Monday, December 10, 2007

Alcohol Evolution

Big surprise...Mac became Season 6's Ultimate Fighter. He won by rear naked choke in the third round. As for the rest of the fights, I don't remember too many of them due to the fact that I was drinking. Marcy's birthday was last Wednesday, so I went to Candor this weekend. Last year around this time, I came up here just to get out of the house. I wasn't really into drinking. I only drank once or twice and that was in March. There was one party in March that almost got me to swear off alcohol period. Marcy had tried to get me to drink with all of them before, but she kept on wanting me to do shots of vodka with them and I couldn't do shots back then. I preferred Smirnoff and Zima, which is basically "bitch beer". So, yeah I wasn't really big on drinking. Basically, I was a pussy when it came to alcohol. Until I came up after Marcy's birthday last year. She talked me into doing a shot of vodka with her as a birthday present. I didn't want to be an asshole, so I groaned and said ok. Well, one shot turned into six. I didn't throw up and I didn't have a hang over. I started coming up every other weekend or if the situation called for it, I'd show up two weekends in a row. Every Friday, Marcy, Aaron, and I were drinking shots of Vodka. I didn't like the taste of beer back then. I've had other kinds of hard liquor that Marcy gave me. Captain Morgan's Tattoo, Yagermeister, Ice 101, Everclear. At first, I liked them. Now, I can't drink any of them, because my system doesn't like them. I'm starting to be able to drink shots of vodka again. I prefer beer though. Before I worked with my dad at Akraturn Machine Shop, I couldn't drink one beer let alone another. Before I started at Akraturn, the neighbors came over and as I was getting them each a Coors light, I got one for me too just for the hell of it. I kept drinking them until the taste didn't bother me. That made me a beer drinker. Some of my female friends think I drink too much, but I don't think I'm that bad. I can have only one drink and leave, I can wait for the weekend to come, and if I don't feel like drinking, then I won't. There are people around my age that head straight to the bars after school or work. They get messed up every night. They have a problem, not me. I know when to say "when" and I've done that before.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Second Chances

