Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Month of November

I'm a little behind on updating this thing. October ended with Kelcie and her friend, Julie coming to see me at The Beef. Actually, it was my last night working there. My dad found out that I wasn't really making that much at The Beef and talked to his boss. So, I've been working over at Akraturn for about a month and a week. I freakin' hate it, but the pay's even better than the last time that I worked there. When I worked there for the summer back in 2007, I was in the grinding department. I was great at it. Well, Akraturn moved to a different spot earlier, this year. Not all the departments have made the move, yet. The grinding department's one of them. I've been in the CNC Mills department for the most part. Once in a while, I'll have to go over to my dad's department if they have nothing for me. When the grindind department moves to where we are, I'm hoping that I'll be able to work over there. The rest of The Ultimate Fighter Season didn't really change much. Rashad and Quentin were in each other's faces all the time, Team Rashad kept on dominating, and Kimbo Slice never got a second chance. Only one of Quentin's fighters advanced in the competition. He made it to the semi-finals before one of Rashad's fighters knocked him out. It was an all-Team Rashad final and Roy Nelson won to become the Season 10 Ultimate Fighter. Now, Rashad and Quentin were supposed to fight, next Saturday. However, Quentin retired from the UFC, last week. After talking all of that trash and being a complete hypocrite, he's not even going to try ot back it up. That's extremely disappointing. Next Season, Chuck Lidell and Tito Ortiz will be the coaches. For Thanksgiving, I went to Florida with my mom and dad. I haven't been to Florida in four years. The weather was nice. I don't really like cold weather. It was nice to see my grandmother, my aunt, and my uncle. We didn't go to the beach or went swimming. We went to dinner a few times. Dad, my uncle, and I went to the dog track one night. That was fun. When we came back home, I wanted to hop a plane right back to Florida. That was pretty-much November. Kelcie's been hanging out with me again. Her and Julie usually come to hang out. A few weeks ago, they stayed the night at my place. I hung out with them on Friday. Kelcie and Julie will be on winter break soon, so I'm sure I'll be hanging out with them a lot, this month. Her, Julie, my friend Paco, and I went to The Beef for dinner this past Saturday. After that, we went to Wal-Mart just out of boredom. Paco was annoying Kelcie a little bit, so she asked if I'd like to look at clothes with her. I said sure. She vented a little bit about Paco being annoying and I just said he was acting a little weird. I usually don't hang out with Paco. After this past Saturday, I'm not sure if I really wanna hang out with him again. He's not a bad guy, but he's very opinionated. Anyways, Kelcie thanked me for taking them out to dinner. Then, she said that when she gets a job in the summer, she's taking ME out to dinner for a change. I normally wouldn't let any girl pay for me for anything, but I dunno... I think I just might let her. She gave me a huge hug after we were done hanging out and thanked me for everything. Christmas will be here in a few weeks. She's definitely one of the people that I plan on getting a gift for. Now that I have this job, I'm back to being who I used to be. I feel a lot better than I did over the summer. Dad and I actually have conversations that aren't about how I'm such a freakin' failure. We're back to being how we were before I screwed up at Cortland. The end of 2009's been better than the beginning of it. I have a good feeling about 2010. Even though, I'm doing alright at Akraturn and the pay's better than most of the jobs I've had, I'm looking for something else, so I can get out of there. I don't wanna be there forever and I'm worried that I'll end up like my dad. He ended up making a career out of that place and he hates it over there too. I need to start writing again too. I'm gonna try to keep up with this thing more often. I have several plans that I intend to put into motion in the next few weeks. Although my life's improved over the last few weeks, I still wanna improve it a little. There's still more I can do. Finally, there's a light at the other side of the tunnel. It was just a long-ass tunnel.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's Like Season 7 All Over Again

So yeah...Rampage Jackson's a freakin' hypocrite. He complains that Rashad Evans is too cocky, but then he goes and runs his mouth to everybody. Just like Forrest, Rashad's embarrassing him by kicking his ass in the fights. One of Rashad's guys is a bit on the heavy side (hence the name "Heavyweights") and Rampage is always calling him, Titties and picking on him. Finally, the guy had enough and started to move aggressively towards Rampage. The rest of his team held him back. Rampage said that if he ever got in his face, there would be problems. Then, Rashad came to the rescue. Rashad knew that his guy wanted to get right in Rampage's personal space, but he knew that if that were to happen, he'd probably get in a fight with Rampage and kicked off the show. Rashad stood up for his guy. Just the way he handled it...I was very impressed. Rashad acted like a professional. Later in the show, one of the guys on Team Rampage had a Characture made of Team Rashad. It was titled "Team Cocky". I will give them points for creativity, but when you're 0-4, I don't think I'd be playing practical jokes. Rashad and the coaches saw it, laughed, and took it down. Rashad's reaction was, "that was funny, but you know what's funnier than that? Being 5-0." Again, I liked his attitude on it. Well, "Titties" was chosen to fight and he ROCKED his opponent. I think he was sending Rampage a message. He choked out his opponent before the first round was over. So, Rashad is now 5-0. His goal is to have a shut-out victory. It's never been done before, but I have a feeling that Rashad will beat the odds again.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Improving Situations

Working at The Beef isn't as easy as Danny made it look. Two times, one of the cooks had to help me out. Maybe I'm expecting too much of myself. I work this Friday and I'm gonna try to keep up with everything. As far as the UFC universe goes, Roy Nelson's a cocky little bastard. He was gloating after beating Kimbo Slice. I doubt that Nelson will go all the way. Team Rampage lost yet another fight. Quentin did something that I don't necessarily agree with. He and the rest of his team left his defeated fighter in the octagon alone. Rashad and his assistant coaches went over to the defeated fighter and offered words of encouragement. Whether your boys win or lose, you should always support them. I missed an episode, because I was helping someone for the remainder of the week. He paid me well. Still, I wish there was more that I could do to earn just a little bit more. Kelcie called me, last week. It actually caught me off guard. I really didn't expect to hear from her. She wanted to hang out again sometime. I'm thinking of giving her a call over the weekend to see what she has going on. This week hasn't really been that great. My grandmother had a spontaneous bleed on her leg and ended up going to General Hospital. She's fine now, but I'm so sick of hospitals. Then, tonight my mother was at Lourde's Hospital. She has a gallstone that needs to be removed. Although I know that it really wouldn't matter, I really wish my grandfather was around when we all need him. I still can't believe that it's already been a month already. Also, yesterday I swung by BCC. I ran into Mike Sisin and he informed me that I'm no longer a godfather, because his friend got an abortion. He wasn't given a say on the matter. I have mixed feelings on that one. Also, it was brought to my attention that "there was no war" over the summer. That's funny, because it sure as hell felt like one. Then again, the person who informed me, was neutral. It probably didn't feel like a war to them, but it sure as hell felt like a war to me. A war that we won. Cody showed his true colors and as a result, nobody really likes him. Kelcie's happy, I'm sort of happy (if my damn family members could stay the hell out of the hospital) so the good guys won. But "there was no war". It doesn't even matter anymore. When I talked to Kelcie on the phone, we both realized the summer was actually pretty fun. Sure there were losers that tried to ruin it for us, but we got rid of them and had a blast. I did the best I could to make Kelcie's summer a good one and I think I did a pretty good job. My goal is to just get through the rest of the year and hope that 2010 is a better one.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

MMA's Biggest Disappointment.

To my (and every MMA fan out there) surprise, Kimbo Slice did NOT win his fight. Roy Nelson's ground game proved to be Kimbo's downfall. The fight was very disappointing. Not because Nelson won, but because of how poorly both fighters performed. Kimbo did have a few big hits, but Roy eventually took him down, pinned him, and just kept landing weak punches on top of Kimbo's head. Nelson pretty-much told his team that this was his strategy. It paid off and he advanced. I'm glad Rashad's 3-0, but the fight didn't live up to the hype. It also didn't help that Herb Dean was the ref for this fight. I know I keep saying it, but he's the worst ref in MMA history. If I were a ref, I wouldn't have ended the fight. I'd have stood them up and let them duke it out. Before the fight, the episode was entertaining. Quentin and Rashad talked more trash. This time, Quentin targeted one of Rashad's guys. The guy wasn't doing anything to provoke Rampage, but he felt the need to run his mouth to him. All the guy was doing was shaking his head at them. He probably thought the same thing that I did. "It's getting ridiculous to see these guys always talking trash all the time." Well, Quentin ran his mouth to Rashad's fighter and Rashad's fighter said a few choice words. Personally, I hope Rashad beats Quentin in December. Quentin's the one that's acting all arrogant and cocky. Also, one of Quentin's fighters complained that Quentin wouldn't let him fight after Kimbo's fight. The guy has breathing problems and his knee looked banged up. Quentin explained his reasons for holding out on him. From what I saw, this guy might end up going home due to medical reasons. On a final note, before his fight, Kimbo got plenty of camera time. I give Kimbo tons of credit, because he's very humble and eager to learn. He didn't piss and moan when he lost, he practices the same drills like the rest of the guys on his team, and he listens to his coaches. He doesn't act like he's better than anyone else, he doesn't act like a big shot, and he's not cocky, QUENTIN! Even if he doesn't get another opportunity to fight on the show, I still think Dana White will give him a contract.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

