Monday, November 19, 2007

Grow the Hell Up

Drama returned to Candor this weekend. Friday went pretty smoothly. However, Saturday was when all hell broke loose. It started when this manipulative bitch called Seth up. She wanted him to move in with her. He doesn't have a job, a license or a car. She said all of that didn't matter and was all taken care of. So, he was all for it. I don't really like her that much, because she uses men to get what she wants and then tosses them aside. She said that I could move in with her too. I just don't get it. When I don't like someone, I'm extremely rude to them. No matter what I say or do, the people who I can't stand, don't hate me back. It was explained to me (Thank you, Robin) that they don't think I mean to be an asshole. Believe me...I MEAN IT! Anyways, Seth told his parents that he was only going to stay there for a couple of days. That was B.S, because he got all excited that she wanted him to move in with her. Let me explain Seth before I finish the story. He still acts like he's 6 years old. He sleeps until 3:00 in the afternoon and watches soap operas. The only thing that interests him at all is baseball and pro wrestling. He's in no position to move out on his own. His mother hit the roof. His step-father didn't say anything to him, but when him and I were alone, he expressed his feelings. Later that night, Marcy started feeding me shots and had both of us playing Monopoly with the rest of the family. As you know, I swore off hard liquor. Well, so much for that. Also, Seth's little brother and step-brother had their friends up. For their entertainment, they decided to jump us. His step-brother and I used to rough house all the time. Him and I are cool. I ended up putting him in a real naked choke. He left me alone for the rest of the night and tried jumping Seth. At one point, he called a time-out. Then, he aimed a picture-perfect kick below the belt. It was a good shot, but hitting someone like that is just wrong. Seth put him in a choke hold after laying on the ground for ten minutes. Marcy called both of us out to do another shot. Seth tried using the low blow as an excuse. I told him to stop being a pussy and just say that he didnt' wanna do shots. That's what I did. Well, he got all pissy and hit me below the belt UNPROVOKED! I slapped him upside his head and he went to come at me. That is until he saw that I was ready to start throwing bombs. He kept saying that I didn't wanna fight him, because he almost killed a guy before. I said bullshit and kept calling him a pussy and like a pussy, he backed down. If he ever does something that low again, he will be in great amounts of pain. As all of this was going on, his brothers and their friends were trashing his room or more specifically a board game that I brought up there that we play all the time. When we went back in, the game was all messed up and someone put a guy's sack on his computer. I left his room to go out and laugh at their creativity. They really didn't do any real damage to anything. Well, while I was out hanging out with everyone else, he was apparently throwing a tantrum like a little baby. Basically, throwing things around and shouting that he "couldn't wait to get the hell out of this house". First off, his mom and step-father's house has about five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a bar downstairs, a huge living room, and a decent sized kitchen. Second off, he doesn't do much of anything around the house. His mom does all the stuff he should be doing himself. He doesn't really have it bad at all over there. Hell, I'd trade places with him in a heartbeat and I don't have it all that bad either. The sad part is that more than half of his family that live in the house want him to move out and stop freeloading on them. Marcy even told him that she'd love it if he moved out, so she'd be able to use his room as another guest room. I asked if I'd still be invited. She looked at me as if to say: "why wouldn't you be invited" and said yes. Bottom line is that he really needs to grow up. I need to grow up too, but I'm farther along than he is. Overall, this weekend had some high points and low points.

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