Thursday, November 1, 2007

Matt Hughes Fails

Matt Hughes' team is starting to get sick of him. He was pissing and moaning about how they don't seem to wanna listen to him and that's why they're 1-5 against Team Serra. It's a known fact that most people don't listen to assholes. I don't really listen to assholes myself. During the practice, he was bitching about the last two guys that fought and lost. Dan was getting stitched up, so he wasn't at the practice. Hughes said that Dan was scared the minute the fight began and the fight itself was horrible. Mac didn't think what Hughes said was right. He couldn't say anything about it though, because I'm sure that Hughes would've used Mac as a scape-goat. He was talking about it with Jared (nicknamed J-Rock) and he agreed with Mac. J-Rock had yet to fight and he felt that Hughes was punishing him and the other fighter who hasn't fought yet, because of the guys who did fight and lose. Matt Hughes was also bitching about not wanting to be on the show anymore. All I have to say about that is don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Hughes. Way to act like Joey. It wouldn't bother me one bit if Hughes took his ball and went home. Unfortunately, Matt Hughes is staying and was just talking out of his ass. J-Rock was the next guy to be chosen to fight. During practice, he hurt his ribs. No one knew exactly what he'd done at first. He was told that if the injury were severe enough, he wouldn't be able to fight. The guy broke down crying. He already expected the worst. They went to get X-rays done of the injury to see how bad it was. Luckily, he only had a bruised rib. It would hurt a lot, but he'd still be able to fight. I've noticed that most if not all of the injuries this season have been on Team Hughes. Maybe if Hughes would stop punishing his guys, he wouldn't be having these close calls. J-Rock's actions had me believing that he was gonna take his opponent's head off. The way he was upset when he thought that he might not be able to fight and the talk he said about wanting to fight George from Team Serra had me believing that he'd turn things around for Team Hughes. George's teammates are getting annoyed with him as well. I guess he pretty much keeps to himself and is only focusing on him winning the competition. There's no fault in that. However, they made the competition a team sport and at the same time, kept it as an individual sport. It reminds me of being on the wrestling team. You were part of the team, but it was up to you to put the points on the board and help your team win. Granted that Team Serra really doesn't need help at this point, they're still part of a team and everyone needs to do their part to help the team succeed. George's defense is that guys on his team aren't babies. He's right, but there's no alarm clock in the room and the guys would appreciate it if someone woke them up in time to get a shower in, to eat breakfast, and to do whatever else they need to do before they go to practice. The fight between George and J-Rock wasn't what I had expected. J-Rock didn't do much of anything and George ended up knocking him out a minute before the round ended. The fight was pretty much boring. After the fight, J-Rock threw a tantrum. He was crying again and throwing chairs, water bottles, and whatever else he could get his hands on. He has no one to blame but himself. That's what makes it an individual sport. Because he lost, his team lost and that's what makes it a team sport. The look Matt Hughes had on his face after the fight pretty much told the story. He has one fighter left, he has no say in the quarter-finals, he only has one fighter advancing to the quarter-finals, and Team Serra is up 6-1. The look on his face basically said: "I lost, I give up, there's no way I can come back from this, I just want to go home." He might not have said this, but the look on his face did. Matt Serra did what he wanted to do. He wanted to beat Matt Hughes in the competition. He also wants to beat Matt Hughes when they fight to deprive him of once again becoming the Welterweight champion. His team's 6-1...SUCK ON THAT, HUGHES!

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