30 Bad Days.

This month was probably the worst month, this year. It began with the passing of my grandfather. My grandfather always had a bad heart, but it was still a shock when he died on September 2nd. I wasn't feeling too good that week. He called me to see how I was feeling on the 2nd. He sounded alright. He had gotten out of the hospital a week before. Later that night, I was going to make myself something to eat when my dad said that we had to go to the hospital. He did 90 the entire way there. When we got there, a nurse informed us that my grandfather had died. He had a heart attack. The ambulance was delayed, because someone got in a motorcycle accident. Here's the interesting part. My ex-girlfriend's father hit a deer on his motorcycle and three ambulances rushed over to the scene. As a result, my grandfather's didn't arrive until 45 minutes after my grandmother called. I stayed with my grandmother for the entire week. That Saturday, I went to the Harpursville football game that my grandfather wanted to go to. Everybody at Harpursville loved my grandfather and he loved them all back. They had a moment of silence for him. At his calling hours, there was always a line. It didn't stop until the calling hours were over. At his funeral, the church was full. I held up alright until my grandfather's good friend, Glen Stevens hugged me while he was crying. I think he felt bad for me, but I felt bad for him. I think both of us knew that, but there wasn't anything we could do to get rid of the pain. After the funeral, I decided to talk to Denna and find out what was said. After a few tension filled moments, everything was fine. I hung out with her a few weeks ago. My birthday was coming up and I wanted to hang out with a select few people. We had a party at Danny's. Even though Kelcie had a boyfriend and a wedding to go to, she made it. I couldn't have been more glad. I thought that she'd ditch hanging out with me after she had a boyfriend. I forgot that she has more class than that. My old high school friend, Heather came as well. Her and I have been hanging out and talking a little bit more than we have, since meeting back up at the bar, last year. I visited BCC a few times. Robin's been having problems with this one asshole, so I showed up to see to it that he stopped. I hung out with Mike Sisin on one of those days. He pretty-much screwed things up with Kelcie. I don't think he realizes how stupid some of his decisions really are. Still, he's my boy and even though they're not talking, I'm friends with both of them. He called me, last week to let me know that he got a friend of his pregnant and he chose me to be the child's godfather. He's scared out of his mind, but he screwed up. Now, he needs to face the consequences. Danny got me a job where he works, but it's nothing to jump for joy about. I only work every other Friday and they're always busy on those days. I was overwhelmed on my first night. Lucky for me, the cooks are awesome. Smokey helped me get caught up. I owe him a beer even though he says I don't need to buy him anything. There is some good news to all this. The Ultimate Fighter is back. Quentin Jackson and Rashad Evans are the coaches. They've been talking trash to each other for the past two episodes. Quentin says that he doesn't like Rashad's cocky attitude, but on the show, it's always Quentin that's acting cocky. Rashad's fighters won the first two fights. They weren't anything spectacular. In fact, they were horrible. The fighters aren't that good, this season. However, tonight is when Internet sensations Kimbo Slice fights former IFL Fighter, Roy Nelson. It could honestly go either way. Kimbo's stand-up game is excellent, but he doesn't have much of a ground game. Roy's pretty well-rounded. It should be a good fight.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The War is Ending.

It's no secret that this year hasn't really been that great. It sure as hell hasn't been a year for romance. Two solid relationships crumbled earlier in the year. One of them, I saw it coming. As for the other one, no one saw it coming. I've been fighting a war for five months over one of them. Now, it looks like I won't have to fight anymore. The war could possibly be coming to an end. Last week, I called Seth, so I could put my plan together to come back to Candor one last time. He suspects nothing and I intend to keep it that way. Marcy contacted me, because she wanted me at Aaron's birthday party on the 21st. She was worried that Seth and I would brawl at the party. I never intended on kicking his ass. I just wanted to get my stuff and get out. That's what I'm gonna do after Aaron's party. Out of sight, out of mind. God bless Marcy, though. She still wants me to work things out with Seth. Um...hell no. Then, Cody called me on Friday. He acted like nothing has happened in the past five months. I finally brought it up. I told him that he did Kelcie wrong. I also let him know that I didn't approve of how he handled things. He tried to explain himself. I told him that he was putting me between a rock and a hard place. I explained that if I started hanging out with him again, Kelcie would feel betrayed and our friendship would suffer. I honestly didn't know what to do. Then, I talked to Kelcie yesterday. She said that Cody texted her. I told her about the conversation him and I had on Friday. She filled me in on what's been going on with him. Basically, he found out that him and Bridgette wouldn't be able to date because of Brad, so he stopped talking to her. Now, he's trying to contact all of his old friends again. Kelcie called this. Still, neither one of us know what to do about it. Do we sit down and discuss with Cody all the damage that he's done? Do we just continue to go about things as we have? Kelcie said that either way, I'd be able to be her friend and Cody's if I choose. We still don't know what his deal is, though. He could very well be trying to manipulate us like he's been known to do. So, it looks like the war will have closure and just like I predicted, we won. Sunday, I stopped by my cousin's house. I found out that they live not to far from Kelcie and Danny's mom. They're Italians, so the first words were asking if I was hungry. I did eat over there. I stayed a good two hours. It was nice. I plan on coming around there more often. Maybe I'll take Danny or Kelcie with me sometime. I like that side of the family and I don't really get to see them that much. I remember something my cousin, Charlie said at my Uncle Tony's funeral. "Weddings and funerals, that's the only time the family gets together," he said sadly. Saturday, Danny ordered UFC 101. The two promoted fights weren't bad. The Forrest Griffen/Anderson Silva fight was disappointing. Forrest got knocked out in the first round. Everybody that was watching complained that the fight was paid for. I doubt that was the case. Forrest definitely lost some respect points, because after he was knocked out, he got up and ran out of the Octagon. That's disrespectful to his opponent. As for the BJ Penn/ Kenny Florian fight, that wasn't disappointing at all. BJ submitted Kenny in the fourth round. Overall, the PPV was far better than UFC 100. Later, that night Cory texted me to let me know he has his 2CW money. I called him yesterday to remind him about meeting me. He said he'd call me later that day and informed me that him and Denna broke up. That's no surprise to me. She sleeps around a lot. She's disloyal, two-faced, double crossing, and a complete waste of time. If I knew then, what I know now, I'd have blown her off completely. Hell, I'd have gotten with Kelcie. I'm still kicking myself over that one. Oh well, her life sucks, right now. I'm not doing too bad for myself and I know Cory will be better off without her. She'll regret it, someday. She'll come crawling back to us and I'm just gonna laugh. She screwed up and she'll have to live with that. She ran out of chances. I'm moving on to bigger and better things.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Storybook Ending

Last week was pretty interesting. Monday, Mike Sisin called me up. He vented a little bit about Kelcie. His main problem is that he no longer wants to play around, so he's looking for someone that feels the same way. On top of that, he wants to get with Kelcie. The problem with that is for one thing, she's still not over that egotistical, manipulative, asshole, Cody. Another thing is that she's not ready to jump in a relationship with anyone. She's tried several times, but because she's not over Cody, they've all failed. Mike and Kelcie have done a few things together, but the problem is that to Kelcie, they meant nothing. To Mike, they meant something. He was irritated that she still won't date him due to the fact that they've hung out for the past two weeks along with everything they did. I'm gonna say this one last time. If anyone has a reason to bitch about not dating Kelcie, it's me. Again, here are the reasons why. I've taken her out to dinner twice, I took her to the movies once, I've had to listen to her talk about Cody 24/7, I've watched her cry about it several times, and when everyone else was against her, I stood by her whenever she needed me. However, I'm not bitching about it. What Mike needs to do, is just accept the fact that they're probably only going to be her and I are. We headed over there to find that Kelcie was stressed and upset. Kelcie also informed me that although Denna may act all nice when I'm around or talking to her online, she acts differently towards me behind closed doors. That pissed me off a great deal. Here's this girl that has played me, Cory, and that loser ex-husband of hers, and she has the nerve to say that I'm too clingy and annoying. It was her that came back and talked to me. I was perfectly fine not talking to her. What was all that about? Did she just do that to sooth her guilty conscience? Before, I actually did care about Denna and I'll even admit that I felt sorry for her. But, after hearing how freakin' two-faced she really is, that amount of pity is gone. Denna's an immature, stupid, little slut that doesn't know what she wants and is gonna piss off the wrong person someday. This stupid little slut complains about me when she cheated on her husband TWICE??? Hell, I'm ten times better than Denna will ever be. When I get married, I'm not gonna have to worry about my wife cheating on me and she won't have to worry about me either. There will be no divorce. That will be it for both of us. Because Kelcie was upset and I was pissed, Mike suggested hanging out for a bit. So, that's what we did. They ended up going to the cabin, but I stayed in Binghamton. I'm not going there unless it's just Mike and me or if there's another girl there for me to hang out with. Tuesday, Robin called me to ask if she could stay at my place for a night. She wasn't getting along with her mom or Johnny and she felt that she was gonna snap. I asked mom, she said it was fine. Then, I hung out with Kelcie for the rest of the day. We picked up Robin and headed back to my place. Dad came home drunk, talked to Robin a bit, then Robin was arguing with her brother about Johnny. Before I continue, I should mention that Robin works for the state as a notery. She can't say "no" to a job that they give her, because it's considered a felony. With that being said, she told her brother on the phone, "if I go to jail because of that son of a bitch, he's going with me." Dad heard her, took me aside, and got in my face about it. I told him to ignore it. She wasn't doing anything wrong, but he kept glaring at me. So, I glared at him back. It wasn't until Robin explained what she meant that he lightened up a bit. The rest of the night went smoothly. Wednesday and Thursday were nothing special. Friday, I got my haircut and some other things that I needed for the wedding on Saturday. Saturday, I found out that we were going to the actual wedding and then going to my dad's boss's pool party until the reception. The wedding wasn't too bad. The only things I'd have changed, would be the temperature inside the church and the person performing the ceremony. It was incredibly hot in the church and the priestess was boring. She had a solemn tone when she spoke as if she were preaching at a funeral. The pool party wasn't too bad. Dad got in all his cheap shots in on me while we were there, which was fine with me. Whenever we're at family gatherings or parties, he usually brings up all of my short-comings. I thought that he'd do the same at the wedding to which I planned on firing back despite the consequences that would follow. However, to my surprise, he didn't do anything like that. We got there a half hour early. I waited outside for Kelcie. She was a half hour late. Man, she looked incredible. I remember looking at the pictures from Denna's wedding. She looked ordinary. She didn't do anything to look above the norm. Then again, I think she knew deep down that this marriage was gonna fail. This wasn't even Kelcie's wedding, but she put in that extra effort and she looked gorgeous. The dinner was excellent. I took Kelcie around and introduced her to my family and friends. Dad liked her. That's real big, because dad doesn't like too many of my friends. In fact, I can count them on one hand. We danced about six times. She kept thanking me for inviting her. I'm glad she made it. At my cousin, Jamie's wedding, the band sucked, Robin was on my ass about her freakin' dogs, and I had no one to dance with. Basically, that wedding wasn't really that good. At Kacie's wedding, the band was better, no one was on my back, and I had someone to dance with. We had a great time. Being at home for long periods at a time, takes it's toll on me. I start feeling bitter and worthless. At Kacie's wedding, I felt like a million bucks. Both Kelcie and myself had a good time. Kelcie and I just went as friends and that's how it stayed. I don't think anything will change as far as that goes. There aren't too many people trying to get with her anymore. Seth's probably still trying to get with Mandy and Calvin has a girlfriend. I don't see us dating, although I don't think I'd mind it. Personally, I think I was the better choice out of all of them. I don't know what Mike's thoughts are on getting with her. Well, for whoever tries, I just have one thing to say. Beat that, boys. That wedding was out of a fantasy story and nobody's gonna be able to top that. Once again, the guy that has no job and no car has blown by everyone. Someday, someone's gonna be very lucky. Whoever it is, I just hope they deserve it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Old Friends And Backstage Politics

