that certain people won't be there *cough* DENNNA *cough*. Oh well, I'll just have to deal. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go drinking with an old school friend of mine. That is if he remembers to pick me up. The thing is that he plans on coming around 2:30 in the afternoon. So, by the time I get home, I'm gonna be so blitzed. I'll need all of Thursday to recover by Friday.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Coming Home...Finally.

I can't begin to describe how good it feels to be home. The experience overall wasn't a bad one, but I'm never going back to French Woods if I can help it. I made the same promise when I left my summer job last year. The last two days of my job weren't too bad. My last night over there, the guys and I went to the movies. I ended up seeing Dark Knight for the second time, because I promised my mom that we'd see the new Mummy movie when I came home. My last day, I spent most of it looking for people I have met and wanted to keep in touch with. Ben, who works for Scott at the computer lab over there, helped me out. He printed up three sheets of my contact info. I cut them out and handed them out. After many hugs, handshakes, and best wishes, I hurried back to the house, finished throwing the rest of my stuff in my bags, and waited for my dad. He took me to one of the bars in Harpursville before we made it home. Tuesday, not to be outdone by my friend, Stacey as the first one to see me, Robin and Johnny stopped by for a bit. Then, Stacey came over. Man, it was good to see them again. Wednesday, I stopped by to see a few friends. My friend, Stephanie came home before I did. She'd been in Florida, doing a Disney intership for 8 months for college credit. We've been friends for about 3-4 years, but we didn't get to know each other until spring of 2007. I called her when she was in Florida a few times. I thought I was being a bit extreme until I left home. My phone calls must have been a huge comfort while she was away. Her and I might hang out, next week. I stopped by to see Danny after that. I'm taking him to watch wrestling, this Sunday. Yesterday, Robin, Johnny, my mom, and myself went to see the Mummy movie. It wasn't too bad, but it seemed like the entire story was rushed. As far as the weekend goes, today I did absolutely nothing. Tomorrow, I'm going to Robin's graduation party. Sunday, My mom and I are going to my aunt and uncle's cottage in Windsor, then Danny and I are going to watch wrestling. I'll probably try to visit a few more of my friends while I'm there. Next week, I don't really have anything going on. Basically, I'm just trying to see as many of my friends that I can before I leave again. I have a feeling that Cortland will be different than the camp. I have a feeling it will be much better. Although, the people at the camp weren't bad people, they didn't really make me feel at home. I was the outsider and that's how it stayed the entire time. If anyone were to come to Harpursville or Binghamton and hung around my friends, we'd make them feel like they're one of us. A lot of people that live in Harpursville and Binghamton complain about the lack of entertainment, but overall, I'd rather be here than anywhere else in the world. This is my home. No matter where I go. No matter where I move. This will forever be my home.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Week From Hell.

It's usually at BCC that the week from hell arrives. Not this time. This time, the week from hell happened at French Woods. Ever since coming back from Binghamton, it's been a freakin' nightmare. I had to deal with internet egotists Monday and Tuesday, my boss has been on my ass, I threw a goodbye party for all the new friends I had made over the summer, which got out of control, and it ended with Scott Schaefer coming back to the house the next day BEFORE I COULD CLEAN IT UP! So, yeah my week sucked. Here's what I could've and should've done differently to have made this week go by smoother. I should've ignored the internet egotists, I shouldn't of had a goodbye party at all, but if I must, then it should've been AFTER the family weekend. The party's the biggest thing that's been bothering me. Overall, it was a great party. However, there were people that got out of control. Some things got broken, the place ended up a huge mess like always, it could've gone much smoother. What I should've done, was taken yesterday off from work to clean up the house. Sure, I'd probably still have gotten a lecture from Scott, but it wouldn't have been that bad. Actually, I think everything is fine, today. I cleaned the house to the best of my ability and I apologized countlessly to Scott. I don't know if the storm has passed yet, he hasn't come back to the house. Part of me is wishing I was home already. Hell, part of me wants to go home tomorrow. I won't...but part of me wants to. Instead, I'll suck it up for the next two days. I doubt Scott'll stick around after tonight. Him and April will stay at the house tonight, but I'm pretty sure all of them will leave tomorrow. I'm gonna pack my stuff up, tomorrow, thank Scott for helping me with the job and letting me stay at the house, tomorrow, and enjoying my last night at camp, tomorrow. On Monday, while I'm working, I'll say goodbye to the people that demanded that I see them before I leave. It's gonna feel so good to be home on Monday. I'll probably go back to watching wrestling that night. Hell, I'll go back to doing everything that night. I've already alerted my friends that I'm coming home and I'm already making plans to hang out with them. First one on my list is Stacey. She had her baby, so it'll be no problem for her to come hang out. Denna's next followed by Stephanie. I'll probably hang out in Binghamton one more time before college starts up. I may have brought this up before, but I'm curious to see if I'll be accepted. In Hancock, the locals that worked at the camp treated me like an outsider. They were nice to me, but they didn't make me feel at home. That was probably the hardest part of everything. It didn't feel like home, so it wasn't home. Even though I didn't grow up in Binghamton, it feels like home. I can't explain how good it felt to be back there, last weekend. It's a damn good thing that this is my last week or I'd probably go out of my mind. I'm waiting very impatiently for the next two days to go by. At least today's Saturday. Sunday's not gonna be too stressful. Monday's my last day, so I'll be grinning all day long. Well...until I have to say goodbye to everybody. There's gonna be a few people that I'll miss. Pretty-much anybody from Australia. Most of the maintenance crew, Meagan from Scotland, and a few others. Still, I need to do this. One of the guys from Russia in Maintenance had a heartbreaking look on his face when I told him I was leaving. There's a lot of people that don't want me to go. Some don't want me to go, because the parties will stop. Although, I'd probably have done away with those after this last one anyways. The rest don't want me to go, because they actually got to know me. Erin from Australia's been one of my biggest fans, since party #2. Hell, that's how I met her. She just showed up, not knowing a damn thing about me. Hell, that's how I met a lot of the people here. They didn't know me. They heard the word "party" and showed up. Parties #1 and #2 went smoothly. In fact, I picked up after party #1 all by myself. Party #3 I wish I never had. It just sucked. Party #4 was great, but I wish I went about things more differently. I'd say overall, everything was alright. However, if I can find a job closer to home next year, I'll take it. If nothing else is available, I'd come back to French Woods. The rules of the house might be different next time, but it'd still be another fun summer.