Last night marked the final episode of The Ultimate Fighter Season 6. It was full of second chances. Mac was scheduled to fight Ben from Team Serra. While preparing for the fight, Ben cracked a rib and didn't want to continue. Therefore, Matt Serra and Dana White needed to pick a fighter to replace him. It looked like it might've been Ritchie Hightower vs. Mac and that would've been awesome. However, Ritchie didn't show much interest in wanting to fight. In fact, most of the guys on Team Serra really didn't seem too interested in fighting Mac. As much as I wanted to see Hightower fight Mac, I was very pleased with who Dana picked. My pick, John was chosen to redeem his loss. I wanted so badly for John to beat him and advance to the finals. However, Mac beat him again. The second encounter between these two was better. John made a stupid mistake and Mac capitalized. There was a second semi-final fight between "Mini Hughes" and George. Believe it or not, I wanted Tommy to win this fight. George is the only guy on Team Serra that I really didn't like. He doesn't know how to be a team player. Fortunately, Tommy knocked his ass out. There is a down side to Tommy winning. The Final fight consists of Mac vs. Tommy. Both are from Team Hughes. We're looking at an all-Hughes final. I'd have much preferred an all-Serra final or a Team Serra vs. Team Hughes final. It would've been a better ending to the season. I don't care which team the finalists are from, Matt Serra won the competition in my opinion. In the preliminary fights, Team Serra finished 6-2. In the quarter-finals, they drew even. In the semi-finals, Team Hughes finished 2-0. The sad part is that Matt Serra had to give two of his fighters to Hughes in the quarter-finals. It's weird that they didn't do that in Season 3 and Season 5 when Tito Ortiz and Jens Pulver were dominant against the opposing team. Things should've stayed the same. Here's the bottom line from all of this. Hughes only had two good fighters on his team. They basically had to carry the load for the rest of the team. I'm trying not to make excuses for Team Serra not being in the finals, but there has to be some reason to why they didn't make it. Mac has four years experience in mixed martial arts (MMA). The rest of the guys on both teams didn't have that experience. It would have to have been a lucky punch, kick, or a quick submission to beat Mac. The guy's very good at what he does. Hell, he's leaving the house with $15,000 because he submitted Joey and John. As for Tommy, there's a reason why I call him "Mini Matt Hughes". His style is the same that Hughes in his fights. He's a country boy that got his strength from working on the farm. Hughes was able to relate to him on a variety of levels and that helped him get Tommy in the finals. Hughes pretty-much pulled one out of his ass. If he didn't have Mac and Tommy on his team, Matt Serra would've wiped his team out. I don't want to hear that Matt Hughes won the competition. I don't want to hear that he's one of the greatest coaches that The Ultimate Fighter ever had, because he sucked at both. Matt Serra won the competition and he was the better coach. Like I said before, Hughes only had two good fighters and the fact that both are in the finals doesn't mean he won the competition. I'm sure some will see me as biased and sore that my hero, Matt Serra didn't get one of his boys in the finals. They may be right, but the facts are right there., end of story. Matt Serra did say something that did get me thinking. He said, "I never thought I'd find myself pulling for Matt Hughes, but I hope he beats GSP (George St. Pierre)". He said that he wanted to fight Hughes to finally shut him up. Personally, I'm pulling for George St. Pierre because I don't think Hughes deserves a championship opportunity. Then again, if Hughes did win, I wouldn't have too much of a problem with it. I'd love to see Matt Serra knock out or submit Matt Hughes. What would Hughes say if Matt Serra beat him? Would he say it was another "fluke" victory? It'd be kind of hard to say that the champion got a fluke victory on supposedly "one of the best welterweight fighters" in the UFC. The finale for The Ultimate Fighter season 6 is on Saturday. I could care less who wins, but my prediction is that Mac's experience will help him pull off a victory. Either way, it'll be a Team Hughes victory.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I hung out with Cody this weekend. Every day was pretty much a party with the exception of Sunday. He had some of our friends come over and hang out with us for a while. I just watched while they got retarded. They left the same night and they're still alive. Saturday, Cody and I just hung out playing guitar hero 3 and watching chick flicks. That was during the day. Him and I agreed that we were gonna hit the bars that night. We left around nine. We waited for his cousin to give us their hockey tickets, which awarded us one free drink. We went to Flashbacks, because that's where the "free drink" perk was allowed. At first, I wasn't a big fan, because it took a good fifteen minutes to get my beer. I'm used to the bars at Harpursville. Everybody knows me there and it only takes two minutes for me to get a beer. After I got my beer, I started to relax a bit. My intention was to at least get a phone number. There were some hot girls there, but some of them were with guys. At one point, Cody asked me who my number one was. I scanned the crowd and there was this one in a red dress that caught my eye. She was there with three other girls. After two beers, I went over to where they were. I didn't have much cash on me, so I couldn't offer to buy her a drink. I saw her dancing earlier, so I thought that my best line should be to ask her to dance. Well, that didn't really work. She said that they were just leaving, so I said thanks anyway and went back to work on my third beer. Cody and I left ten minutes later. Here's the best part. Her and her friends were still there. So, she basically turned me down gently. I was slightly annoyed by that, but oh well. We went back to Cody's, because he invited the whole freakin' neighborhood over. When it comes to partying, Cody's pretty good, but sometimes he'll book several different things at the same time. As a result, he tries to do them all. We've already agreed to go back to the bars next weekend. Next time, we're gonna do it right. This was just a feeling out process for us.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Seriously...Grow the Hell Up

