Thursday, November 15, 2007

Making A Comeback

Matt Serra was faced with a difficult situation last night. Because his team did so well in the preliminaries, Matt Hughes only has two guys left and if they were to lose there would be no need for Matt Hughes to be on the show. Apparently, Dana White saw this as a problem. Matt Serra wanted to finish Team Hughes off in the quarter-finals. In fact, when him and Dana were discussing possible fights for the quarter-finals, Matt Serra asked if it was possible to have the two fighters on Team Hughes fight each other. Matt Hughes told the camera if his team were pitted against each other, he'd throw a fit. Grow the hell up, Hughes. Your team sucks anyways. What does it matter if teammate faces teammate? Only one figher's gonna win this thing. Anyways, Matt Serra and Dana asked the fighters who they wished to fight and why. Then, a problem arose. Matt Serra had 6 fighters advance to the quarter-finals, Matt Hughes only has 2 fighters advancing to the quarter-finals. Dana told Serra that two of his fighters had to go over to Team Hughes. Matt Serra and his team weren't happy at all. The team's concern is that Hughes can't really teach them anything and they're right. His team is 2-6 against them. Matt Serra just wants to finish off Team Hughes. Matt Serra said it feels like a punishment and I agree with him. Last season, there was one teammate vs. teammate fight. No one coached anybody. The coaches just watched silently. Why can't they do the same thing here? Anyway, Matt Hughes had that stupid grin on his face. To his credit, he had Dana flip a coin. Hughes offered to pick for Serra, which I thought was an asshole move on his part. The asshole was really loving it. Serra turned down the offer and a coin toss decided who was going over to Team Hughes. The two guys that were sent over asked to talk to the coaches on Team Hughes. Basically, they wanted to make sure that Hughes wasn't gonna dick them over. Hughes told the camera that he felt that the "meeting" was unprofessional on their part. WHAT AN ASSHOLE! I'll bet anything that if the roles were switched, Matt Serra wouldn't find the meeting unprofessional. Hughes basically told them that he was here to coach. He wasn't there to make friends or anything else. Then, he got up and left without shaking their hands or anything. The guy's a dick and I'm counting down the days when Matt Serra smashes his teeth in. Mac and my pick to win the entire thing faced off. I don't have a problem with Mac, but I picked John to win it, so that's who I was pulling for. Unfortunately, Mac won the fight. I don't switch horses after one has lost, but if I were to guess who's gonna win the entire thing now, I'd pick Mac. If I were asked who would be his opponent, I'd guess Ritchie Hightower. He reminds me of Joe Stevenson from Season 2 without the cocky attitude. Right now, it looks like Hughes is making a comeback. However, the first Preliminary fight was won by Mac and then Team Serra dominated for the most part. Could lightning strike twice?

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