Thursday, October 11, 2007

Why Matt Hughes Sucks

Last night, I watched Matt Hughes make an ass out of himself again. At the beginning of the show, it showed him and the assistant coaches punishing the rest of the team. I was on the wrestling team back in high school and if the coaches thought we weren't giving 100%, they'd work us harder, but they wouldn't beat up on us in practice if we lost. What Matt Hughes did was uncalled for. He was just comforting his hurt ego. He thought that he could just walk in there, have his team totally demolish and humiliate Matt Serra's team, and do the same to Matt Serra after the show was over and regain the Welterweight championship. So far, Matt Serra has been kicking his ass. Hughes underestimated Serra. Matt Hughes thinks he's invincable. Anybody who beats him got a fluke victory according to him. Serra hasn't had the luxury of fighting him yet, but he did beat George St. Pierre, who beat Matt Hughes for the Welterweight Championship. Serra earned a championship opportunity by being one of two winners of The Ultimate Fighter 4: The Comeback. He made the most of it by beating George St. Pierre for the championship. Hughes stated that Matt Serra's victory was a fluke and he's not much of a champion. The guy's just a dick. He's a cocky, obnoxious, egotistical, asshole. I don't mind any of the guys on his team though. There may be one or two that I don't like. I'm really pulling for Matt Serra and his team to win. It would be great if it were a clean sweep. Team Serra winning the entire thing and Matt Serra successfully defending his title against Matt Hughes. I understand that most of the stuff I've said so far is completely biased. For those of you that like Matt Hughes, I'm sure you have your reasons. I don't like the guy because he's a damn bully. I'll admit that he had the better team on season 2 and he won the competition. It just pissed me off that he'd bully the guys on the other team. Not only that, but when his guys did the same thing, he'd laugh about it. If Rich Franklin's team did anything that Hughes didn't like, he was an asshole about it. When he was a guest coach for two weeks on season 4, he'd taunt George St. Pierre. George would politely give Hughes his space, but all Hughes wanted to do was belittle him. I laughed when I heard Hughes got knocked out by George. I'll laugh even harder if Matt Serra gets another "fluke victory" on Matt Hughes.

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