I feel a lot more calmer than I did before. Then, I realized that I haven't been hanging out with Seth that much. I have to go back there at some point, this week. I need a haircut and I have no other way to get the cash to get one. Also, I really need to get my video games and stuff that I left over there. Then, I'm gone. I won't even be a memory. Dan, Chris, their girlfriends, and Steve came over on Saturday. I haven't seen those guys in a month and I've been trying to get a hold of them for a couple weeks now. Chris is now dating Bridgette's sister, Annette. A couple things that should be noted. She's 17 years old and she's acts like her sister. I realized that if anything, I have to tolerate Bridgette for Dan's sake. Same goes for her sister with Chris. With that being said, I can express how I really feel. I don't like either one of them. Bridgette's a manipulative bitch and Annette's an attention-seeking whore. The funny part is that Chris would scold me whenever I gave any girl attention. "You don't have a shot with her, so why bother?" he'd say. When we were on my deck and no one was paying attention to Annette, she'd walk to the car. Chris would go after her. It was really pathetic, but I said nothing. Chris is happy for now. I know she's gonna end up hurting him. Then again, maybe he'll end up dumping her and moving on. Dan dumped Bridgette once, although he felt extremely bad for this. She manipulated her way back into the picture. Mike Sisin and I feel the same way about that. He keeps assuring me that she'll screw it up, but I'm not so sure. If they hurt my boys, I'll make their lives a living hell. Danny taught me that. The only reason why Denna was spared, was due to the fact that her life started hitting rock bottom. Otherwise, Danny would've made her life hell. Yesterday, I went to hang out with Robin and Abby. I haven't been over there in about a month. Back in the day, I was always hanging out with Robin. Ever since I left for Cortland, I haven't really hung out with all of them like I used to. Robin graduated from BCC, so when I came back, she wasn't there. After hanging out with them, I headed over to Danny's to watch WWE Night of Champions. Sometimes, WWE and UFC PPVs can suck. WWE really hasn't had a good PPV, since WrestleMania. Last night, the PPV was very good. I was impressed. UFC has some promising cards coming up. I'm not sure if Danny plans on getting them or going to Tioga Downs or not. The next season of Ultimate Fighter starts a day before my birthday. The only problem that I have with that already, is Kimbo Slice will be competing. Kimbo Slice is already an experienced fighter from another organization. However, due to his street fighting background, Dana White has refused to sign him to a contract UNTIL he went through the Ultimate Fighter house. Come on, Dana. That's not fair to the others that aren't as experienced. I'm predicting that Kimbo's gonna bulldoze the competition. I still don't think it's fair. Then again, anything can happen in a fight. A fighter could get a lucky punch or kick in. Kimbo could make a mistake and get caught in a submission like Brock Lesnar. As far as Lesnar goes, I don't agree with how he got a title shot, but I am very glad he kicked Frank Mir's ass. However, I want someone to dethrone him. Unless he destroys Matt Hughes, then I don't care how long he has the belt. Too bad that Hughes is only a welterweight. Unless Brock cuts weight or Hughes gains weight, that fight'll never happen. Randy Couture's fighting at UFC 102. It's gonna be him and Antonio Nogueira. I'm pulling for Randy, but if Antonio gets the victory, I'm not gonna be too devastated. I like both of those guys. I'd like to see Randy Couture/Brock Lesnar II. I'd like to see a different outcome if that ever happens. Brock never deserved that belt in the first place. No wonder why fans were booing him at UFC 100. He still thinks he's in WWE. He showboated a bit. I think Kimbo Slice's in his weight class. I'd like to see Brock showboat with him in the octagon. I bet it wouldn't get him very far.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Past , The Present, The Future

Things aren't getting any better. In fact, things are getting progessively worse. My relationship with my father isn't going very well. I'm still out of a job and long friendships are ending. The week I spent in Candor was the second to last one. The next time I go to Candor, I'm grabbing my stuff and I'm never going back. Last weeekend, wasn't that great. I stayed home for the majority of it. I only left the house on Saturday to go to the ECPW show. The new place that they had it was cold as hell. They're never having it there again. Sunday, I went to a baseball game with my dad and my uncles. We had been drinking. I'm suspecting that one of my uncles is cheating on my aunt, but I don't have solid proof. It looks that way, though. On the way home, my dad said something that triggered an emotional reaction inside me. We didn't exactly have the greatest conversation. He had been drinking too, but I think I was more out of it than he was. Both of us said things that we didn't mean. Between crying, puking, and cursing him out, I think it's safe to say that I've had better Sunday afternoons. Him and I are fine now. We both apologized and acknowledged that it was the alcohol that caused both of us to lash out. I understand where he's coming from and I appreciate that. Everybody wants the best for their kids. I know I can be better, but before I get into that, I'll get into the other events that have happened. Last Saturday, Seth and I went to his dad's 50th birthday party. That wasn't too bad. Then, we picked up Danny and went to my cousin's party before he was sent to Iraq. That wasn't too bad either. However, my dad did something that I thought was uncalled for. He shook Seth's hand as we were leaving, but refused to shake mine. The reason why this was a big deal is due to the fact that he can't stand Seth or his family. That came up in our emotional conversation on Sunday. Well, he wasn't really emotional...I was though. I understand his reasoning now, but at the time, I thought it was uncalled for. Then, I was SUPPOSED TO watch UFC 100 with Danny and Seth. Kelcie and Mike Sisin called me. They invited me to the cabin. Well, Danny and Seth were giving me a hard time about it. Eventually, Danny stopped and everything was fine. Seth on the other hand, was being an asshole. He said that if I went, he wasn't taking Kelcie with him and his family to Warped Tour. Basically, it's a three-day concert. He'd been promising her this for months. The real reason why he didn't wanna take her, was because of Mandy. She was giving him a hard time about taking Kelcie instead of her. Basically, she was manipulating him again and like the pathetic worm that he is, he was giving in. So, it had nothing to do with me. He was just making it seem like he was punishing her. Because of his attitude, I chose to go to the cabin with Mike and Kelcie. For the most part, it was the better choice with a few exceptions to some of the events that occurred that night. If I had to go back and choose again, I'd still go with my first choice. Then, he changed his mind and said she could go. However, she needed to pay $40 for the ticket. He was supposed to pay for her ticket. He promised her. I was gonna do it for her, but then the price was raised to $80 for the camp site. So, she couldn't go because of all that. Then, she called me up crying about that asshole, Cody and I finally had enough. I told her to move on. That got her annoyed at me. I just fixed that, now. Both her and Mike think I should've just kept that one to myself, but I stick with what I said. I truly feel that she needs to move on from him, because he's no better than Seth. So, because the son of a bitch has stabbed me in the back earlier this year and he pulled an asshole stunt like that to Kelcie, I'm grabbing my stuff from his place at some point, and I'm done with his ass. He's a stupid, selfish, immature, good for nothing, scumbag. My friends never liked hanging out with him. The only reason that I hung out with that idiot for as long as I did, was because his family wasn't anything like him and treated me like gold. The other reason was that I thought that maybe he'd get his head out of his ass and change. I was wrong. So, I lost two friends, this year. They're small losses, so I'm not too broken up about it. Of course, there'll be people talking. They'll say that I did it just so I could get with Kelcie. They'll say that she manipulated me into hating them. Let me just set it straight. Seth screwed Seth and Cody's responsible for the destruction of our friendship. He hurt that girl badly and I can't hang out with someone like that. Kelcie and I will never be a couple. We're just really good friends. If people see me as the bad guy, then so be it. Now, onto how things used to be. I've been thinking about how things were so much better a few years ago. 2007 seemed to be the golden year for me. I had good friends, I was working with my dad making good money, my grades weren't bad. It was just my year. 2008 wasn't too bad either. I look at how things were, then I look at them now. I'm pretty-much at the bottom. I remember when my parents compared me to Seth earlier, this year. Here's a guy that has a job and car, but nobody really wants to hang around him. Then, there's me. No job, no car, but everyone wants to hang out with me. My parents didn't see it that way. They still thought he was a loser, but they thought he was more on the ball than I was. I laughed at that. I may not have a job or a car at the moment, but someday I will. I don't think I've done half bad for a guy that doesn't have a job or a car. When Seth liked Kelcie and tried to blow past me to get with her, I rose to the occassion. I took her out to dinner twice, I took her to the movies, I danced with her at Danny's sister's party, and I had no job and no car. She always came to me. At his place, she'd cuddle with me on the couch and he'd just sit there like an idiot. Then, Mandy entered the picture again. Well, I didn't want Mandy, but he did. Yet, he was trying to get with Kelcie, so he'd invite her to all these things. When Mandy came around, he tried to cut Kelcie out of the picture, so he could get with Mandy. Here's the amusing part. I talked to Mandy about that. She only has some interest and she's not rushing into anything. Basically, Seth's gonna be her bitch. I'll admit that I'm not perfect. I'll even admit that I'm not as good as I was two years ago. But, I'll be better than I ever was. Give me two more weeks and I'll be back on top. I'm getting rid of all the losers that I've hung out with. I'll restore my confidence in myself. I'll pay the people I owe. I'll continue to focus on my goals. I might not be much right now, but it's still early yet. I'm gonna be better than ever. As for UFC 100, it wasn't a bad Pay Per View, but it wasn't a good one either. Dan Henderson knocked out Mike Bisping. Brock Lesnar knocked out Frank Mir. As far as I'm concerned, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Three Weeks Of Hell

