Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Game Plan

Last weekend, I was able to get one of Denna's old friends to hang out with her again. Since Denna usually spends time with me on the weekends, her friend hung out with us. Her name's Kelcie. She's the one that Denna wanted me to hook up with originally. Due to circumstances that weren't in my power, things changed. Denna and I were the ones that got closer together. The good news is that Kelcie and Cody are on the verge of dating now. So, Cody and I came up with a new game plan. He dates Kelcie and I date Denna. It may sound easy, but it's really not. Denna's still dating the dumbass from the army and that won't change until he comes back around June. Even then, she may choose him over me. Kelcie said that I need to protect myself. She doesn't wanna see anyone hurt either. She's actually given me a lot of good advice over the past few days. I already know how this could all turn out. There are some good endings and some bad endings. Like I've said many times before, it's frustrating as hell, but I'm dealing with it. If anything, Kelcie and Cody'll probably hook up. That part looks to be in effect. It's funny...even Kelcie's pulling for me to hook up with Denna. Basically, everyone's like "screw this other guy". This one guy who had seen Denna and I playing thought her and I were together. Believe me, I'd love to be in a relationship with her, but it's really up to her. So, part of the plan will probably go in effect. As far as the rest of the plan goes, that's up to Denna. Also, we have dumb bitches like Bridgette trying to ruin everyone's relationships, so she has more options for when she dumps her moronic boyfriend. Yesterday, I saw Bridgette talking to Kelcie about Cody. I knew something was up, so I talked to Kelcie today to find out what that yapping female dog said about my boy. Sure enough, she was trying to create a wedge between the two of them. She told Kelcie to make sure Cody's over his ex-fiance before getting in a relationship with him. First of all, Cody's ex-fiance could care less who he dates. She's dating one of his old roommates and it's not really bothering him all that much. Second of all, I'm sure that Cody is over his ex-fiance. They don't even talk anymore. Bridgette's trying to cause friction between Cody and Kelcie, so she has a fail-safe. The joke's on her, because Cody finds her annoying at times. I let Kelcie know what kind of person Bridgette was and I assured her that I'd give Cody a call to let him know what's been going on. Just like I told Kelcie, if anyone gets in the way of what they have going on, I'm taking them out. If they happen to be female, I'll give either Robin or Marcy a call and have them deal with them. I know my friends have my back with Denna, so I'm just returning the favor. That and Cody's my boy. He's always had my back, so I have his.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ultimate Fighter: Season 7 Recap.

I've been busy with my wrestling roleplaying stuff, otherwise I would've had this up yesterday. The Ultimate Fighters: Season 7 is going smoothly so far. Team Forrest still has control of the fights, but the guy from Team Rampage put up one hell of a fight. At one point I thought he might have won it. But, he lacked the experience that the other guy had and ended up being submitted by an armbar. Quentin was a bit disappointed, but he calmly talked to his defeated fighter. He didn't go down the Matt Hughes route and belittled him. That alone makes him a better coach and a betteer fighter than Matt Hughes. The guy from Quentin's team reminds me He's 22 years old, lives with his parents, and doesn't have a driver's license. The guy from Forrest's team sort of rubbed off on me the wrong way. He was sort of cocky. He acted like already won the fight before he even stepped into the octagon. So far, nothing big has happened. There's no tension that's building and the house seems drama-free so far. Still, as I pointed out last time, it's still early. Then again, these guys are the real deal this time. They had to fight to get on the show, so television isn't really a big concern for them. They're there to get a six figure contract. Some of them wanna have a good time too, which is fine. Some of them just mean business. They could care less about the cameras or being on TV. If only Dana White had done this sooner, guys like Joey and Gabe would have never made it in the house and someone who really wanted the opportunity would have gotten it. I'm sure that after a few weeks, they'll start to crack and do all kinds of dumb things. The highlights showed a lot of clips of fights breaking out inside the house. I remember in season five, the second episode had a lot of tension and animosity. That's only because Nate Diaz is a dumbass. He took a simple joke too seriously. Manny's another dumbass. Anyway, there's no one yet that I dislike yet, but as I've said's still early.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Frustrating Situations