Season 6 is winding down. The last episode of The Ultimate Fighter is next week. I really don't know why they're rushing the final episodes. Unless they want to have the finale before the holidays. I was a bit disappointed with some of the guys on Team Serra. For some reason that was never explained, three of the guys from Serra's team didn't go to practice and started drinking. Before I continue, I have another story that kind of relates to this one. When my parents went to visit my sick grandfather in Florida in 2005, they left me in charge of the house. I wasn't into drinking back then. That didn't start until 2006. Anyway, I was talking online and watching wrestling at the same time. I was focusing more on the conversations that I was having than on the TV. When wrestling was over, I didn't bother changing the channel. The Ultimate Fighter came on right after. I wasn't a fan of UFC yet. While I was talking to my friends online, I heard two of the guys screaming at each other. I rushed over to the TV to watch the fireworks. It didn't last long. However, most of the guys were drunk and two of them were throwing all kinds of crap in the pool and basically being obnoxious assholes. After that, they provoke yet another fight with the guy from the opposite team. He chases after them and breaks a window and two doors. The next day, Dana White lays down the law. There would be no more alcohol in the house, the guys involved had to pay for the damages with whatever money that they had won up to that point and Chris Leban was to fight Josh Koschek the next week. I wanted to see Leban kick his ass, so I tuned in the next week and ended up becoming a big fan of the sport. The fight between Leban and Koschek sucked. Leban lost by decision, which is bullshit. Koschek just laid on top of him the entire time. The "no alcohol in the house rule" was still in effect until after season 2. Now, getting back to last night's activities. These three drunk kids start throwing crap THROUGH not AT, but THROUGH the walls. They tore up one wall pretty good. They were giggling like 14 year old girls the entire time too. They sort of reminded me of Seth's cousin Henry when he starts drinking. He's ten times more annoying. Throwing things through the walls wasn't enough for them. They decided that they should leave Team Hughes a little present. Team Hughes were practicing at the time. So, two of them walk into Team Hughes' bathroom and leave an "upper decker" for them. If you don't know what an upper decker is, it's basically when you take a dump in the top part of the toilet. Not only does it stink, but when you flush the toilet, tiny chunks of crap fill up the toilet. I think for the first time ever, I felt bad for Team Hughes. Well, they come back and the three drunken idiots are sitting on the sofa still giggling like a group of teeny boppers. Team Hughes observes the wall and a few of them talk to the camera about how childish and disrespectful that was. Mac almost got in a fight with Ritchie Hightower. Mac's hated that guy since Day 1. There's no love lost there. I'm glad that his team held him back so he didn't do something stupid that'd get him kicked off the show, but it got me thinking...Mac vs. Ritchie would be a good fight. I almost wish that they'd put that fight on the card for The Ultimate Finale. Anyways, that got defused quickly. Blake had to use the toilet. After he flushed the toilet, he discovered what they did. He pulled his team aside to let them know what the three guys from Serra's team did. I did laugh when Blake said to Mac, "Before I tell you anything, promise me that I won't have to hold you back." Mac's response was, "Are you sure that you really wanna tell me this?" Also, I give Mac props with the Fran Dresser comment towards Ritchie Hightower. Hightower does sound like her when he laughs. Anyway, Blake said, "I'll tell you anyways, they took a dump in the top of our toilet." Mac just shook his head and walked away without losing his temper. Blake called the other guys from his team and informed them about the toilet situation. J-Rock got pissed, broke the top lid off of the tank and kicked in Team Serra's door. He almost got in a fight with one of them and the rest of Team Hughes had to hold him down. As a result the two guys responsible for he toilet had to clean it up. I'm sorry, but I agree with Mac and the guys who said that they acted like 14 year old kids who got drunk for the first time and were acting immature and unprofessional. The fight that week was "Mini Hughes" (Tommy) vs. Ben. Mini Hughes won to no one's surprise but Ben's. After the fight, I realized that ever since my pick, John had lost, I could care less if a guy from Team Serra wins or not. I despise Hughes and was disgusted when he was gloating that his team is "2-2" in the quarter-finals. Hey Hughes, shut the hell up. You got rocked in the preliminaries 6-2, which means you have no right to gloat. Anyway, I want Matt Serra to beat Hughes in this competition, but Hughes may pull one out of his ass. My prediction is that the finals will have Mac vs. Tommy. Both from Team Hughes. I like both of them and I'm glad that Tommy only has Matt Hughes' style and not his personality. Next Saturday is The Ultimate Finale. The last two fights are next week. Hopefully, someone from Team Serra will make it to the finals.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bad News, Good News

