Thursday, October 16, 2008


Junie still didn't get kicked off. I still think he'll end up getting kicked off the show before the season's over. He didn't do anything stupid after the last week's episode. There was something that happened that I didn't really agree with. One of the guys on Team Mir decided to take it upon himself to pull practical jokes on the guys from the other team. Like, taking their clothes and saran wrapping them to their beds or freezing their underwear. Before I go any further, I'll just say that when I was at Hancock and the guys were taking my stuff from my room, I thought it was disrespectful and I wasn't too pleased. No one has the right to take anything out of anyone's room that's not theirs. Unless they have permission, they shouldn't be in there at all. But, the guys from the other team are good natured and for the most part, they just shook it off. Then, the Team Mir prankster put itching powder on their beds. From personal experience, itching powder's not fun. When I was in 6th grade, some asshole put it down my back. It's annoying as all hell. It feels like something's poking you in the back repeatedly. Well, some of the guys from Team Nogueira thought that was crossing the line. Their retaliation was putting sardines in Team Mir's bed. I never had any encounters with sardines, so I don't know how effective that would be. Well, a couple nights later, Efrain was about to pass out on a bench in the UFC gym. Nogueira asked him if he was tired. Efrain said yes and he couldn't sleep because of the itching powder in his bed. I'm not sure how accurate that is. After a while, the itching powder wears off. I'm not sure it would be still active the next day after it's been used. Well, Nogueira seemed concerned that his fighters weren't sleeping because of these pranks. Nogueira's accent...when he talks, it's kind of a calm, relaxing tone. Well, he wanted his fighters to sleep especially when one of them would be fighting the next day, so he talked to Frank Mir. Basically, he asked Mir to talk to his team about the practical pranks that were going on in the house. Mir was like, "hey, it's not me. It's them." But, Nogueira pleaded for Mir to talk to his guys, so Mir said lazily, "no practical jokes, tonight." That blows my mind, because Nogueira respectfully approached Mir about his concerns and Mir just ignored him completely. I'm sorry, but I find that really disrespectful. As a coach, you should make sure that your guys are acting the way an adult would. That's part of the freakin' job. Nogueira and his assistant coaches didn't like Mir's way of talking to his guys, so they went up to the house to talk to the guys. If Mir not paying attention to Nogueira wasn't bad enough, his team was just as bad. Nogueira and his assistant coaches tried to round all of them up to talk to them, but they just did their own thing. So, they had to talk to them in small groups. Even then, some of them claimed that they didn't do anything and that's partly true. Not all of Team Mir participated in the prank war. Same goes for Team Nogueira. But, even if you weren't part of it, you should still hear Nogueira out. I didn't judge Frank Mir as harshly as I did with Matt Hughes, because I didn't know too much about him. Now, I'm really pulling for Team Nogueira. Although, I've basically liked Nogueira from the start. Frank Mir and his team are all disrespectful and none of them deserve to win. Unfortunately, Team Mir won and now Frank has control. I hope Team Nogueira gets it back, next week. Junie's gotta fight and I hope to hell that his opponent knocks his freakin' head off. Junie did apologize to Mir for his actions and said "it won't happen again." Funny...that's what he said after that night at the house. "It won't happen again," he said. Oh, it will and it'll probably get him kicked off the show. I have a $10.00 bet on it.


Mike said...

Nog will have his revenge in the cage - he is going to absolutely dominate Mir when they fight in December. Mir is pretty arrogant and I think it's time for him to take a beating.

Big D said...

Can't wait for next week to see if Junie gets his arse stomped. I'll have to wait even longer to see Mir get it. Soon he'll have nothing better to do than comment on WEC through his half-broken face. Nogueira is going to eat him alive.

Mike said...

I can't believe he would be disrespectful to Nogueira who is 100% a class act across the board.