Ever since Wrestlemania 24, Denna and I have hung out a lot on the weekends. We've grown very close to each other. However, both of us still have to hold back a little bit, because of certain people. It's very frustrating and it's not really fair to the both of us, but there's nothing I can do about it. I just have to be patient. I also need to stop listening to Cody and Robin. Although, their intentions are good, I need to do this on my own. Whenever, they get involved, things become rocky between Denna and I. I've seen just about every emotion from her that a person can express. She's only seen me a little down or happy. She hasn't witnessed the anger part yet. She's heard stories, but she hasn't seen it in person. As much as I like hanging out with her, I'd be happier if it were just her and me. Right now, she's got that dumbass in the army. The funny part is that everyone is pretty-much pulling for me. Even people in her own family are pulling for me. It's like they know this army dumbass isn't for her and I am. I give it a couple more months. He'll come home for a couple weeks, she'll realize I have more to offer, he'll be kicked out of the picture. Until then, I'll just continue to be patient. I've been hanging out at Cody's over the past few weekends. So, of course Denna's been hanging out with us too. Every Saturday, we've had our traditional parties at Edaniel's. The down side is that Bridgette and Brad have been coming too. I made it no secret that I can't stand either one of them. They create a bunch of drama and good people like Denna get sucked into it. I swear it...last weekend, I almost flipped out. Everyone was having a good time and then they had one of their bitch fits. Denna got all upset and I was ready to kill. Not only that, but when Bridgette's around, Denna and I have to be very careful around each other. She brushed my cheek with her hand at one of the parties and Brad raised his eyebrows. She saw it, not me. If I saw it, I'd ask him what the hell he was looking at. Thankfully, there are others that are starting to get annoyed with those two. Jeff has been annoyed, but now Cody's starting to get a little irritated. That's big, because Cody's the one giving them rides. Bridgette always calls him during the week to see if there's something going on that weekend. All he has to do is tell her that the Saturday night parties are no more and the problem's solved. Danny and Jay are getting sick of her too. That's also big, because they can tell Cody not to let her come. It's their place, so they can choose who to let in. There's also a new policy. If you don't bring something with you, there's a $5.00 fee at the door. This doesn't apply to me, because I always bring a 30 pack with me. However, this too could stop those two from coming. They're always bitching that they have no money. Every week, more and more people get annoyed by Bridgette and Brad. It's only a matter of time before they're kicked out of Danny's door. Cody and I do things for Danny and Jay, so we're always welcome there. Cody sometimes drives Danny home and I invite Danny to watch PPVs with me or buy him tickets to independent wrestling shows. For his birthday, I bought him a front row ticket to TNA wrestling. That show is next month. Getting back to the Denna thing, her and I think almost exactly alike. On the phone, both of us will speak at the same time. We can tell what the other is thinking just by our facial expressions. Hell, her eyes light up and she becomes more lively when I enter the room. I probably do the same thing without realizing it. When we have privacy, we're allowed to be us. When people are around, we have to be careful. Although, my friends already know we like each other a lot, she doesn't wanna get a bad rep. I don't think she will, but I'm not gonna push it. I'm taking things one day at a time. 2008 will be my year. I can feel it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

It's Still Early Yet.

Last night's episode of The Ultimate Fighter wasn't too bad. I did feel sorry for the guy who had a skin disease that cost him his dream. Basically, there was something on his neck and a doctor checked it out. It was contagious, so he had to go home. Dana White didn't want to send him home, but he had no choice. This guy did nothing wrong and he's being sent home. It's nobody's fault, really. He started breaking out due to stress or so they think. It's a "possibility" that it was caused by stress. Sure, it'd go away if treated after a few days, but if he gets stressed out again, he could break out again. As for the rest of the show, Forrest and Quentin picked teams. I like both coaches this time. No disrespect to Quentin, but I'm pulling for Forrest's team. As for the people on the teams, it's too early to dislike any of them. Last night's fight was pretty good. Team Forrest got the victory. As a result, Team Forrest still has control. I'm sure Quentin will bounce back. Luckily, he's not another Matt Hughes. Although, someone from The Ultimate Fighter: Season 5 is an assistant coach for Forrest's team. Gray Maynard. I liked Gray and was pulling him to win it at one point. Unfortunately, Nate Diaz won the entire thing. Also, my boy, Matt Serra puts his Welterweight Championship on the line against George St. Pierre this month. Actually, I think it's this Saturday. Whoever wins, will be a respectable Champion, but as always, I'm pulling for Matt Serra. Give him hell, Matt.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Down to Business

Last night marked episode #2 of The Ultimate Fighter. Nothing too big took place. Well, there was a pretty brutal knock-out that had one fighter leave in an ambulance. There were a lot of submissions, knock outs, but not too many decisions. In fact, I think there was one fight that ended in a decision. That guy'll won't make it all the way through. Then, they should a preview of what's in store for the viewers this season. Instead of immature assholes destroying the house, they're destroying EACH OTHER IN THE HOUSE! Man, I'm sure Dana White had a field day with these guys. Fighting inside the house is a definite no-no. I know I've said this before, but some people need to grow the hell up. Next show, Quentin and Forrest pick their teams and this thing can get started. Everyone in the house has at least one victory to their credit already. So, it's hard to predict who'll win it right off the bat. Anyways, tomorrow's Friday. Thank god for that. I talked to Cody and there's another party at Danny's this Saturday. There's a good chance that Denna's gonna come. Hell, if I can arrange it, maybe her and I could hang out on Friday. She's been wanting to hang out outside of college ever since meeting me. Not that I blame her. This place is boring as hell. Yesterday, her, me, Johnny, and Robin hung out at Robin's place. It was nice. She felt very comfortable there and she should. Robin's place always feels like a second home to me. So doesn't Candor though. Pretty-much, anybody's place feels like a second home to me. Well, unless it's my first time there. I can't stand people that act like they own the place on their first visit there. It drives me freakin' nuts. Anyways, that's what the plan is for the weekend. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Another Two-A-Day Weekend

