Thursday, October 4, 2007

Drinking A Gallon of Haterade

I only watch one reality TV show and it's called The Ultimate Fighter. The winner of The Ultimate Fighter tournament gets a six figure contract with the UFC. It's been around for 5 seasons now and the sixth season started three weeks ago. The coaches are Matt Serra, winner of season 4 and current Welterweight champion and Matt Hughes, who I think is a horse's ass. Serra's first pick was eliminated on the first show. Ever since then, he's been bitching about wanting to go home and wanting to see his girlfriend. No one likes to lose, but you either take your ball and go home or you pick yourself back up and get back into the mix. Since this guy lost, he's been asking to make weekly phone calls, take days off of practice, and basically not to fight for the remainder of the season. When the guys are chosen to be part of the show, they're cut off from all contact from the outside world to focus on fighting. Unless it's a family emergency, there are no phone calls. Matt Serra and the UFC President Dana White tried to encourage this guy to suck it up for the next six weeks. Last night on the third episode of season six, he walked out of the house and caught a flight back home. Also on the first episode of season six, there was one guy who broke his elbow during the evaluations. Despite what the doctor said, HE STILL WANTED TO FIGHT AND BE ON THE SHOW. However, because he was injured, Dana had no choice but to send him home. It just amazes me that there's one guy who wants to compete with a broken elbow and there's another guy who fought, lost, and is bitching that he's had enough. He threw away an opportunity that someone else could've had and made the most of it. The guy's a pussy. Last night, one of Matt Hughes' boys choked under the pressure and was elimated. I think the name of last night's episode should be "Night of the pussies." Along with being a fan of the UFC, I'm a huge WWE fan. This past Monday, WWE Champion John Cena tore a muscle in his arm and will be out of action for 6 months to a year. What disgusts me most about this is that most WWE fans are rejoicing at the fact that Cena is injured and had to vacate the Championship. If you're going to hate somebody, have a valid reason. The reasons why people hate John Cena are because he doesn't rap in his promos anymore, they hate his gimmick all together, he's been WWE Champion for the past three years, or he finishes his matches with the same five moves. What about Shawn Michaels? He does a flying forearm, nips up, clothesline, inverted atomic drop, body slam, elbow off the top rope, and finishes them off with his Sweet Chin Music superkick. What about my favorite wrestler, The Undertaker? He does a flying lariet, chokeslam, and finishes with his Tombstone piledriver. What about the fact that Batista has had a World Heavyweight title shot every month this year since LOSING the title to The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 23? My point is if you're going to hate John Cena, at least have a good reason. Cena's in the WWE for the same reason all of the Cena-haters aren't. He can do things that they could never do on their best day and his worst day.

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