Monday, October 8, 2007

Moving on to Bigger and Better Things

The rest of the weekend has been quiet. With the exception of moving a bed yesterday, I didn't really exert too much energy. That's exactly the way that I wanted it. I came to Candor to step aside and catch my breath a little bit. The past few weeks have been hell. One thing that I really hate about college is the drama. Yes, I'll be the first to admit that drama can be very entertaining. But too much of it can get real annoying real fast. What really pisses me off is that the people who create it on an everyday basis, claim that they hate drama so much. It really sickens me. I've avoided most of the drama this year. A few weeks ago, I wasn't so lucky. Someone that I cared about deeply, was stuck in a bad situation. The situation itself was complicating and it affects a lot of people who don't deserve to be involved in it. I tried to help that person, but they snapped at me and I realized that they're not the same person that I remembered. There was nothing that I could do, so I walked away. Even though I walked away, the pain was still there. It was taking it's toll on my attitude. My closest friends were concerned about me. Even people that I despise were pulling me aside to talk to me. That's when I decided to come back to Candor. Whenever I was in a bad way, I'd come to Candor to recover. I do feel better after staying here the past four days. There are a few things that I'm not satisfied with, but they're just minor things that I have control over. I tried to talk to one of my friends about going beyond capabilities, but he's in his own sad little world that consists of baseball and wrestling. There's nothing else there. No other cares, worries, goals, or dreams. There's a lot of potential that can be used to exceed expectations. Opportunities don't come to those who just sit around and wait for them to come. You have to go out and search for them. When you find them, you must take them. Right now, I'm working on reaching my goals and I'm really close to reaching them. I'm trying to evolve into a more successful person. In high school, I used to wear a WWE T-shirt everyday. The past few years in college, I've been wearing them. Now, I'm wearing black pants and button up shirts. Clothes may not make the man, but they help when you want to make a good impression. Some of my friends that I hang out with are going nowhere. They're still my friends, but I gotta move on. I'll come see them from time to time, but I can't stay where I'm at. I want more.

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