Damn, it's been a while since I've updated this thing. The Finale of the Ultimate Fighter was excellent. Ross won against his fellow UK teammate and James beat Damarques Johnson. HA! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, BITCH! I was so glad he didn't win. Unfortunately, he'll probably get a contract even though he didn't win, because that's usually the case with all of them. A few weeks ago, I went to Robin's birthday party. It was raining, but it wasn't a bad party. It was kind of like how it used to be back in the day. All of us would hang out, bust on each other, laugh, it was fun. There has to be more days like that. Especially with all this crap going on. A couple weeks ago, I actually stayed home for a good portion of it. Father's Day was boring. It was like the previous two, where Dad and I would go to the Central Hotel Father's Day Golf Tournament. It wasn't raining, but that Saturday pretty-much ruined any chances we had to golf. I stayed home Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I was raking the rocks around the garage for my dad. I'd also talk to him for more than five minutes. Things were starting to get a little better. Tuesday, I got this message from Bridgette Buckland saying that I shouldn't call Cody an asshole and Kelcie's a manipulative psycho. I let Kelcie know about that message, but she didn't care that much on THAT day. She was dating this paramedic and at first, she was happy with him. Wednesday, she called me wondering if I could hang out with her later. Around 9:00 at night, Seth, Mandy, and Kelcie showed up to pick me up. Seth was getting irritated at his moronic cousin, Henry as we were heading to Binghamton. By the time we got to his grandmother's place to pick them up, he was livid. So, they were shouting at each other for a few blocks until we finally dropped them off at his friend's place. Henry kept running his mouth, so Seth pulled over and got out of the car. I got out of the car to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. When Seth gets pissed, he acts like a freakin' child. At one point, I had to put him in a choke hold, so he wouldn't jump out of a moving car to beat the hell out of Henry. Mandy was driving. She drove us to where her loser ex-boyfriend was. I didn't know this, but Seth hates the guy. I thought it was due to jealousy, but it turns out that he hits women. So, Seth got back in his car and drove off without Kelcie or me. I also didn't know that Mandy couldn't hang out at Seth's house until his little brother was adopted by Scott. So, Mandy's friend took us to where we THOUGHT Seth was. Well, he wasn't there, so we headed to Seth's place. While we were on our way, Seth called his mother and told her what was going on. So, when I get to the front door, she was there to greet me. She said that Kelcie and I were fine to stay, but Mandy and her ex had to leave. Well, their ride up there refused to take them back, so they started walking. Kelcie and I chilled at the house for a bit. Seth showed up finally and apologized for ditching us. He wanted to ditch Mandy and her ex, but we were around them. He ended up taking them home as well as Kelcie. The next few days weren't that bad. Saturday, Bridgette Taylor threw a surprise birthday party for Dan. I haven't seen those guys, since May. We went to that and while I was there, Kelcie called me. She said she needed me over at her place. She was willing to come get me. There was no need for that. Seth dropped me off at her place. She took me to her backyard and the poor girl was crying her heart out. She was thinking of all the hell that Cody and Bridgette put her through. Also, her new boyfriend wasn't exactly acting like one. After she got everything out of her system, she asked me where WE were sleeping, tonight. I offered that she could stay with me at Seth's place. When I talked to Seth on the phone, he said it was fine. When he got to Kelcie's, he told me that Danny and Jay were staying as well as Mandy. I knew about Mandy, but I didn't know about the other two. Jay was being very obnoxious to the point that I was gonna tell her "know your damn role, bitch!" I didn't, but I was close. Kelcie also didn't wanna go unless Danny's brother, Calvin could go too. There was barely enough room for her and me. Also, there's something about Calvin that just rubs me the wrong way. I've heard that he's telling everyone that he slept with Kelcie. I know they didn't do anything sexual, because Kelcie doesn't lie about things like that. He's also telling her that Seth and I are laughing at her behind her back. I never say a bad word about that girl. The only time I said anything negative about her was when she was making things up about me. Seth on the other hand, says things like "She's slept with more people than her age" and "Mandy doesn't do drugs. That's why I like her more than Kelcie." Here's the amusing part. Mandy doesn't wanna date him. Just like the other girls that Seth knows...they all don't wanna date him. At least the girls that won't date me have a better reason. My lady friends won't date me because I'm too damn valuable. They won't date Seth because he's ugly and he's a freakin' pig. Anyways, Danny's sister refused to watch his kid, so him and Jay had to go back to their apartment. However, I couldn't get a hold of Kelcie to see if she still wanted to come to Seth's. I was a little pissed. The next day, I hung out with Kelcie and apologized for Seth being a pussy. Her so-called boyfriend was supposed to take her out to dinner later. Well, instead he made her feel like crap and said he heard that she was sleeping with Seth. I'm sorry, but that's just laughable. Even Mike Sisin said that if she were to sleep with anyone, he'd be the last person. Seth didn't wanna go back to Binghamton, so I called Mike up and asked him to bring Kelcie up to where I was. He wanted to hang out anyways. He asked if Shayla could come too. Seth was fine with that, so they came over. Kelcie felt a lot better after a while. They stayed there and everything was fine. I went home on Monday. When my father got home, he immediately gave me attitude about looking for a job. I was getting sick and tired of all the crap going around, so I gave him attitude back. I didn't talk to him for the rest of the time that I was home. Tuesday, around 9:00 at night, Clarissa called me, because she "heard" that Seth and I were talking about Kelcie behind her back. It turns out that it was either Calvin or this now ex-boyfriend of Kelcie's. Either way, someone's interfering where they don't belong. Kelcie's in PA right now, but when she comes home, her and I are heading over to her ex's place and he's gonna either tell me where he's getting his information from or he's getting three weeks of pent up anger inflicted on him. Kelcie let me know that she knows I'm not laughing and talking about her behind her back, so everything's fine there. I'm in Candor for a while. I hate being home and it keeps getting worse and worse each day I'm there. I might not return home until I have a job. Then, I can work on finding a place for Kelcie and me. That way both of us will be free.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Week Away From Home

Since Dan and Chris are M.I.A for a while, Mikey's been calling me....EVERY FREAKIN' DAY! As much as I like Mikey, I don't like drinking every night of the week. Last Friday, I chilled at his place. We didn't do much. Just played old Nintendo games and drank. Saturday, 2CW came back to Binghamton. Cory and his friends showed up, which is a big relief to me, because I needed them to hand me the money for the tickets. To my surprise, the building wasn't sold out. In fact, I saw a lot of empty seats including two ringside seats right next to me. That was a lot of fun. Sunday, I hung out with Danny's family again. That was pretty-much Sunday. I WAS gonna go home on Monday, but my mother wasn't feeling well, so I spent another night at Danny's. Again, it wasn't anything special. Tuesday, I tried to go home again, but Kelcie called me to see if I wanted to hang out with her and Denna. Here's the best part about Tuesday. Denna acted more like herself. She was like she was when I first met her. Cory came to get us after he was done work. We went to his friend, Ryan's place. Ryan was one of the guys that went to the 2CW show with us. Later, I hung out with Kelcie a little longer. Wednesday, I finally made it home. I talked to my dad, because we really don't have the relationship that we want. Then, I watched The Ultimate Fighter. Team UK pulled out two wins and have two fighters going into the finale. Team USA has one chance left to even the score. Thursday, Kelcie called me. She had talked to Cody, yet again even though I've told her over and over again that it's a bad idea. Again, he hurt her and again I had to assure her that he's an asshole. As far as Cody Marshall goes, I want nothing to do with the asshole. He screwed up big time. I ended up calling Mikey and we all ended up going to his cabin. That was probably the best thing we could've done. Friday was pretty boring. Seth and I played miniature golf and I did win, but there was limited things to do. Yesterday, there was a WWE House Show in Binghamton. I hung out with Robin for a little bit, then I went with Danny to that. It wasn't a bad turn-out. The building wasn't sold out, but there weren't that many empty seats either. So yeah....I haven't really been home that much at all. I kind of like it that way. I'm going home on Tuesday and staying around until Friday. Then, I'll be home on Saturday. I'll stay home for a week, but then I'm leaving for a week. I'm gonna get back to where I was and this time I'm not stepping back.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Team USA managed to become part of the Finale, this season. Unfortunately, the guy that advanced last night is Damarques Johnson. His opponent made it all too easy for him. At first, I thought Damarques was gonna get knocked out. But, luckily for him, Herb Dean was the ref. I swear that guy is the worst ref in UFC history. I would've fired his ass after the Tito Ortiz/Ken Shamrock fight back in 2006. Although, it didn't help that after the second round, Damarques' opponent just let him beat the living hell out of him. The guy I want to win the entire thing is Ross from Team UK. Team USA still isn't acting like a team. Most of that's because of Jason Pierce. Richie Whitson did the right thing by ripping into him. Pierce got all pissed and tried getting in Whitson's face, but he just looked more like a jackass. Along with bitching and moaning, he's also telling the UK guys the training styles of all the USA guys. When Henderson asked him about it, he denied it, but I'm sure he was lying. As for how the rest of the week has been going, it's been interesting. I ended up staying a little bit longer at Candor than I expected. Monday, there wasn't anything special that I remember. Tuesday, because Seth's still trying to get with Kelcie DESPITE THE FACT THAT SHE'S TOLD BOTH OF US THAT SHE'S NOT INTERESTED, we played Tennis with her. After that, we headed over to the skate park to chill with Mike Sisin. As the four of us were chilling, we decided to chill at Seth's for the rest of the night. I drank with Mikey a little bit, but he's been going through a lot, because of his psycho ex-girlfriend, Tiffany. He finally let her go, but he's been regretting it ever since. He did the right thing. Well, after a while, he suggests we play Twenty Questions. There were four of us, so we went around in a circle asking anybody that we wanted any question that we wanted. There were a couple about Denna that came my way. Some of them actually caught me off guard. However, the one question that alarmed me, was when Seth asked if he did something to me, would I forgive him. I answered that he depended on what it was. I said if he stabbed me in the spine, I'd be done with his ass. I told him that I wouldn't even be a memory. The reason why that question set off a warning bell, is due to the fact that he might be contemplating something. The two of us have been cockblocking each other for months. I know that I'm not Kelcie's type, but I still gotta remind Seth what his role is. He's liked her longer than I have. I remember when I wasn't even trying to think about her, he'd always bring her up. Seth isn't loyal. He'd stab me in the spine in a heart beat if it meant that he'd be with Kelcie. We went to bed around 2:30 in the morning. I started to fall asleep when Kelcie moved and woke me up. I moved to another part of the couch we were on. Mikey's back was bothering him, so he took the bedroom that I'd usually sleep in. Kelcie said she was thinking of heading over there herself. She asked if I minded if she left. I told her that she wasn't my girlfriend. "I still care about what you think," she told me. I wished that I had worded it better, but instead, I told her that she's not my girl and she can do as she pleases. When she left, a million emotions erupted inside me. Mostly, it was my frustration with women. Nobody's perfect, but apparently I need to be for them to date me. If my hair's not long enough or if I haven't had sex yet, then I'm not boyfriend material. I'm sorry, but that's crap. The next day, I headed over to Danny's. We got lunch and talked about what we hope to accomplish, this year. Then, I realized why I'm so bitter all the time. Before, I'd take Seth in small doses, but I haven't been able to do that, this year. So, I'm a miserable prick. When he's not around, I'm so much better to be around. Seth only cares about himself. He doesn't think before he speaks, he's not trustworthy, he's immature, and he's a pig. Both literally and metaphorically. Well, Mikey called me later that day. He wanted to see if I'd be okay with him asking Kelcie out. I could tell Kelcie didn't wanna hurt me on Tuesday. Mikey didn't wanna hurt me either. I give both of them a ton of credit, because I wouldn't ask anybody for their blessing. I did talk to Cody a while back. But, that's when I gave a damn what he thought. I probably would've done whatever the hell I wanted anyways. Mikey's one of my best boys. Him, Dan, Chris, and Danny. I told him that if both of them were happy, it was fine with me. I said that I wouldn't be able to spoil her if she dated him, but he waved a hand at me figuratively speaking. "As long as you don't put anything in her, I'm fine. I trust you, bro," he replied. Of course Seth's acting like the runner-up in a beauty contest. "I think they'd make a great couple," he said. But I know what he's really thinking. I wouldn't be surprised if he went back to his old tricks. If he does, I'm kicking him in the freakin' skull. There's not too many people like me. I'm highly respected by my friends. Hell, I can't think of one person who doesn't respect me. I've earned that respect. I'm not perfect, but I think of others before myself. Sometimes, it does bite me in the ass, but I'm better for it. I knew that nothing was happening with Kelcie and I, so as long as it wasn't Cody or Seth with her, then I was fine with it. She deserves a good guy. Not some asshole who only thinks of himself. Seth lacks a pair of balls. He talks a big game, but that's all it is. It's just talk. I have no problem letting someone know how I feel about them. When or if I see Cody on Friday, I'll have no problem letting him know what I think. Seth'll just stand there like a freakin' coward. I'm not fake. I'm for real. Anybody who knows me, knows that I'm as real as it gets.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hanging Out

