Thursday, October 18, 2007

UFC Update--Team Serra: 4 Team Hughes: 1

I have another UFC update. I've noticed that Matt Serra and his team aren't shown as much as Matt Hughes and his team. The reason is that Team Hughes provides more entertainment. This week, one of the guys from Team Hughes received some bad news from home. His 19 year old cousin died. It was mandatory that he fight before flying home for the funeral and everything. First off, ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME? Who made that ruling? It wasn't Matt Hughes who made this call, though if it were him, it wouldn't surprise me. I don't think it was Dana White either. Whoever it was that made that ruling is a heartless bastard. Most of the show was focused on Mac, another guy on Team Hughes. Him and another teammate were discussing a fight from the last season. Mac lost his cool and told the guy that he's not a real fighter. I do believe that Mac was goaded into that. Overall, I don't mind too many people on Team Hughes. Mac has a deep respect for nature. Specifically, animals and insects. Basically, both Team Hughes and Team Serra don't like Mac after his harsh words to his teammate. They spent most of the day killing flys just to annoy him. Way to act mature, guys. Well, the poor guy that lost his cousin fought and was knocked out. How did Matt Hughes respond? "I don't remember trading punches as part of our game plan," he told him. THE GUY HAS MORE ON HIS MIND THAN YOUR GAME PLAN, ASSHOLE! If this happened to me and Matt Hughes said something like that to me, I'd knock his ass out. Do you know what Matt Serra did? He went over the guy and said: "You'll be back and you'll be better than ever. We all fall sometimes, we just need to pick ourselves back up and get back in there. Don't worry, you'll make it." The guy wasn't even on his team and he's giving him words of encouragement. The only thing Matt Hughes cares about is himself. His only focus is feeding his massive EGO. Last night's episode was just disgusting. On the plus side, Team Serra's up 4-1. As far as I'm concerned, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

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