Thanksgiving was kind of boring. A guy that works with my dad hung out last Wednesday and we drank a little, but not enough to get us hammered. The rest of the week was just boring. I even missed The Ultimate Fighter last week and I still don't know who won the last two fights. Speaking of which, I just read some bad/good news. The bad news is that Matt Serra suffered a herniated disc in his back and will not be able to put his belt on the line against Matt Hughes. The good news is that George St. Pierre will take Serra's place. It gets better. Matt Hughes' right to face Matt Serra for the Welterweight Championship is on the line. I'd much rather see George St. Pierre get the title shot than Matt Hughes. I like George St. Pierre, but I'd like to see Matt Serra's reign as Welterweight champion continue. No matter what though, I'd be the real winner at the end. Matt Hughes wouldn't get his shot at the title. That would be the best Christmas present this year. Still...there's a part of me that really wanted to see Matt Serra put Matt Hughes in his place. I was really looking forward to that fight. I don't really buy too many UFC Pay Per Views. The first and only one that I've bought so far, was Tito Ortiz vs. Ken Shamrock 2. I think I was the only one happy with the outcome of that fight. I had $25 riding on Ortiz winning. The fight was only about 1:18 long. People wanted to see a war out there. The ref was horrible. His name is Herb Dean. He did stop it a little too early. Ken Shamrock only took eight or nine elbows on the ground. Ortiz and Shamrock HATED each other. They'd get under each other's skin without even trying. My guess is that the ref felt that if they got the chance, they'd attempt to seriously hurt the other. Their third encounter was a little longer, but not by much. I think it was 1:26. Ken shook Tito's hand and they buried the hatchet. He also announced his retirement from UFC. Getting back to the Serra/Hughes situation, I was going to buy the PPV, but since I really don't want to watch Hughes fight anyone other than Serra, I get to save $40. I have faith that George St. Pierre will do the same thing he did last time they fought. He'll knock Hughes out and put him in his place. I wish Matt Serra a speedy recovery and hope he's back in action soon.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Grow the Hell Up

Drama returned to Candor this weekend. Friday went pretty smoothly. However, Saturday was when all hell broke loose. It started when this manipulative bitch called Seth up. She wanted him to move in with her. He doesn't have a job, a license or a car. She said all of that didn't matter and was all taken care of. So, he was all for it. I don't really like her that much, because she uses men to get what she wants and then tosses them aside. She said that I could move in with her too. I just don't get it. When I don't like someone, I'm extremely rude to them. No matter what I say or do, the people who I can't stand, don't hate me back. It was explained to me (Thank you, Robin) that they don't think I mean to be an asshole. Believe me...I MEAN IT! Anyways, Seth told his parents that he was only going to stay there for a couple of days. That was B.S, because he got all excited that she wanted him to move in with her. Let me explain Seth before I finish the story. He still acts like he's 6 years old. He sleeps until 3:00 in the afternoon and watches soap operas. The only thing that interests him at all is baseball and pro wrestling. He's in no position to move out on his own. His mother hit the roof. His step-father didn't say anything to him, but when him and I were alone, he expressed his feelings. Later that night, Marcy started feeding me shots and had both of us playing Monopoly with the rest of the family. As you know, I swore off hard liquor. Well, so much for that. Also, Seth's little brother and step-brother had their friends up. For their entertainment, they decided to jump us. His step-brother and I used to rough house all the time. Him and I are cool. I ended up putting him in a real naked choke. He left me alone for the rest of the night and tried jumping Seth. At one point, he called a time-out. Then, he aimed a picture-perfect kick below the belt. It was a good shot, but hitting someone like that is just wrong. Seth put him in a choke hold after laying on the ground for ten minutes. Marcy called both of us out to do another shot. Seth tried using the low blow as an excuse. I told him to stop being a pussy and just say that he didnt' wanna do shots. That's what I did. Well, he got all pissy and hit me below the belt UNPROVOKED! I slapped him upside his head and he went to come at me. That is until he saw that I was ready to start throwing bombs. He kept saying that I didn't wanna fight him, because he almost killed a guy before. I said bullshit and kept calling him a pussy and like a pussy, he backed down. If he ever does something that low again, he will be in great amounts of pain. As all of this was going on, his brothers and their friends were trashing his room or more specifically a board game that I brought up there that we play all the time. When we went back in, the game was all messed up and someone put a guy's sack on his computer. I left his room to go out and laugh at their creativity. They really didn't do any real damage to anything. Well, while I was out hanging out with everyone else, he was apparently throwing a tantrum like a little baby. Basically, throwing things around and shouting that he "couldn't wait to get the hell out of this house". First off, his mom and step-father's house has about five bedrooms, four bathrooms, a bar downstairs, a huge living room, and a decent sized kitchen. Second off, he doesn't do much of anything around the house. His mom does all the stuff he should be doing himself. He doesn't really have it bad at all over there. Hell, I'd trade places with him in a heartbeat and I don't have it all that bad either. The sad part is that more than half of his family that live in the house want him to move out and stop freeloading on them. Marcy even told him that she'd love it if he moved out, so she'd be able to use his room as another guest room. I asked if I'd still be invited. She looked at me as if to say: "why wouldn't you be invited" and said yes. Bottom line is that he really needs to grow up. I need to grow up too, but I'm farther along than he is. Overall, this weekend had some high points and low points.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Making A Comeback