Before I forget, Matt Serra fell short in his fight with Matt Hughes, last week. However, it was a pretty damn good fight and Matt Hughes finally gave Matt Serra the respect he deserved. Well, thanks to Kelcie, the rest of the night turned out alright. That was last week, though. On the Ultimate Fighter this week, everyone was acting like little kids. Dan Henderson discussed with Mike Bisping about changing the times they had their training sessions. Mike didn't like that idea. Well, that Damarques asshole can't keep his mouth shut. There were some exchanging of words between him and Bisping. Then, it was time for the final preliminary fight announcement. As Bisping is passing Damarques, he sprays him in the face with a water bottle. Damarques got all pissed. Wow, what a freakin' baby that guy is. Well, Dan Henderson started acting like Bisping's dad. "You wouldn't like it if someone sprayed you in the face with a water bottle," he told him. Henderson, do yourself a favor...SHUT THE HELL UP! Well, Bisping attempted to apologize. I give him props for that, but I still think Damarques deserved it. Team USA evened things up for the quarter-finals. The guy from Team UK didn't wanna go to sudden victory and I think that was a stupid decision. Bisping wasn't too pleased with it at all. Bisping won the entire thing all the way back in season 3. During the week, I tried to arrange it so that Denna and I could hang out. She suggested that her, Kelcie and I hang out on Friday. I was all for that. Well, it turned out to be just me and Kelcie on Friday. Again, I didn't get to sleep until 5:30 in the morning. Ever since that week I took her out on that date, she's been getting a little bit closer each time. Saturday, I helped Danny out with his son's birthday party. His girlfriend, Jay's freakin' worthless. She was supposed to plan and organize everything, but she didn't do a damn thing. Danny and I did everything. Needless to say, there were a lot of people not pleased with her. Overall, the party wasn't too bad. For some reason, I was relaxed. It could've been due to both Danny and Kelcie stepping on my back the night before. It also could've been from hanging out with Danny and Kelcie for the past few months. Today, Kelcie called me. She said that she wants the two of us to get jobs and an apartment in Binghamton. She's so comfortable around me, that she wants to live with me. I've been looking for job for a couple of weeks now, but I'm putting in much more effort, this time. I know that there's gonna be some pros and cons about moving in with a good friend, but I think we can make it work. I've wanted to move out ever since being at Cortland. I've gotten used to be independent. Hopefully, we'll be out of our homes before the year is out.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Sleep was an option, this weekend. I never get enough of it. However, I usually get a decent amount. Well, that wasn't the case for a good portion of the weekend. Thursday, I helped Seth's mom out a little, then Seth and I went to go see Terminator Salvation. We left earlier than we usually would, because it was opening night. We went to see Danny for a little bit. Then, we headed back to the movie theater. However, my phone went off before we went in. Kelcie called me wanting to hang out. She had graduated from BCC that night and she wanted to celebrate. Back in the day, Denna would wanna hang out when there were wrestling PPVs on. I used to blow her off to watch them. Now, look where it got me. I wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. I told Seth to attempt to get a refund for the tickets. He just switched them for the 10:00pm show the next night. We picked up Kelcie and decided to go to the hooka bar. We hung out there for a while, then we went back to The Beef. We hung out with Danny a little bit. I got Kelcie a glass of wine. She's a bit of a light-weight, so it didn't take much to get her buzzing. We took her home, then we took Danny home. I got to play the role of the hero, that night. Kelcie said she didn't wanna drag us away from the movies, but I said it was no big deal. I could hear the appreciation in her voice when I told her that Seth was refunding our tickets. I got another peck on the cheek as a thank you. The next day, I helped Seth's mom prepare for Christian's birthday party. When Seth got out of work, we went to see Terminator Salvation. This time, Mike Sisin called me. We had to save him from his dumb girlfriend, Tiffany. After the movie was over, we came and got him. That's when sleep became very scarce. We were up until 5:00 in the morning. I slept until 3:00 in the afternoon, but Seth had to work at 1:00 in the afternoon. We had plans to go to Tioga Downs to watch UFC 98. We were both tired as hell. Danny, Jay, and Kelcie came along with us. I was watching the event when Kelcie came up to me. She didn't know how to play the slot machines. I started to get up to show her and again, she said that she didn't wanna drag me away from what I was doing. I said it was no big deal and I tried to help her. I eventually grabbed Seth and Danny to help her. Danny stopped after $20.00 and watched the event with me. Jay and Kelcie came over to us. Kelcie asked for a dollar and acted all cute and innocent. "I'll give you a kiss on the cheek," she swooned. Well, because I can hardly say no to any girl, she got what she wanted and I got what I wanted. Actually, she ended up getting another two bucks off me. In return, I got to rub her down when we got back to the house. We got to the house and Danny, Seth, and Jay watched a movie. Kelcie and I hung out downstairs. I rubbed her down and she gave me a back rub. Then, Danny and Jay took the bedroom I usually sleep in. Seth slept in his room. Kelcie and I took the couch. One thing about Kelcie is that she hates being alone. So, she wanted me as close as possible. We positioned ourselves opposite of one another. She said her feet were cold, so I placed them under my shirt. Even when I'm freezing, my body's still warm. She said that was "heavenly." Still, I couldn't really sleep. Eventually, she fell asleep and I temporarily was able to move into a more comfortable position. I don't know how long I slept, but I know it wasn't very long. Well, we all got up at noon. Seth took everybody home. I was with Danny and Jay at his mom's place. They had a cook-out, that day. Danny's family are very nice. There was plenty of food. They told me to come back again. Seth came to get us. He dropped Danny and Jay off, then he took me to the movie theater to meet my friend, Stephanie. We made plans to see Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. After the movie was over, I said good bye to Steph and had Seth pick me up. Because we didn't sleep very much in the past two nights, Danny let us stay at his place for the night. The minute I got to Danny's, I threw a pillow on the floor and collapsed on it. The rest of them were watching TV. Danny asked if I had seen one of the new episodes of Family Guy. I responded with "don't care," and tried to sleep. Now, before I continue, there's a few things that should be brought to everyone's attention. I've pretty-much spoiled Kelcie rotten for the past month. The reason being is that she's worth it. I've taken her out to dinner twice, I've given her back massages, and I just never say no to her about anything. But, unlike everyone else that I've spoiled, she's shown her appreciation. Also, I have a thing for eyes. Some say that they're a window to the soul. I respect the power that eyes have. They tell the whole story. My two weaknesses with girls are when they give the puppy dog look and when they cry. Kelcie's only given me the puppy dog look twice, but she did it playfully. Alright, now that's been brought to everyone's attention, I can continue. So, I'm trying to sleep, but after being there for only five minutes, I feel something playfully poke my side. I looked up and Kelcie's sitting in the armchair, smiling brightly at me. "Where's my foot massage?" she asked playfully. "You want one?" I asked as I rolled over on my back. She took her flip-flops off and rested her feet on my stomach. When I was a kid, mom and I would watch movies a lot. We'd lay on opposite sides of the couch and she'd ask me to give her foot rubs. Because of this, I eventually became pretty good at giving them. My lady friends have suggested that I made that my profession, but that's not happening. With my luck, some old fat lady would come in wanting one and I'd have no choice, but to massage her. Screw that! However, I haven't heard one complaint to this day. So, I gave Kelcie a foot massage and it hit me that she's really getting used to me spoiling her. She's also becoming very comfortable around me, which is doing wonders for my self-esteem. She thanked me for the foot massage and gave me a big hug, then she left. I finally fell asleep after an hour. Yesterday, I went over to Robin's for yet another bbq. It didn't last long, but Seth had to work, so I hung out with her the rest of the day. Apparently, things have sucked for her too. I promised that I'd come back and hang out with her again real soon. Hanging out with Robin brought me back to how it used to be back in the day. We used to hang out all the time. That also did wonders for my self-esteem. I go back home, tomorrow. Luckily, I only have to be there two days and then I'm leaving again. Danny's son's birthday is Saturday and I'm going bowling with a friend of mine on Friday. So far, things are slowly improving again.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

