Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Friends And Old Ones.

This weekend hasn't been too bad. Friday could've been a little better. I went out, because it was Friday and I really didn't wanna spend the night in my dorm. So, I went out. Nothing major happened. I hung out with Shaun and James again. I ended up going back to Shaun's apartment for a little while. I tried to catch a bus back to my dorm, but both buses passed me, so I asked Shaun if I could stay at his place. He said sure, but he felt bad, because he ran out of blankets. So, I didn't all. Around 6:40 in the morning, I went to the bus stop to see when the buses were supposed to come around again. At first I thought they were coming around 7:30 am. Then, I looked closer and saw they should be coming 8:05 am. Well, around 9:00, I was tired of waiting and just walked back to my dorm. It wasn't that far of a walk, but it would've been nice to have taken a bus. I fell asleep for a good five hours. Then, I ran into one of my new friends that I've met, since I've been here. His name's Andy. We hung out and watched a few episodes of the Boondocks. I've never seen the Boondocks before, but I've been missing out. The only real complaint I have about it is that they drop the "N" word a lot. Although, the racist black guy was funny as hell. Andy had to do homework, so I went to get food. I hung out alone in my dorm for a bit, then went to get a milkshake. I ran into Andy again, but this time, he wasn't alone. He invited me to hang out with him and his friends for a few hours. I was all for that. It was Saturday night. Who the hell wants to spend Saturday night alone? So, I met his friends, Frankie and Josh. We rented this old 80's horror flick called Evil Dead 2. Man, I forgot how bad 80's horror flicks were. This one was pretty bad, but I'd still like to see the first and third ones. Tonight, I might get to see TNA Bound for Glory. The key word is MIGHT. It's up to James' friend. Lately, the WWE Pay Per Views haven't lived up to the hype. I hope TNA doesn't fall in the same trap. This past week, I read old LJ posts of one of my old friends back in high school and part of college. He was pretty pathetic back then. It's funny, because he took great pleasure of laughing at my pain when things weren't working out with Ashley. Then, his girlfriend broke up with him and he became a big emo bitch. Not only that, but he'd try to force himself on every girl he came across. His reputation suffered after a while. It's also funny, because he'd always think he was better than me. We were good friends, but it's like...dude, are you serious? People know his rep and they know mine. So, if given the choice of who they prefer, I'm very confident that they'd choose me. I have several circles of friends. He has like one or two. Not only that, but I'm creating a new circle here at Cortland. Most of the people that know him, don't really like him. He feels like he has no limits when it comes to girls. He pretty-much degrades them, but claims he has respect for the female race. It's very funny when he finds a girl that he likes that has a boyfriend. He'll talk down to the boyfriend and try to be this alpha male. Then, when the girl finally tells him that he has no chance in hell, he'll go all emo. I bring this up, because for years, he's acted like this alpha-male and it hasn't really paid off. I can't count the number of times that several people wanted to kick his ass. Basically, I'm better than him. I'm just disappointed that it took me this long to finally realize that. Normally, I wouldn't say I'm better than anybody, but in this case, I'm a hell of a lot better. The best part is that everyone knows it.

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