Monday, October 6, 2008

High School in 2003.

Team Nogueira drew first blood with their win over Team Mir, this week. There's one guy on Team Mir that's most likely going to get a lot of the attention. His name's Junie Browning. He got hammered on the first night and did a full circle of emotions. He went from being all happy, to being pissed off, then depressed. He grew up in a trailor park and for the most part, looks like a punk. The guy's a loose cannon. I got ten bucks that says he'll get kicked out before the season's over. I went home, this weekend. I stopped by BCC to see my friends, but there wasn't hardly any there. I wanna go home two weeks from now, so Stacey and I can hang out. I'm not sure how well that's gonna work out. Worse case scenario, I just see her over my Thanksgiving break. As for hanging out with Christina, that's gonna be a bit harder. If I had some way of getting to Binghamton and back to Cortland for a night, it wouldn't be a problem. For the time being, I'll just give her a call once a week. I'm gonna try to hang out with a friend from high school, this week. Her name's Beth Hughes. No relation to Matt Hughes. In fact, Beth's a lot better than him. It's funny, because when she first moved to Harpursville, she couldn't stand me. I will admit that I wasn't the most pleasant person around her. Things changed as the years went on. We got along fine in 11th grade. 2003 was a fun year. I wouldn't say I was popular in high school, but everyone got along with me alright. As is the case with most high schools, the homecoming court is usually just a popularity contest. The same people are on it year after year. It gets boring. I knew a lot of good people that actually deserved to be on it, but they'd never be, because the popular crowd reigned supreme in that area. Luckily, I was on their good side. My friend Don Edwards approached me one morning. "Vote for you. Let's get some underdogs on, this year," he said. I expressed my concerns with it, but he assured me that I was good to go. "The entire football team's voting for you. It was our idea," he assured me. I thought nothing of it at the time, but I was showing off in gym one day and I did this taunt that a wrestler called Booker T does. It's this kind of break dancing move called the spin-a-roony. Some of the guys from the football team saw this and started laughing. They asked me to do it again, so I did. They encouraged me to do the spin-a-roony during the pep-rally. Hulk Hogan had returned to wrestling around this time too. He always rips his shirt off during his entrance. So, the football team wanted me to do that as well. Soon, the entire school was all in on it. I went to Broome Tioga BOCES in the afternoons, and that's when the pep-rally was. Fortunately, the Principal liked me. He helped me make it to the prom later on. The bus picked us up early. I headed to the gym and my grade gave me a short applause. Oh man, it was great. They were chanting my name throughout the entire thing. They saved my name for last when the 11th grade homecoming court was announced. When my name was called everyone jumped to their feet. Not just our grade, I mean EVERYONE. I did the spin-a-roony and ripped a shirt that I put over my Hulk Hogan T-shirt. I was led over to the others. The ones that were already over, were laughing hysterically. The female that was elected was Roxanna Rinker. She was a beautiful blonde girl. Obviously, the seniors were the ones that got the glory at the end. They're the ones that are voted in for Homecoming king and queen. Still, it was nice to be part of the homecoming court. After I danced with Roxanna, I ran into Beth and asked if she wanted to dance. She said sure and led me to where she was hanging with her friends. Then, she said she'd be right back. She had every intention of coming back, but her friends told her that all of them were leaving for Denny's. I didn't know this until Monday, but I was cool about it. Hell, I made it on the Homecoming Court. I had no reason to be upset. Later on, the prom was coming up. I didn't get to purchase a ticket in time. Luckily, there were guys that bought a ticket, but didnt' wanna go, because their girlfriend's dumped them. Since, I was well liked by the Principal, he helped me out there. He returned their money to them and sold me a ticket. I went stag, but it didn't bother me any. There were several girls that went alone too. So, it wasn't like I had no one to dance with. During the dinner portion of the prom, I was sitting at the same table as Beth. In fact, we were sitting across from each other. Out of nowhere, she asks me to dance with her just once. I was like, "it's funny you mention that. At homecoming, I asked this really hot girl in a purple dress to dance with me and she sort of...left before we could." She laughed and apologized again, but I told her it was cool. So, we did dance. Then, during the Prom court, everyone voted both of us court jesters. Even my English teacher said if he were to vote for anyone for Homecoming court, it would've been me. He loved picking on Beth, so that would've been his second choice. The school just went with that. After that, I started to have a small crush on Beth. I haven't seen her in a few years, but she's all for hanging out and catching up on things. So, I'll call her this week and see what day's good for her. I'm not 100% sure, but I think she's single now.

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