One Of A Kind

Team USA pulled off a win, last night. I was kind of surprised at that. Team USA whines and cries a lot. It's really embarrassing. This week, Jason Pierce was pissing and moaning about everything. Everyone on Team USA are sick of his negativity. He hurt his foot during the fight that he won to get inside the house. Not only that, but he's friends with the guy that Dan Henderson wants him to fight. Needless to say, he's a little reluctant stepping into the octagon. This is how it is. When you're in the UFC, sometimes you have to fight your friends. If you're on the Ultimate Fighter show, the chances of making friends are almost a guarantee unless you're an asshole. I always get annoyed when a fighter says, "We're friends and all, but I gotta bash his face in." It seems like a cocky statement from where I'm standing. If I were a UFC fighter and I had to fight a good friend of mine, I'd say something to the effect of "I'm just gonna do my best and we'll still be friends either way." Anyway, Jason Pierce has done nothing but bitch and moan for two weeks now. He even walked away from an assistant coach when he was talking to everybody. As far as he was concerned, practice was over. That was last week, though. This week, he was just a miserable son of a bitch. Everybody including the UK guys were fed up with him. Team USA's down and the last thing that they need, is someone spreading negativity. Jason Dent beat his opponent with a choke/armbar hold. Dana White called in Jason Pierce after the fight. He basically told him that he was done. He could tell that Pierce had no intention of fighting, so he benched him. Dana said it best, last night. You either have the heart to fight or you don't. Pierce didn't have it, so Dana didn't waste his time on him. The episode ended with Pierce having a temper tantrum in the parking lot. Dan Henderson didn't have faith in Pierce winning anyways. I kind of feel sorry for Henderson. Although, he's only down by one win, his team has performed poorly so far. Then again, a coach's leadership shows through his players. When I was on the wrestling team in 2001, I had the worst coach to ever step foot on a mat. He didn't really care about the sport at all. He only agreed to be the coach to save the program. I don't know if he did it to act like some kind of hero, but he was far from it. There was a lot of b.s during practices. The guys on the team didn't care, because the coach didn't care. The team captain sucked both on and off the mat. His attitude was piss-poor. I remember the coach bringing in a friend of his to show us some techniques. The guy observed all of us and then said, "There's a lot of grab-assing going on in this room, right now. So, I'm going to leave. When all you guys are done grab-assing, give me a call." Then, he stood up from his chair and left. My grades sucked, so I didn't really get that much mat-time, but that's not the point. In 2002, a new coach took over. There was no b.s and the guy knew what he was doing. He did wonders for the program. He bought new warm-up gear, new sweat shirts, and a new wrestling mat that we needed badly. There was less grab-assing and more getting down to business. We still joked around and had fun, but we were working our asses off too. Grades were still horrible, but the team was starting to improve. I took a year off, because I knew my grades wouldn't be any better that year. Well, the team was still improving. They were actually winning tournaments now. When I returned to the mat in 2004, not only did we become Division II Mac Champions, but I finally secured a win. Dan Henderson needs to turn his team around and fast. Quarter-finals are right around the corner. He needs to even things up, next week. As for the "war on friendship", things have pretty-much stayed the same. Actually, I haven't hung out with Kelcie that much, this week. I haven't hung out with Denna at all, since she came home. I still don't know what to think of Cody. I'm still not happy about everything he's done. Choosing Bridgette over Kelcie is like choosing a rusty used car over a Lambo. I've probably said this before, but I should've dated Kelcie instead of trying to get with Denna, last year. I think I might've had a chance. I kind of feel bad for her too. Not just because of all the hell Cody put her through, but because everyone wants to date her. Calvin, Seth, me...well not so much me, but at one point, I'd have asked her out. She asked me a couple weeks ago when Steve Clark and I had picked her up for my party if I ever got tired of Seth. The answer is all of the time. I put up with Seth because I have to. Some of my major issues that I have with him are his lack of hygiene and appearance, his immaturity, his inability to think before he speaks, and he tries to be me. His freakin' cousin's the same way. Both of them try to act like me. They don't dress like me, because that's just not possible. They do try to talk like me. I've complained about this before. Hence the reason I don't say "Champ" anymore. Here's an example of how Seth tries to be like me. Whenever we're in his car and a song from the 90's comes on the radio, I'll shout "old school!" Well, now HE does it. Another example: Danny's puerto rican and has an accent when he talks. I can match his accent and sound just like him. Now, Seth does the same "Danny" accent that I do. It's kind of annoying. I remember Kelcie assuring me that I'd never be like anyone else. She and most of my friends agree that I'm one of a kind. There'll never be another person that's just like me. Seth needs to get that through his head. Also, I can get away with a lot. Well, Seth'll see me get away with it and just assume that he can get away with it too. Well, he can't get away with the same crap I can. I don't even know how I get away with it. He made a fat joke to Chris once when I was at Cortland. Chris told him in a very serious tone, "Jack's not here to save you anymore." I find that funny, because I never did save Seth from anybody. A month ago, Kelcie asked for our help with a video project. I had to "fall" and need help getting back up. Well, Seth's role was to offer a hand and allow me to lean on him. During one of the takes, I said in a low voice: "this is the only time I will ever use you as a crutch." He thought I was kidding, but I wasn't. Hell, I remember when Denna came back home the first time. I wanted to see her, so Seth and I went to Danny's. He was saying crap like, "if it weren't for me, you wouldn't get to see her." I put him in his place fast. I told him that I'd have done whatever it took to get to Danny's that night, whether it were to take a bus, find someone else to take me, or walk. I told him to never make himself more important than he is. After all of these stories that I just told, why do I still hang out with him? I claim that I don't need him and he's worthless, so why do I still allow him to chill with my friends and me? Well, first of all, his family's nothing like him and they're good, honest, hard-working people. Second of all, keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Nothing Changed.

The weekend was definitely interesting. Friday, I took Kelcie out to dinner like I promised her. It started out pretty good. This time I was able to cover not only the meal, but the tip as well. The last time that I went out on a date, it was back in 2005. I paid for everything that night as well. That's how it should be. The man should pay for everything. Hell, the man should DO everything. I feel like a loser if I can't pay for anything and I'm hanging out with a girl. Last year, I was pretty good financially. When I was at the bars, I could pay for a beer for me and whatever the girl wanted. I was able to experience the finer things in life. But nothing lasts forever. Well, everything was so far so good. Then, she wanted to go to this bubble tea's place in vestal. That was fine with me. She ordered her drink, I ordered mine. She reached in her wallet and I pulled out a $10.00 bill. I handed the cashier the money while asking her what did she think she was doing. When someone's out on a date with me, I pay for everything. She was beaming appreciatively. Things were going better than even I could imagine. Then, just like everything else, they came crashing down. Of all the people to walk into that damn place, Cody and Bridgette walked in. Kelcie's mood plummeted. We left immediately. I was pissed off, because I was trying to give Kelcie just one night where she didn't have to think about any of that crap. Kelcie, even though she was upset, noticed that I wasn't too happy either. She thought I was pissed that our date was ruined. Which, I do admit that was one of the reasons why I was pissed. But, it was more that I was trying to give Kelcie one good night and I couldn't even do that. Well, she said that dinner was wonderful and she thanked me for everything. I was still fuming, though. So, she asked if I wanted a kiss on the cheek. I responded with "I don't care." Not the best choice of words I admit. Luckily for me, Kelcie wasn't offended. Instead, she grabbed the front of my shirt and said "well, come here, cutie." Then, she gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. We hung out at Danny's for a little bit, then I went to The Beef to meet Seth and bring Danny home. I told Danny what happened. Danny's response was "if she breaks my brother's heart, I'm gonna break her heart." Calvin's been hanging out with Kelcie ever since she went with him to his sister's 15th birthday party. She told me that she likes hanging out with Calvin, but she doesn't like him as a boyfriend. However, she hasn't told Calvin that. So far, Calvin's been making all the moves. Kelcie's trying to be nice and not hurt anyone's feelings, but she needs to be honest with this guy before it gets ugly. I don't really approve of Danny preparing to get all hostile over the situation. It's Calvin's business. I'd remain neutral if something happened, but I'd still be between a rock and a hard place. When we got back to Danny's Cody was there along with Calvin and Kelcie. I honestly don't know what Cody's intentions are. I am proud of Kelcie for being strong so far. When he called her, she threw it all back in his face. A lesser girl would've forgave and forgot. She was smarter than that. They were talking outside, but I don't know what was said. I just made sure both of them were alright before I left. I had about a six pack after my date with Kelcie, so I was pretty hammered. Part of me isn't too happy with Cody trying to talk to Kelcie again. He's used her the past couple months and he disregarded her thoughts and opinions about pretty-much everything. Kelcie said there was nobody better than Cody, but I disagree. Everytime I look in the mirror, I see someone better than Cody. If I see him doing his usual antics, I'm putting a stop to it...FAST! I slept until 2 in the afternoon. Then, I had to go back to Hancock to help Seth's mom and step-father. I was just helping them prepare the computer lab for the summer. I'm going back to help them finish up on Thursday and Friday. However, I refuse to work there again. I had my fill, last year. I don't care how desperate I get, I will never work at that place again. It's not worth it. Sunday, we all went to a barbeque in Kirkwood. There were a few people from Harpursville over there. They pretty-much stayed the same with the exception that they drink now. Then, Danny, Seth, and I went to the movies. They saw Star Trek, I saw Angels & Demons. I had no interest of seeing Star Trek. Monday, I helped Marcy get the rest of her stuff out of the house. She rewarded me by getting me all tanked up. I came home today, but I'm just gonna leave again on Thursday. I wanted to hang out with some people this week, but I gotta do this other crap. Next week, I'll hang out with everyone.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fighting A War

