Saturday, October 27, 2007

Chaos and Alcohol

Last night, there was a Halloween party in Candor. There were two requirements in order to eat and drink at the party. The first requrement was to have a costume and the second requirement was to pay $5.00. I dressed up like Randy Orton when he was in Evolution. Out of all my boys from BCC, only Steve Clarke and Tyler Blackman made it to the party. The party started around 8:00. People started showing up an hour later. There had to be at least 15 to 20 people that showed up. The one thing that I love about Candor is that there's absolutely no drama. Well, nothing lasts forever. Most of the people at the party were taken. Tyler could care less who's dating who. When I first met Tyler, I didn't like him and he didn't like me. We were at each other's throats. Of course it was all over a girl. For about a year, we hated each other. Then we realized it was stupid and we've been friends ever since. Steve and I played Tyler and Seth to a game of beer pong. We played twice and they won both times. We took a break for a while. I was talking to people, trying to remember names, just hanging out really. My cousin, Lindsay was at the party. She's my cousin by marriage. I don't really get to see her or her brother Kyle that much. We've never really hung out. We used to talk online a lot, but it always seemed awkward. After a while, Tyler and Seth challenged me to another game of beer pong. I had to find another partner. I asked two girls, but they politely turned me down. Seth found me a partner. It turned out to be Lindsay. She's actually really good at beer pong. During the course of the game, Tyler was trying to get inside my head by hitting on Lindsay. It didn't work, but he did get someone's attention. The bad part is that Lindsay's boyfriend, Phil heard Tyler's comments. Phil said something to Tyler and Tyler stopped with the comments. We beat Tyler and Seth, then took on another team, which we also beat. Now, I thought everything was cool. Unfortunately, Phil was still fuming about Tyler's comments. He thought Tyler was still running his mouth. He started yelling at Tyler and moving towards him aggressively. Seth and I sent Tyler in the food room. Lindsay was pissed that Phil tried to provoke a fight. They had a shouting match outside. Seth and I hung out with Tyler in the food room. Marcy stormed in a half hour later and started screaming at Tyler. Five minutes later, we went in Seth's room for the rest of the night. Ten minutes later, Lindsay and Seth's mom came into the room. Lindsay started screaming at Tyler. I tried to defuse the situation, but Lindsay kept sushing me. Tyler tried apologizing countless times, but she didn't accept it. After she was done, she said good bye to me and left. We went all went to bed after that. Personally, I think this could've been avoided if Phil didn't take what Tyler said personally. I have nothing against Phil, but if the guy just let this go after Tyler stopped, everything would've been fine. Hopefully, the next party won't have any freakin' drama. Besides the Tyler/Lindsay incident, it was a lot of fun.

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