Thursday, October 25, 2007

Matt Serra is Still On Top

I have another UFC update. Matt Hughes has no say involving the quarter-finals. His selected fighter needed to win last night and it didn't happen. Before I continue, I want everyone to understand that UFC judges suck. The wrong fighter usually wins the fight that way. Last night, the fight went the full ten minutes. I only watched the first round. Hughes' fighter definitely had that round won. I saw highlights of the second round and it looked like Serra's fighter won that round. In the case of a tie, there's a 3rd round. However, the judges had chose a winner of the fight. Matt Serra's fighter was declared the winner. How did Matt Hughes take this news? He went over and started shouting at the judges. He asked them what colleges they went to or if they were just guys off the unemployment line. I don't agree with how Matt Hughes handled the situation. I know, big shock there. I freakin' hate people that take out their frustration out on other people and that's what Matt Hughes does all the freakin' time. For the judge's credit, he shook it off. "Come on, Matt. You're more professional than this," he replied. Apparently, he doesn't know Hughes that well. Matt Hughes has no class. He proved that several times already. Everybody thought that the fight would go one more round. Even the fighters in the octagon were ready for a third round. Hell, they wanted a third round. Unfortunately, it was left in the judge's hands and somebody was screwed. From what I saw, I agree that the fight had been a draw at that point. Dana White was in Team Serra's locker room congratulating the winner. One of his teammates joked that Dana should pay him anyways. The way it works is that if a fighter knocks out or submits his opponent, they're rewarded $5,000. Anyways, Dana's response was, "I'll give both you and Dan $5,000 for one hell of a fight. You guys deserve it." I think that was a good call. He went in Team Hughes' locker room to let Dan know that even though he lost, he was still getting $5,000 for his efforts. The next guy to come into Team Hughes' locker room was my boy, Matt Serra. Matt asked if he could come in and the guys said sure. He shook Dan's hand and offered words of encouragement. He said that the UFC would definitely call Dan back after the show he just put on out there. Some of you probably think that I have my lips permanently planted on Matt Serra's ass, but I just think the guy is awesome. He gives credit where credit is due. Besides, it's either him or Matt Hughes and I'd rather shoot myself in the foot with a nail gun and then drop a board on it than to praise Matt Hughes for anything. You could've had Josh Koschek, who was on the very first Ultimate Fighter and another prick that I don't like coach opposite of Matt Hughes and I still wouldn't pull for Hughes to win it. I forgot why I didn't like Matt Hughes after Season 2, but he reminded me on Season 4 and he kept it fresh in my mind throughout this season. Also, during one of his training sessions, he almost injured Dan's hand when he was sparring with him. He was trying to "teach Dan a lesson" about something, I don't know what it was. His knee fell on Dan's hand and it almost cost him. It would've served him right if he did injure one of his guys, but luckily that wasn't the case. Matt Hughes may have been great three years ago, but his fire is just about out. Hopefully Serra will finish the job in December.

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