Matt Serra was faced with a difficult situation last night. Because his team did so well in the preliminaries, Matt Hughes only has two guys left and if they were to lose there would be no need for Matt Hughes to be on the show. Apparently, Dana White saw this as a problem. Matt Serra wanted to finish Team Hughes off in the quarter-finals. In fact, when him and Dana were discussing possible fights for the quarter-finals, Matt Serra asked if it was possible to have the two fighters on Team Hughes fight each other. Matt Hughes told the camera if his team were pitted against each other, he'd throw a fit. Grow the hell up, Hughes. Your team sucks anyways. What does it matter if teammate faces teammate? Only one figher's gonna win this thing. Anyways, Matt Serra and Dana asked the fighters who they wished to fight and why. Then, a problem arose. Matt Serra had 6 fighters advance to the quarter-finals, Matt Hughes only has 2 fighters advancing to the quarter-finals. Dana told Serra that two of his fighters had to go over to Team Hughes. Matt Serra and his team weren't happy at all. The team's concern is that Hughes can't really teach them anything and they're right. His team is 2-6 against them. Matt Serra just wants to finish off Team Hughes. Matt Serra said it feels like a punishment and I agree with him. Last season, there was one teammate vs. teammate fight. No one coached anybody. The coaches just watched silently. Why can't they do the same thing here? Anyway, Matt Hughes had that stupid grin on his face. To his credit, he had Dana flip a coin. Hughes offered to pick for Serra, which I thought was an asshole move on his part. The asshole was really loving it. Serra turned down the offer and a coin toss decided who was going over to Team Hughes. The two guys that were sent over asked to talk to the coaches on Team Hughes. Basically, they wanted to make sure that Hughes wasn't gonna dick them over. Hughes told the camera that he felt that the "meeting" was unprofessional on their part. WHAT AN ASSHOLE! I'll bet anything that if the roles were switched, Matt Serra wouldn't find the meeting unprofessional. Hughes basically told them that he was here to coach. He wasn't there to make friends or anything else. Then, he got up and left without shaking their hands or anything. The guy's a dick and I'm counting down the days when Matt Serra smashes his teeth in. Mac and my pick to win the entire thing faced off. I don't have a problem with Mac, but I picked John to win it, so that's who I was pulling for. Unfortunately, Mac won the fight. I don't switch horses after one has lost, but if I were to guess who's gonna win the entire thing now, I'd pick Mac. If I were asked who would be his opponent, I'd guess Ritchie Hightower. He reminds me of Joe Stevenson from Season 2 without the cocky attitude. Right now, it looks like Hughes is making a comeback. However, the first Preliminary fight was won by Mac and then Team Serra dominated for the most part. Could lightning strike twice?

