Friday, November 2, 2007

Starting the Weekend Early

My friends from college go to a bar in Pennsylvania every Thursday. They've invited me a couple of times, but I've had no way of getting there. One of my friends was gonna arrange a way to get me there. The original plan was that I'd go home with him and wait for our ride to show up. I thought it was all taken care of. But there was some miscommunication and there was no room for me this week. My friend felt that he screwed me over, but he really didn't. I assured him everything was cool and told him to pencil me in for next Thursday. I didn't feel like going home last night, so I gave Cody a call and asked if it was cool if I could crash at his place. He said ok and picked me up. The people that lived with Cody before didn't mind the taste of beer, so they'd usually drink mine if I left it there. I didn't mind of course, but my plans for last night were to be drinking. Luckily, Cody's new roommates don't drink beer and I had eight cans left. Ever since the tea bagging incident, I haven't really gotten hammered like I used to. Even at the last couple of parties that I was at, I wasn't really drunk. Last night, I was freakin' hammered. After my third one, I started playing Guitar Hero 3. I don't have anything against Guitar Hero, but I never really play it. So, for a good hour and a half I was playing Guitar Hero 3 while I was drinking. If you really want a challenge, trying playing that game drunk. It's a lot more fun. Then, Cody's neighbors came over. We hung out with them and I started getting tired. I moved to the other couch and fell asleep. When I woke up this morning, I was on the couch that Cody and the neighbors were sitting on and I don't remember moving there. That kind of freaks me out a bit. I've never gotten hammered to the point that I black out. I remember everything that happened last night except for moving back on that couch. I'm hanging out with my friend, Scott Hoyt tonight. We're not gonna be drinking, but I'm sure something amusing will happen.

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