Thursday, November 29, 2007

Seriously...Grow the Hell Up

Season 6 is winding down. The last episode of The Ultimate Fighter is next week. I really don't know why they're rushing the final episodes. Unless they want to have the finale before the holidays. I was a bit disappointed with some of the guys on Team Serra. For some reason that was never explained, three of the guys from Serra's team didn't go to practice and started drinking. Before I continue, I have another story that kind of relates to this one. When my parents went to visit my sick grandfather in Florida in 2005, they left me in charge of the house. I wasn't into drinking back then. That didn't start until 2006. Anyway, I was talking online and watching wrestling at the same time. I was focusing more on the conversations that I was having than on the TV. When wrestling was over, I didn't bother changing the channel. The Ultimate Fighter came on right after. I wasn't a fan of UFC yet. While I was talking to my friends online, I heard two of the guys screaming at each other. I rushed over to the TV to watch the fireworks. It didn't last long. However, most of the guys were drunk and two of them were throwing all kinds of crap in the pool and basically being obnoxious assholes. After that, they provoke yet another fight with the guy from the opposite team. He chases after them and breaks a window and two doors. The next day, Dana White lays down the law. There would be no more alcohol in the house, the guys involved had to pay for the damages with whatever money that they had won up to that point and Chris Leban was to fight Josh Koschek the next week. I wanted to see Leban kick his ass, so I tuned in the next week and ended up becoming a big fan of the sport. The fight between Leban and Koschek sucked. Leban lost by decision, which is bullshit. Koschek just laid on top of him the entire time. The "no alcohol in the house rule" was still in effect until after season 2. Now, getting back to last night's activities. These three drunk kids start throwing crap THROUGH not AT, but THROUGH the walls. They tore up one wall pretty good. They were giggling like 14 year old girls the entire time too. They sort of reminded me of Seth's cousin Henry when he starts drinking. He's ten times more annoying. Throwing things through the walls wasn't enough for them. They decided that they should leave Team Hughes a little present. Team Hughes were practicing at the time. So, two of them walk into Team Hughes' bathroom and leave an "upper decker" for them. If you don't know what an upper decker is, it's basically when you take a dump in the top part of the toilet. Not only does it stink, but when you flush the toilet, tiny chunks of crap fill up the toilet. I think for the first time ever, I felt bad for Team Hughes. Well, they come back and the three drunken idiots are sitting on the sofa still giggling like a group of teeny boppers. Team Hughes observes the wall and a few of them talk to the camera about how childish and disrespectful that was. Mac almost got in a fight with Ritchie Hightower. Mac's hated that guy since Day 1. There's no love lost there. I'm glad that his team held him back so he didn't do something stupid that'd get him kicked off the show, but it got me thinking...Mac vs. Ritchie would be a good fight. I almost wish that they'd put that fight on the card for The Ultimate Finale. Anyways, that got defused quickly. Blake had to use the toilet. After he flushed the toilet, he discovered what they did. He pulled his team aside to let them know what the three guys from Serra's team did. I did laugh when Blake said to Mac, "Before I tell you anything, promise me that I won't have to hold you back." Mac's response was, "Are you sure that you really wanna tell me this?" Also, I give Mac props with the Fran Dresser comment towards Ritchie Hightower. Hightower does sound like her when he laughs. Anyway, Blake said, "I'll tell you anyways, they took a dump in the top of our toilet." Mac just shook his head and walked away without losing his temper. Blake called the other guys from his team and informed them about the toilet situation. J-Rock got pissed, broke the top lid off of the tank and kicked in Team Serra's door. He almost got in a fight with one of them and the rest of Team Hughes had to hold him down. As a result the two guys responsible for he toilet had to clean it up. I'm sorry, but I agree with Mac and the guys who said that they acted like 14 year old kids who got drunk for the first time and were acting immature and unprofessional. The fight that week was "Mini Hughes" (Tommy) vs. Ben. Mini Hughes won to no one's surprise but Ben's. After the fight, I realized that ever since my pick, John had lost, I could care less if a guy from Team Serra wins or not. I despise Hughes and was disgusted when he was gloating that his team is "2-2" in the quarter-finals. Hey Hughes, shut the hell up. You got rocked in the preliminaries 6-2, which means you have no right to gloat. Anyway, I want Matt Serra to beat Hughes in this competition, but Hughes may pull one out of his ass. My prediction is that the finals will have Mac vs. Tommy. Both from Team Hughes. I like both of them and I'm glad that Tommy only has Matt Hughes' style and not his personality. Next Saturday is The Ultimate Finale. The last two fights are next week. Hopefully, someone from Team Serra will make it to the finals.

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