Team UK's still in the lead. Although, Dan Henderson did win the coach's challenge that was worth $10,000 for him and $1,500 for everyone on his team. During the challenge, the USA guys kept running their mouths to Mike Bisping. I know Mike's done the same to the USA guys and I know that when Matt Hughes did it, I didn't like it much. Still, some of the USA guys ask for it. Also, the guys that were running their mouths, I didn't really like to begin with. Damarques Johnson's done nothing but run his mouth about Mike Bisping. Cameron Dollar was another one that kept saying Mike was white as hell. Mike fired back a few times. It wasn't really a big deal, but there's a time when everyone should just shut up and let the coaches do their thing. It was funny though, because during USA fighter Richie Whitson's birthday, Cameron was crying about how he missed his family and how much being inside the house was affecting him. Stop crying, you freakin' pansy. You act like such a cocky little bitch half the time, then you start drinking and your true colors start to show. Basically, I'm really disappointed at the fighters representing team USA. They bicker amongst themselves and play stupid practical jokes on Team UK, then they wonder why they lose. If a guy from team UK doesn't win the entire competition, I just hope the fighter from team USA deserved that win. I realized last week, that despite Cody saying there "were" no sides anymore, that there are still sides. Usually when something like this would happen, I'd just remain neutral. However, I can't do that, this time. Ever since the 70's disco party, things haven't been the same. Kelcie flipped out on me when I did nothing wrong, which in turn, pissed me off. So, I sided with Bridgette and Cody. Kelcie didn't really have anyone on her side. At least no one that I can think of. Then, she called me up and we worked everything out. I came to my senses and I started to hang out with her. Last Saturday, there was either Bridgette's party or there was my party. At Bridgette's party, there was her, Cody, Brad, Denna, Emily, and Cory. At my party, there was Kelcie, Dan, D-squared, Chris, Dilly, Steve, Michelle, Bridgette Taylor, Tyler, Danny, Jay, Calvin, Seth, and myself. There were only two people that I really didn't care for at my party. It was then that I realized that there's Cody and Bridgette's side and there's Jack and Kelcie's side. Because there are sides, that means there's a war. Denna and Cory are neutral, but I know Denna pretty well. She'll give both sides information. She can't really be trusted and she's spilled information about me several times. Jay may not like Bridgette, but she's been running her mouth about me to Kelcie. Danny stood up for me, but if she continues to run her mouth, I'll deal with her myself. I guess on Monday, Bridgette tried to butt in on Jay's personal business with Danny. Well, Jay put Bridgette in her place. However, instead firing back at Jay, Bridgette and Brad blamed Kelcie. She didn't have anything to do with any of it. Kelcie's trying to move on, but Cody calls her or texts her once a week and the two dumbasses (Bridgette and Brad) blame her for anything that goes wrong for them. What Cody, Bridgette, Brad, and all them don't know is that I'm on Kelcie's side. Whatever they tell me, I inform Kelcie. I'm sorry, but I don't approve of how Cody treated her. Kelcie's starting to realize that I'm a good ally to have on her side. She informs me what "the enemy" has been doing and I let her know what I've heard. However, whatever she tells me, I don't inform Cody and Bridgette. Bridgette knows she's losing this war. So, she tries to stir up more drama. She's still trying bury Kelcie. I know she's probably tried to turn Denna and Kelcie's other friends against her. However, when you get me as an ally, you also get my crew on your side. So, Kelcie has me, Chris, Dan, Mike and a few others. Bridgette doesn't know this, but she's already lost.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Drinking And Thinking

Both Team USA and Team UK got wins on The Ultimate Fighter. The reason why Mike Bisping didn't make it to the last fight was because he was in a deep sleep. He said that he's been having jet-lag since coming to Vegas. I still give him a lot of credit, though. He said that it was in-excuseable to no-show for a fight. He lived up to his mistake. Unfortunately, Cameron Dollar won his fight and advanced. I really don't like the guy. The other guy from Team USA was running his mouth about how he was gonna knock his opponent's teeth out. Here's the amusing part. It was HIM that had HIS teeth knocked out in the fight. So, Team UK's up 3-2. No surprise there. On Tuesday, it was Cinco de Mayo. Marcy asked me to come drink with her. Cassandra and Alan were up there as well. I think it's the first time that I drank with them that didn't end with them arguing. Overall, it was a lot of fun. I was pretty damn hammered. It's been a while, since I've gotten that drunk. Three shots of tequila, two shots of vodka, and two beers. Thursday, Cory called me. Apparently, history's repeating itself. Last year, things were going great between Denna and I. Then, everyone started getting involved in our business including Bridgette. Everyone was telling everyone what the other said and no one knew who they could trust. After I left for Hancock, it all subsided...completely. Well, it's happening again, but this time, it's happening to Cory. Except he had someone that he could trust. That person was me. I told him that the same thing happened to me and I'd think of a way to stop it. Seriously, though. Why does everybody care what the hell Denna does? I'm not condoning anything that was done in the past two years, but people need to stay the hell out of it. That's part of the reason why Denna and I didn't date officially. She shut down, because everyone was getting involved. I'm pretty-much over it now, but I don't think it's right that they're doing the same thing to Cory. Hopefully, they'll grow the hell up. Friday, Danny, Seth, and I went to the ECPW show. We sat next to one of the wrestler's wives. She was freakin' cool as hell. The show overall, was probably their best one overall. The cage match was definitely better than 2CW's. Saturday was probably the best day. Despite my misgivings, I went through with my party. Steve Clark picked me up, so we could go get Kelcie and meet the others. When we got to Kelcie's place, I saw a girl that looked like Denna come out of the house. At first, I thought it was Denna. Then, as she got closer to the car, I realized that it was actually Kelcie. She looked just like Denna. She looked incredible. Also, I got to see Tyler Blackman and Dilly. I haven't seen those guys in about a year. There were 14 people there all together. Me, Steve, Kelcie, Dan, Chris, Bridgette, D-Squared (other Dan), Michelle, Dilly, Tyler, Seth, Jay, Danny, and Calvin. Seth and Danny's family showed up later, because Danny and Calvin had to work. The rest of us hung out and played a drinking game called three-man. It's like Kings, but it's not as complicated. Kelcie was trying like hell to get me drunk. I was her primary target. I'll get into that in a little bit. The thing that took me by surprise, was that there was no drama. Well...Dan was going through a little dilemma. He wasn't sure if that night should be "the night." He was nervous. It didn't help that everyone was pressuring him into "doing it." So, I pulled him aside and gave him the best advice that I could. I told him to make sure he was doing it for the right reasons. Well, he decided that it was indeed time. I just hope he doesn't end up regretting it later. So, that leaves Chris and I as the only virgins in the group. He'll probably lose his next. Then, there'll only be one. I'm determined to make sure that I'm with the right girl, before I do anything. I'm still sticking with my decision. Today was mother's day. Mom and Dad came back from Virginia Beach, today. I was over at my grandmother's for most of the day. Now, here's what made my entire weekend. Kelcie called me to let me know that she had a great time at my place. She said the same thing last night. She kept thanking me for inviting her. I told her it was my pleasure. Then, she asked if I could hang out, later. That was the original plan. Well, by the time Seth got his dumbass to my place, she had left already. She felt bad that she missed us, but I assured her that it was alright. I'm taking her out to dinner, later during the week. Here's what I don't get. She told me straight-up that she just wants to be friends. But, Thursday she called me, wondering where I was. I told her that I was home. "Nooo," she groaned. She asked if Seth could bring me over to her place. I said that Seth was watching a movie and I apologized that I couldn't hang out with her, that day. Today, she wanted me to come hang out with her. She comes and finds me every Tuesday and Thursday. The way she acted around me the past few weeks gave me the impression that she was interested. But, she said that she just wants to be friends. I'm a bit confused. Even when she was dating Cody, she didn't hang out with me nearly this much. I'm not complaining about it. In fact, it actually makes me feel pretty damn good that she wants to hang out. But, I just don't understand it. Then again, I'm probably one of the best guy friends that she has. I'm always there when she needs me. I always have been. Even when she was angry with me, I was there if she needed me. Sure, I was a bit bitter when she accused me of screaming at her and when she took out all of her frustration on me, but I still would've been there for her. I do that for all of my friends. Maybe she just appreciates me for that. I know that she cares for me to an extent. She hates to see anything but a smile on my face. I'm the same way with her, though. It could be wishful thinking again. I just don't know. When she was dating Cody, I still could've sworn she was looking at me in a particular way. Kind of like how Denna looked at me, back in the day. I'm not gonna push anything, because that could put a stop to her hanging out with me. I'm just gonna continue being her good friend. Whatever happens, happens.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Only Second Best.

The weekend wasn't too eventful. Friday, I was supposed to meet Seth at The Beef. What happened was that Kelcie called me earlier that day. She asked if I was gonna be at Danny's for a while. I said that I was planning on staying there until I had to go to dinner. She sounded intrigued by that. I kind of learned my lesson after blowing Denna off to watch a PPV, last year. So, I asked Kelcie if she wanted to join me. She said that she'd love to. Well, she brought Calvin with her. I was fine with that, because he was able to cover his meal. I believe that when a girl dines with a guy, it should be the guy who pays. So, I told Kelcie that I'd cover her meal along with mine. Well, Kelcie ordered a $14.00 meal. I was still able to cover us, but she had to leave the tip. Next Saturday, I'm taking her somewhere. I'm not sure where yet, but I'm covering everything. I'll get into that later. Saturday, all of us just kind of hung out. Sunday, I went up to Mike's cabin with him. He said he goes there to clear his head. His dating life is chaotic. There were like four girls that are all interested, but he has no clue what he wants. I couldn't really help him that much, because I don't exactly have four girls after me. Now, getting back to next Saturday. My parents are leaving for Virginia Beach on Wednesday. That leaves me at the house for a few days. Saturday, I planned on having my boys come up. I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this. So far, I have Dan, Chris, Steve, Danny, Calvin, Mike, Kelcie, and Seth coming. I may have found a way to leave Dan's girlfriend, Bridgette out of it, completely. So, the only person that could ruin everyone's good time would be Seth. I think Mike, Dan, and Chris would deal with him if that were the case. I don't know what it is, but I have a bad feeling about this. It could just be that there's no other girl for me to chill with. That's really been bugging me, lately. This is gonna go into last year, a little bit. When Denna was around, I wasn't really alone anymore. Then, she played all these games and left. Well, ever since last year, I don't really wanna be alone anymore. I started hanging out with Kelcie again and according to what I described to Denna, she was interested in me. Then, Kelcie tells me straight-up that she's not interested in a relationship with me, but she wants to be friends. I'm fine with that, but Kelcie does want a relationship. I can understand where she's coming from, but that's not really doing me any favors. It's not just her, either. I'm basically everyone's big brother. Everyone likes hanging out with me, but no one's interested in a relationship even though they all know me. Here's just a couple examples of how I treat women. Kelcie was cold, last Saturday AND this past Friday. On Saturday, I took my dress shirt off and wrapped it around her, because that's all I had. On Friday, I gave her my leather jacket. When we went out for dinner, I opened the door for her, I paid for her meal, I was being a gentleman. I do that for every girl around me. I know Kelcie appreciates me. But, I've been single for a while and I'm trying to find something legit. So far, I've just found girls that like to play games and I end up getting used. At least Kelcie was straight-up with me. I'm just getting a little frustrated. I know that I'm better than half of these assholes out there, but I've got nothing. It can get to be discouraging at times. When I don't try, I do end up finding someone, but they usually play games and I get the worst end of it. When I do try, I don't find anything. I don't fully understand it, but it is what it is. I think that I was just born in the wrong generation. If I had been born back when chivalry and respect were valued, then I'd probably have an easier time finding what I'm looking for. When I was at Mike's cabin, I slept in the same room that Denna and I had, last year. Of course, I was swarmed with memories. Denna said when she saw me after coming home the first time, every memory came to her at once. I think I know what she meant after it did the same to me, last night. Maybe if the future looked a little brighter, I wouldn't be dwelling on the past so much. Keeping my head up is getting harder than it used to be. I used to be able to overlook everything. Now, it's not so easy. All I need is one good day or night and I'll be back to how I was. I just wish that the feeling would stick around. Hopefully, that good day will come soon. I need it badly.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stabbed In The Back.

