Monday, October 22, 2007

The Perfect Party

I was hanging out with my boy, Cody this weekend. He was planning on throwing a party on Saturday. On Friday, we hung out with some of our friends just for a few laughs. He actually wanted to go shot for shot with me, but I swore off hard liquor after the "tea-bagging incident". Saturday, I bought some beer for me to drink. Cody asked for people to start showing up around 8:00, but I think he was actually ready to kill his liver at 6:00. Him and I started drinking around 7:30. Around 8:30, people started showing up. Usually, Cody's parties end in disaster. There was one party that he didn't host, but a lot of bad stuff happened. There was this one crazy bitch at another one of his parties. She was a freakin' head case. There was a lot of puking and crying at that party. Basically, most of Cody's parties have a lot of drama going on. This party was actually the best one he's thrown together. There wasn't any drama, no one got pissed off, no one was puking their guts out. Everybody was laughing, socializing, having a good time. It was fun. I ended up passing out around 1:30. The party lasted a half hour longer. The next day, I woke up without a hangover. I hung out there most of the day and took a long walk around 4:00. When I came back, I ran into an old friend from high school. When I was senior, she was a freshmen and had a crush on me. The age difference made me uncomfortable, so I faded away. It wasn't the right way of handling that situation and I apologized to her a few years ago when I saw her again. I found out that she lives across the street from Cody. The sad thing is that she's not the same girl that I remember. She lives with her boyfriend and word on the street is that she's into a lot of bad stuff. As much as I'd like to help get her out of that, I think it'd just end like the last bad situation did with a previous friend. Oh well, things change, people change.

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