Monday, November 12, 2007

People Are Amazingly Stupid

I didn't drink at all this weekend, which isn't really a big deal, but it is uncommon. Friday, I went to an Independent wrestling show. That was a lot of fun. It helps when you have a second row ticket. At least the wrestlers can hear you scream at them. They're coming back February 23rd. I'm buying front row tickets this time. I showed up an hour and a half early for this show, because the thing said reserved tickets rows 1 or 2. I thought that meant first come, first served. However, the tickets read: Row 2 section D seat 15 and 16. It was still a lot of fun. Saturday, I helped my friend's grandmother clean out her basement. I would've done it for free, but she paid us anyway. I heard a story that really pissed me off while I was there. Apparently, during her birthday, we all pitched in to help her paint the house and clean the yard up a little bit. My friend's asshole cousin said in a low voice: "Grandma better be paying us, because I'm not doing this for free." Even though I was there, I don't remember this story. Apparently, I heard him and took a swing at him. The only thing that I remember is all of us helping his grandmother and he was being a horse's ass. If he pulls something like that again and I happen to be there, there will be consequences. It just amazes me how stupid and inconsiderate people really are. I use the college's computers because mine doesn't have internet. I like to listen to music while I'm doing this, so I bring my headphones so that I don't disturb the people around me. The guy next to me had a Sean Paul song up at full volume with no headphones. It's actually a rule to not listen to anything without using headphones. It didn't take long for someone to say something. How stupid can you really be? It's common sense to put on a set of headphones when you're around a group of people who might be writing a paper or studying. Maybe the guy was trying to provoke a confrontation. Then again, maybe he really was that ignorant.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Too Little Too Late

Matt Hughes finally picked up a win over Team Serra. Unfortunately for him, it's still too late for him to be able to help pick the quarter-final fights. The guy who won reminds me of Matt Hughes in style, but not in attitude. He doesn't really say anything at all. Hughes was a little frustrated with him, because he wasn't showing any emotion. So freakin' what? Not everyone's an asshole like him, thank god. Anyway, the fight itself was pretty intense. Matt Serra's guy almost won with a rear naked choke. Hughes' fighter was bleeding pretty good, but it wasn't affecting his vision, so the fight continued. Anyway, Mini Matt Hughes won the fight and advanced to the quarter-finals. How did Matt Serra respond to the loss? He responded professionally. Then again, he controls the quarter-finals. Matt Hughes only has two guys that advanced to the quarter-finals. However, they're pretty tough. I'd pick Mac to win the entire thing if I were asked. He's like the unofficial leader of Team Hughes and the first one on the team to pick up a win. Personally, I want John from Team Serra to win the entire thing. He's just happy to be there and plans on making the most of the opportunity. We'll just have to see how he does in the quarter-finals.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


I hung out with Scott Hoyt on Friday. It was pretty boring actually. Also, when I become overly tired, I become more irritated than I would normally. We went to the Cyber Cafe for a little bit and then we went to Denny's. The Cyber Cafe is alright, but I hate Denny's. I think the food sucks. Also, I didn't really fit in with that crowd. I ended up making the same friends that Hoyt did when we came to BCC at first. We have different interests and he ended up hanging out with guys that watch hours upon hours of anime. I don't have a problem with anime, but I don't really watch it. I was still hanging out with the SV/Windsor crowd. I hang out with a variety of people that has their own circle of friends. At BCC, I'm usually hanging out with the fat people. On the weekends, I'm either hanging out with my idiot friend, Seth in Candor, Cody and his friends, or Felicia and her friends. Before, I used to hang out with Cody, Felicia, and their roommates, but things have changed. I alternate between circles. I have my own circle. It consists of me, Robin, and Johnny. I see Robin every other day, but ever since Johnny was hurt at his job, I haven't seen too much of him. When all of them were going to BCC, we were this big happy family. However, some of our family have either dropped out or graduated. I'm the only one that's fortunate enough to see them on a weekly basis. Chris and I are the only ones left that are representin' at BCC. My best friend from high school called me up last night. He enlisted in the army about five years ago. He would've been done this year, but he recently re-enlisted for another four years. He said he'd be up around August. Maybe we'll go out drinking instead of watching movies and playing video games all night.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Starting the Weekend Early