For some reason, they're starting to have two fights per Ultimate Fighter episode. Team UK picked up another win, but Team USA had the last word by getting their first win. I'm sorry, but I'm really pulling for Team UK. Most of the guys on Team USA are immature litte punks. There's one guy that I dislike on Team USA. Cameron Dollar. He's this little punk-ass bitch that's getting on everyone's nerves. The other guy that keeps bitching about Bisping, won his fight, last night. Speaking of Mike Bisping, he wasn't at the last fight. No one knows where he was. To the UK fighter's credit, he didn't blame Bisping for the loss he suffered. I seriously think that if Dan Henderson didn't show for a fight and the USA figher lost, he'd blame it on Henderson. Team USA has been bickering among themselves. That's part of their problem. They're not acting like a team. They'll learn soon enough. This week hasn't exactly been the best. Tuesday, I hung out with Kelcie like I always do. Well, she told me some more crap that Seth's been pulling. I guess after he was done hanging out with Cody, he went to hang out with Kelcie. She asked "Where's Jack?" because she wanted to hang out with me as well. He said I was hanging out with Robin, which is NOT true at all. I was at home. Then, he kept telling her that she's beautiful. There's a reason why I don't use certain words. It's mostly due to the fact that creepy little bastards use them and I don't wanna be put in that category. "Beautiful" is one of those words that creepy little bastards use in my opinion. So, I cautiously use it or I don't use it at all. Seth uses the words "beautiful" and "gorgeous" way too much when describing girls. First of all, not all girls are gorgeous. I think that there are different levels of how good a girl looks. Gorgeous is right up on the top of the list. Well, they went to hang out with Kelcie's friends. When they got there, he was playing with her hair, rubbing her shoulders, her back, things like that. He kept hovering over her and crap. Basically, he was acting like they were dating. Then, she saw a good looking guy over there that she didn't know. He saw her too and asked, "what's your name?" She told him, but Seth barges in and introduces himself. I guess the guy backed off after that. Then, when Kelcie starts talking about Cody, he says "I think everybody's sick of hearing about him." How freakin' stupid can you be? But, that's not what really pissed me off. He began making up these lies. He told Kelcie that Danny, Jay, and I are hiding something from her, because we don't wanna hurt her. When Kelcie asked him what it was, he said, "I can't tell you, I don't wanna hurt you." That's a freakin' lie. There is no big secret. Well, before Kelcie told me about this, she said that she couldn't date me due to the fact that I'm Cody's friend. I was fine with that, but then she told me what Seth did and said that she didn't wanna hang out with him alone again. I was pissed after hearing all this. Kelcie doesn't give second chances. However, she gave me one and I know that her trust in me has been restored. He could've screwed everything up for me. Just because he wanted to get with her. He's a backstabbing scumbag. Kelcie tried calming me down by blaring music, waving my arm around, and even kissing my hand. I know she cares and that's just as good as anything. She asked me to "let it go", but I had to let Danny know what's been going on. Also, there's no secrets between my boys and I. I talked to Danny at his work with the scumbag right around the corner. He also told me to let it go. So, for now I am. But, rest assured. Seth's gonna get his. He's so freakin' pathetic. I really wanted to kick his head in. Also, Dan's back with Bridgette. She freakin' manipulated him and I'm none too pleased about it. If she hurts him, I'm gonna make her life a living hell. The only good thing that's happened so far is that Chris has a girlfriend too. I haven't met her yet, but the same goes for her too. If she hurts him, she's dealing with me. As for me, I have no one. Still, I have a feeling that I might not be single for much longer. I don't have anyone lined up, but I have the same feeling that I did, last year. Within a few weeks, I met Denna and there seemed to be a light at the end of the tunnel. I do get to take Kelcie out on a date, next week. We're going as friends and we agreed to be just friends. Still, I've been there before, last year. There's definitely going to be some major changes happening soon. The first one being dealing with Seth.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Long Weekend.

My weekend actually started on Thursday. Kelcie grabbed me after her class. She brought me over to her place. Seth called me, so we could figure out what was going on for the weekend. Kelcie told me to have him come over. So, he came over and we all went to hang out elsewhere. We ended up at one of Kelcie's friend's places. Then, we all went to the Cyber Cafe for a while. After that, we dropped off Kelcie's friend and went to visit Danny at his work. He got us some drinks and Kelcie, dessert. We all ended up at his place after that. Seth and I stayed the night, but Kelcie went home. Friday, I had lunch with my mom and picked up my suit for Saturday. Danny invited all of us to his sister's 15th birthday. I forget the term for the celebration, but it's one of those formal affairs. Then, I headed back to my house to pack for the weekend. I didn't do much in Candor, but it was relaxing. Saturday, we met Danny at the church. He directed us to the Days Inn hotel, where his parents had booked the banquet room. Speaking of parents, I got a voice message from my dad, informing me that he opened my mail and found out that I owe Cortland and a few other places money. He talked to me the next day and I guess he cooled down, since then, because he didn't bring it up, yesterday. The only problem I have with this is that I really don't need my father opening my mail. The bad part is that I can't reprimand him about it, because he'll flip out. Oh well, he's not on my back about it, so I'm gonna let it go. Around 7:00 at night, there was open bar until an hour before close. The reception was much like one of a wedding. The food was excellent. Danny always bragged about the food, but I never fully believed him. Calvin, (Danny's brother) had invited Kelcie to be his date. If I had invited Kelcie to a family event like that, I'd be by her side for almost all of it. Calvin...he didn't hang around that much. Neither did Cody, but at least he had an excuse. Calvin did dance with her, but apart from that, he wasn't really around her that much. It kind of worked in my favor, because she asked me to dance with her. Seth recorded it on his phone, because he thought my dancing was funny. He's a freakin' moron. I saw the video on his phone and it looked fine. Hell, it looked great. All of us went back to Danny's after the party. We hung out for a little bit, then we went to sleep. Around 9:00 Kelcie, Seth, and I woke up. I sat on the couch next to Kelcie and she rested her head on my lap. If I hadn't moved at some point, she'd probably have fallen asleep on me. On Thursday, she playfully asked when I was gonna take her out on a date. She was only half-serious, though. Then, when her and I were hanging out before Seth showed up, she asked to sit on my lap so "her pants won't get dirty." So, I let her sit on my lap and we just hung out. Anyways, we hung out at Danny's until around 12:30. Kelcie asked for our help with a video project. We said sure and agreed to meet her at her place around 3:30. Ok, here's where it gets amusing. When Seth tries to get with girls, it's like watching a monkey screw a football. He wants to get with Kelcie. When Seth wants to get with a girl, he always does the same thing. First, he tries to impress them by making up a bunch of b.s. He'll also keep calling them, "sweetheart" and "beautiful" running his hand up and down their back. Then, he'll make up some sob story, so they'll pity him. It's really pathetic. I've seen him do this a few times. He tried a new tactic on Sunday. After helping Kelcie with her project, we headed back to his place. Before we finally arrived there, he decided that he wanted to show Kelcie where he wanted to get married someday. That meant taking a trip over to Aaron and Marcy's place. I just shook my head in disbelief. Can you say, TRYING TO HARD? He wanted to take her to meet her dad, so he could return the tux he used on Saturday, but we wasted too much time at Aaron and Marcy's. When we got to his place, his mom did her usual "cockblocking". Except, she didn't really try to cockblock her son. She chose to cockblock me. Now, I could accuse her of trying to make Seth look good, but that's freakin' impossible. When I was downstairs, Seth started his sob story. At first, I thought he was referring to Kelcie's ex-boyfriend, Cody. I thought I heard him say, "he treats you like shit. It really pisses me off sometimes," but I misheard. He was referring to his step-father treating his mother badly. Now, that's not entirely true or false. Scott has been really good to April in the years that I've known them. However, he is starting to do a lot of stupid things. Things that I don't really agree with. Well, Kelcie had homework to do, so she started doing it. Well, Seth wanted to help, so she let him highlight some important things in the articles she was using. I glanced over at the papers Seth was highlighting and it was almost completely pink. "This guy has no freakin' clue what he's doing," I thought to myself. Well, Seth would comment to Kelcie that she's a smart girl and whatnot. He was basically kissing her ass. Don't get me wrong, Kelcie is a smart girl and an absolute sweetheart. But, he was definitely trying too hard. Well, she finally finished at 4:00 in the morning. We all went downstairs and she gave me a massage. Then, I gave her one to return the favor. Seth and I were gonna go to bed in his room, but Kelcie insisted that we all share the bed in the guest room. So, that's what we did. Yesterday, I was talking to Denna online about everything. She said "Kelcie likes you." I was caught off guard with that comment. I asked how she could be so sure and Denna said that she knew when Kelcie was interested in somebody. I'm still not 100% sure if she is, but I'm gonna test the theory. Denna gave me a lot of pointers to help me out. It would certainly explain why Kelcie's been getting really close to me. It would've been too easy to blow Seth out of the water on Sunday. Calvin wasn't around long enough, so the whatever "competition" is out there, it's no threat. But, it's like Danny says. There's only competition in sports. Robin showed up on Monday. I told her about my weekend and how Seth's trying to get with Kelcie. She just laughed and said that Seth was a pig. Then, when I told her about a dream that I had where I beat the hell out of Seth and scream at why he's such a damn failure, she explained what it meant. It actually made a lot of sense. When people like Seth have it so easy and get whatever they want, it irritates me. He just floats on through life without a care in the world. If he wasn't living with his mom and Scott right now, then he wouldn't have any way to "attempt" to impress Kelcie. People like me have to earn whatever we get. I don't like things handed to me. Now, this ties in with Kelcie, because Seth's trying to get with her by showing her things that HE DOESN'T OWN. The whole "meet my family" game was really pathetic. Kelcie deserves better than Seth. Still, she can choose whoever she wants or not at all.