Thursday, October 23, 2008

Put Up or Shut Up

Last night's fight had to be the most disappointing fight this season. I was waiting eagerly for someone to finally shut Junie up. Roli from Team Nogueira was chosen to fight him. During the fight selection, Junie tossed a black belt at him followed with a shove. Here's a little background on that. A lot of people think that Roli didn't really earn his black belt. Personally, I could care less where Roli got his black belt from as long as he kicked Junie's ass. But, everyone was making a big deal about where Roli got his black belt and if he truly earned it or did someone from UPS show up and hand him one. Well, Roli smiled and let the black belt drop to the ground where Junie spat on it. The look on Nogueira's face said it all. I could tell that Nogueira was not pleased at all. He didn't comment on the confessional or on camera, but I know he was displeased with Junie's actions. I thought that Junie was way out of line on that one too. Then, back at the house, Junie's running his mouth, saying that Roli probably wouldn't make it past the first round. Roli's telling the confessional that Junie needs an ass kicking and he's just the person to give it to him. At the weigh-ins, Junie's over by two pounds. At this point, Frank Mir's starting to get frustrated with him. Ever since last episode, I'm not Frank's biggest fan, but he had a point on this one. Junie's got on the rubber suit and he's running on the treadmill. Then, they get one of those pedalling bikes outside and get him on that. He's bitching that his legs are tired. He's not the first one that's bitched and moaned when they're cutting weight. It's like every season has that one guy that can't make weight and bitches when it comes time to cut it. Well, he eventually does make the weight. It's only two pounds. When I was on the wrestling team, there were a couple guys that would be over two pounds, but they'd cut it easily. Ok, now it's fight time. Roli has a chance to prove that he did indeed earn his black belt and he can stop Junie from advancing to the quarter-finals. The first round seemed to be up in the air, but at one point, Junie pulled a Leban and stuck his chin out with his hands down. Roli took advantage and landed a few good blows including a spinning back-fist. Junie didn't like that too much and responded with four hard hits of his own. Then, the round ended. I can't stand it when some asshole gets all cocky and taunts his opponents like that. I didn't like it when Leban did it and I really hated it when Junie did it. I'm sure Mir told him not to do that anymore, because that's the last time he did. Second round wasn't as even as the first round. Roli started to disappoint me. I'm not a MMA expert by any means, but even a fanboy like me can tell when a fighter's not doing something right. Roli wasn't circling around, he wasn't putting up a strong offense, he certainly didn't have a strong defense. I was literally screaming at my television for Roli to start unloading on the son of a bitch. At one point, Junie dropped him. It looked like it Junie was gonna finish Roli in the second round. But, Roli got back to his feet and the fight continued. The fight went to a third round, which pleased me. That meant that Roli had won the first round. Unfortunately, the third round was just about the same as the second round. I don't think I've ever seen punches get thrown that slow in my life. Roli had no power behind his punches. Junie didn't really have an power behind his blows either. Neither one of them looked that impressive. Both of them sucked. At one point, Roli was on his back kicking at Junie's legs. That wasn't gonna get the job done. Roli really needed to unload on Junie, but he didn't until the last ten seconds just like he did in the second round. At the end of the round, Junie was announced as the winner. Junie did show a bit of respect to Nogueira after the fight. He shook Nogueira's hand and apologized for the black belt bit. Nogueira accepted his apology and that was it. Roli was in his locker room with the rest of Team Nogueira. He started to cry, which annoyed me even more. A couple things. First of all, if someone spit on MY black belt and questioned my skills, I'd do everything in my power to beat the hell out of him. Secondly, when someone talks a lot of trash and can't back it up, it's like the ultimate pet peeve with me. Roli was running his mouth about how he was gonna give Junie and asskicking and then he doesn't do a damn thing. Now, he's crying about it. Now, I'm questioning whether he really earned his black belt or not. There's also one in every season like Roli. Even though Leban's my boy, he was one of those guys. He said he was gonna destroy Josh Koschek, but when it was fight day, Koschek took him down and laid on him for three rounds. As a result, Leban lost the fight and he too cried about it. The difference is that I felt bad for Leban, I don't feel bad for Roli. Personally, I feel that Roli should quit crying like a baby and take the loss like a man. As far as Junie's concerned, I'm not worried that he'll win the entire thing. He didn't face a real fighter. I'm guessing he'll get eliminated in the quarter-finals if he doesn't get kicked off the show by then.

1 comment:

Big D said...

Nice synopsis of the show, I was mortified when Junie spit on the black belt, and what made it worse in my mind was that Anderson was still hanging out with team Nog and saw that. It speaks volumes for the self-control of Minotauro and the Spider that neither stepped forward to beat Junie's punk ass down. Junie wasn't all he was cracked up to be, and if Roli hadn't been a one-time reject (he was brought back into the house wasn't he?) with no power (the accuracy of the blows he landed was incredible, Junie should have looked like ground chuck), I'm sure he would have put Junie down in the first round. I personally think Roli edged out Junie, but I'm not a judge. Good article man!