Last weekend on Sunday, Denna hung out with my friends and I. It was one of the best nights that I've had. Last Friday, Cody threw a party at his place. Of course, Denna was invited. Unfortunately, so were Bridgette and Brad. It's no secret that I can't stand Bridgette. The only thing more annoying than her is when both her and Brad are in the same room. When Cody brought Bridgette and Brad to the house, he started offering them shots. It's a party, so that's not out of the ordinary. However, Brad's engaged to Bridgette. Yet, he wanted to do shots with Denna instead. I'm sorry, but when you get engaged to someone else, aren't the two of you supposed to do those kind of things? Even though Bridgette's a conceited, controlling, annoying, shrew, he shouldn't be focusing his attention on other women. Especially, Denna because I'm already five steps ahead of him anyway. As a result, both of them got completely trashed. Worse than she did on Sunday. Cody and Jeff had to babysit her, while Bridgette screamed at Brad. It took a lot of will power not to scream at her to shut the hell up. Brad's a freakin' idiot. If you need proof, he's engaged to Bridgette. Enough said there. Jeff ended up kicking in a door when he thought Denna had passed out. Luckily, she was still consious. The next morning, she felt a bit dizzy, but she had to help her family move out of their old house and into another one. Later, she was gonna go with me to my friend Mike's 21st birthday party. At first, she wasn't gonna go, but after thinking about it, she decided that she wanted to go after all. What I loved the most about this was that Bridgette wasn't gonna be there. Also, it was at Mike's cabin in Oxford. I can't really give too many details about that party, because what happens at the cabin, stays at the cabin. I will say that Denna had fun at this party too and didn't get totally hammered like Friday. I'll also say that the walk to the cabin was very entertaining. It's funny...when Denna's shy around people she doesn't know, she gets really close to the people that she does know. This time, it happened to be me. I liked Saturday's party a lot better than Friday's. Bridgette wasn't there and I was with people that didn't annoy me constantly. Along with Bridgette and Brad being there, our friend Paul was there too. When Paul's sober, I don't mind being around him. When he's hammered, he's a pain in the ass. Even Cody's starting to get a little iritated by him. On Saturday, it was me, Denna, Mike, his uncle, Dan, Chris, and one of Mike's friends called Shayla. There were supposed to be more, but a lot of them cancelled. When Mike drove us back on Sunday, I fell asleep around 11:00 in the morning. I woke up around 3:25 in the afternoon. It was too nice of a day to waste inside, so I took a long walk. Then, later that night, I talked to Denna. Ever since we've been hanging out, we've been avoiding any and all uncomfortable subjects. Thanks to Mike and Robin talking to her, we finally approached them. It was a good thing that we confronted those issues when we did. This isn't gonna be like the Ashley thing. This time, no one's gonna get hurt. Also, this time I'm a little bit more mature about it. I don't know what's going on this weekend. It depends on Seth, Cody, and a few other people. Personally, I'd like it if Bridgette and Brad stayed the hell away from me, but if we end up doing something at Cody's, I can't do anything about it. At Candor, it's a Bridgette/Brad free zone, which is just the way I like it. It's about time Seth got off his ass and planned something for all of us to do. I'll talk to him, tonight. Maybe we can do something at his place, this weekend.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Ultimate Fighter is back.

Last night, The Ultimate Fighter: Season 7 started. The coaches this time are Forrest Griffin and Quentin Jackson. This time, I like both coaches. However, if I were to pick a favorite, I'd have to go with Forrest Griffin. He was one of the winners for the first ever Ultimate Fighter. Also, the guy's hillarious. Last night, he said that he's gonna pick guys that are much uglier than he is. Of course he wasn't serious, but he said it in a matter-of-fact voice. The fighters have to fight in order to earn the right to be at the house. I know I've said this before in a previous entry. Dana White said he's tired of having to deal with the people that just want to be on TV and not serious about fighting. Like that Gabe asshole from season 5 or Joey from season 6. The next episode's showing the remaining fights. There were a few guys that impressed me, last night. I'm not predicting a winner just yet. I still need to learn the names and faces of the guys on this season. I'm sure that Dana's made a few more modifications to the rules of being on the show, but Forrest and Quentin still have to choose their teams. Each season has something new added to it. Some of the stuff that didn't work in the last season is thrown out of the window. Dana tries to keep everything professional, but there's always one asshole that screws it up for everyone else. I already know there's gonna be drama. Dana knows that too. He's just trying to filter a lot of the drama out of the show. I thank him for that.