Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Family From BCC

UFC 89 wasn't too bad. I didn't do too well on my UFC Fantasy, but oh well. I like both Bisping and Leban, but I was pulling for Leban, because he's one of the two people that inspired me to watch UFC in the first place. I was disappointed in Leban at the end of both the second and third rounds. He basically put his hands down and shouted at Bisping to hit him. That was a stupid move on his part. I'm not an expert in MMA, but even I know that all it takes is one good shot to the jaw and it's lights out. Leban's known as a bit of a hothead and he must've known that he was losing the fight. Still, I wouldn't be sticking my head out there with my hands down. I give Bisping credit, though. He didn't start unwinding on Leban. He kept the fight at his pace. Halfway through UFC 89, my friends Andy and Jason came by my dorm to hang out. So, we were watching the rest of UFC 89 and Jason had a comment for everything. He acted like he was a martial arts expert and although, we do live in America where you can express your opinion, I wish he'd just shut the hell up and watch the fights. I don't watch UFC, so someone can logically explain the stances, fighting styles, and all that. I watch UFC, because I wanna see people get knocked out or tap out. Isn't that why any of us watch UFC? Then, after UFC 89, the three of us played Andy's RPG (roleplaying game for those of you that aren't nerds like me). We just created characters and had a practice session to get a feel for everything. Today, my grandparents stopped by my college. Although, most of the time they drive me nuts, I was glad for the visit. Mainly, because that meant my grandfather was feeling a lot better. My grandfather has been in and out of the hospital for months. At least one week per month, we'd have to go to Wilson Memorial Hospital, because he was having breathing problems. He sounded good and from what I heard, he's acting more like himself. My grandmother just drives me nut. That's pretty-much it for that. Friday, there was this Masquerade Ball at Cortland. It's a good thing I asked Andy on Wednesday when it was or I'd have missed out on it. My mother overnighted my suit to me on Thursday. I got it in plenty of time. My other concern was getting a mask. Lucky for me that Andy had to get a mask, himself. I got a decent mask for $1.25. Around 6:15pm, I started to get ready. I gave Andy a call to see if he was ready too, but his friend Xena called him and asked him to hang out. Although, Xena has a boyfriend, I don't blame Andy for choosing her over the Masquerade Ball. I was all ready and put in too much effort not to go, so I went alone. Again, I was fortunate enough to run into Kristi first thing. So, I sat at her table. Then, Jason, our friend Liz, and one of Liz's friends showed up. It was a lot of fun, but there's only one thing I would change. There were only about 5 or 6 slow songs and they were all played in a row. The rest were fast songs and some of them almost killed me. I know this will sound really sterotypical and I apologize ahead of time, but it seems like only girls and gay guys can really dance to fast music. It was still fun, though. I heard that Cortland does at least 2 or 3 dances per semester. I'm all for that. Next time, I'm gonna try not to go stag. I did get to dance with this girl, named Erica and Liz this time, but it was a risky move going alone. It's my first year at Cortland and I had no clue if anyone I knew was going or not. Well...Kristi said she wanted to go, but she also said she was on duty, that night. She did go, but she was on duty at 9:00, so she couldn't stay for the slow songs. They didn't play the slow songs until 9:20. So, if I were to change anything, it'd be that the slow songs would be mixed in with the fast ones and there's be more of them. Right now, I'm watching David Archuleta's music video for his song, Crush. It's basically him and his friends hanging out, laughing, joking, stuff like that. It kind of reminds me of my friends at BCC. I hated BCC from the moment I stepped foot on it, but I did meet a lot of great people over there. It's funny, because at first, I was just this smart-mouth kid that didn't know when to shut up. But, things happened over time and I made a lot of great friends. It's like what Chris said, one day. You're friends with someone for so long that they're no longer your friends. They're your family. That's what we are at BCC. We're a family. When I first arrived at Cortland, that's how Kristi described last semester. During the first meeting, Kristi said that Whitaker was like a family, last semester. I feel bad for her and my roommate, Joe, because it's no longer like a family anymore. I'd like to do something about it, but I have no game plan at the moment. Although, I've made a few new friends and they're all good people, they're not like the friends I have at BCC. My personality allows me to be so close to people that I actually have several "second" families. When I was at Hancock, I missed my boys and my actual family badly. I couldn't wait to get out of there. It was also a wake-up call. When I was at BCC, Dan and Chris had my back no matter what. When I was away from them, I got screwed with pretty badly and there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it. It was just a taste of what life's gonna be like when they're not around. I haven't seen Chris in a few weeks and I haven't seen Dan in months. I've talked to them when that situation happened with Kara, but that's about it. I miss those guys, but since Cortland's not as bad as Hancock, I'm pretty content, here. The people are nicer, there's stuff to do, so although I miss my friends, I'm doing pretty good. I plan on giving them a call, this week. That's another thing. It seems like their cell phone's always off. I might try the house phone just to see how those guys are doing. Next month, I have a Thanksgiving break, so I might get to see them. If not, I'll just wait until my Christmas break.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I think Leben made Bisping look bad when he put down his hands and let him punch away. I think either Franklin or Henderson would absolutely DEMOLISH Bisping.

Can I ask a favor man? Can you break your posts into paragraphs and kick the font size up just a tad?