My friends from college go to a bar in Pennsylvania every Thursday. They've invited me a couple of times, but I've had no way of getting there. One of my friends was gonna arrange a way to get me there. The original plan was that I'd go home with him and wait for our ride to show up. I thought it was all taken care of. But there was some miscommunication and there was no room for me this week. My friend felt that he screwed me over, but he really didn't. I assured him everything was cool and told him to pencil me in for next Thursday. I didn't feel like going home last night, so I gave Cody a call and asked if it was cool if I could crash at his place. He said ok and picked me up. The people that lived with Cody before didn't mind the taste of beer, so they'd usually drink mine if I left it there. I didn't mind of course, but my plans for last night were to be drinking. Luckily, Cody's new roommates don't drink beer and I had eight cans left. Ever since the tea bagging incident, I haven't really gotten hammered like I used to. Even at the last couple of parties that I was at, I wasn't really drunk. Last night, I was freakin' hammered. After my third one, I started playing Guitar Hero 3. I don't have anything against Guitar Hero, but I never really play it. So, for a good hour and a half I was playing Guitar Hero 3 while I was drinking. If you really want a challenge, trying playing that game drunk. It's a lot more fun. Then, Cody's neighbors came over. We hung out with them and I started getting tired. I moved to the other couch and fell asleep. When I woke up this morning, I was on the couch that Cody and the neighbors were sitting on and I don't remember moving there. That kind of freaks me out a bit. I've never gotten hammered to the point that I black out. I remember everything that happened last night except for moving back on that couch. I'm hanging out with my friend, Scott Hoyt tonight. We're not gonna be drinking, but I'm sure something amusing will happen.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Matt Hughes Fails

Matt Hughes' team is starting to get sick of him. He was pissing and moaning about how they don't seem to wanna listen to him and that's why they're 1-5 against Team Serra. It's a known fact that most people don't listen to assholes. I don't really listen to assholes myself. During the practice, he was bitching about the last two guys that fought and lost. Dan was getting stitched up, so he wasn't at the practice. Hughes said that Dan was scared the minute the fight began and the fight itself was horrible. Mac didn't think what Hughes said was right. He couldn't say anything about it though, because I'm sure that Hughes would've used Mac as a scape-goat. He was talking about it with Jared (nicknamed J-Rock) and he agreed with Mac. J-Rock had yet to fight and he felt that Hughes was punishing him and the other fighter who hasn't fought yet, because of the guys who did fight and lose. Matt Hughes was also bitching about not wanting to be on the show anymore. All I have to say about that is don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Hughes. Way to act like Joey. It wouldn't bother me one bit if Hughes took his ball and went home. Unfortunately, Matt Hughes is staying and was just talking out of his ass. J-Rock was the next guy to be chosen to fight. During practice, he hurt his ribs. No one knew exactly what he'd done at first. He was told that if the injury were severe enough, he wouldn't be able to fight. The guy broke down crying. He already expected the worst. They went to get X-rays done of the injury to see how bad it was. Luckily, he only had a bruised rib. It would hurt a lot, but he'd still be able to fight. I've noticed that most if not all of the injuries this season have been on Team Hughes. Maybe if Hughes would stop punishing his guys, he wouldn't be having these close calls. J-Rock's actions had me believing that he was gonna take his opponent's head off. The way he was upset when he thought that he might not be able to fight and the talk he said about wanting to fight George from Team Serra had me believing that he'd turn things around for Team Hughes. George's teammates are getting annoyed with him as well. I guess he pretty much keeps to himself and is only focusing on him winning the competition. There's no fault in that. However, they made the competition a team sport and at the same time, kept it as an individual sport. It reminds me of being on the wrestling team. You were part of the team, but it was up to you to put the points on the board and help your team win. Granted that Team Serra really doesn't need help at this point, they're still part of a team and everyone needs to do their part to help the team succeed. George's defense is that guys on his team aren't babies. He's right, but there's no alarm clock in the room and the guys would appreciate it if someone woke them up in time to get a shower in, to eat breakfast, and to do whatever else they need to do before they go to practice. The fight between George and J-Rock wasn't what I had expected. J-Rock didn't do much of anything and George ended up knocking him out a minute before the round ended. The fight was pretty much boring. After the fight, J-Rock threw a tantrum. He was crying again and throwing chairs, water bottles, and whatever else he could get his hands on. He has no one to blame but himself. That's what makes it an individual sport. Because he lost, his team lost and that's what makes it a team sport. The look Matt Hughes had on his face after the fight pretty much told the story. He has one fighter left, he has no say in the quarter-finals, he only has one fighter advancing to the quarter-finals, and Team Serra is up 6-1. The look on his face basically said: "I lost, I give up, there's no way I can come back from this, I just want to go home." He might not have said this, but the look on his face did. Matt Serra did what he wanted to do. He wanted to beat Matt Hughes in the competition. He also wants to beat Matt Hughes when they fight to deprive him of once again becoming the Welterweight champion. His team's 6-1...SUCK ON THAT, HUGHES!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Chaos and Alcohol

Last night, there was a Halloween party in Candor. There were two requirements in order to eat and drink at the party. The first requrement was to have a costume and the second requirement was to pay $5.00. I dressed up like Randy Orton when he was in Evolution. Out of all my boys from BCC, only Steve Clarke and Tyler Blackman made it to the party. The party started around 8:00. People started showing up an hour later. There had to be at least 15 to 20 people that showed up. The one thing that I love about Candor is that there's absolutely no drama. Well, nothing lasts forever. Most of the people at the party were taken. Tyler could care less who's dating who. When I first met Tyler, I didn't like him and he didn't like me. We were at each other's throats. Of course it was all over a girl. For about a year, we hated each other. Then we realized it was stupid and we've been friends ever since. Steve and I played Tyler and Seth to a game of beer pong. We played twice and they won both times. We took a break for a while. I was talking to people, trying to remember names, just hanging out really. My cousin, Lindsay was at the party. She's my cousin by marriage. I don't really get to see her or her brother Kyle that much. We've never really hung out. We used to talk online a lot, but it always seemed awkward. After a while, Tyler and Seth challenged me to another game of beer pong. I had to find another partner. I asked two girls, but they politely turned me down. Seth found me a partner. It turned out to be Lindsay. She's actually really good at beer pong. During the course of the game, Tyler was trying to get inside my head by hitting on Lindsay. It didn't work, but he did get someone's attention. The bad part is that Lindsay's boyfriend, Phil heard Tyler's comments. Phil said something to Tyler and Tyler stopped with the comments. We beat Tyler and Seth, then took on another team, which we also beat. Now, I thought everything was cool. Unfortunately, Phil was still fuming about Tyler's comments. He thought Tyler was still running his mouth. He started yelling at Tyler and moving towards him aggressively. Seth and I sent Tyler in the food room. Lindsay was pissed that Phil tried to provoke a fight. They had a shouting match outside. Seth and I hung out with Tyler in the food room. Marcy stormed in a half hour later and started screaming at Tyler. Five minutes later, we went in Seth's room for the rest of the night. Ten minutes later, Lindsay and Seth's mom came into the room. Lindsay started screaming at Tyler. I tried to defuse the situation, but Lindsay kept sushing me. Tyler tried apologizing countless times, but she didn't accept it. After she was done, she said good bye to me and left. We went all went to bed after that. Personally, I think this could've been avoided if Phil didn't take what Tyler said personally. I have nothing against Phil, but if the guy just let this go after Tyler stopped, everything would've been fine. Hopefully, the next party won't have any freakin' drama. Besides the Tyler/Lindsay incident, it was a lot of fun.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Matt Serra is Still On Top

I have another UFC update. Matt Hughes has no say involving the quarter-finals. His selected fighter needed to win last night and it didn't happen. Before I continue, I want everyone to understand that UFC judges suck. The wrong fighter usually wins the fight that way. Last night, the fight went the full ten minutes. I only watched the first round. Hughes' fighter definitely had that round won. I saw highlights of the second round and it looked like Serra's fighter won that round. In the case of a tie, there's a 3rd round. However, the judges had chose a winner of the fight. Matt Serra's fighter was declared the winner. How did Matt Hughes take this news? He went over and started shouting at the judges. He asked them what colleges they went to or if they were just guys off the unemployment line. I don't agree with how Matt Hughes handled the situation. I know, big shock there. I freakin' hate people that take out their frustration out on other people and that's what Matt Hughes does all the freakin' time. For the judge's credit, he shook it off. "Come on, Matt. You're more professional than this," he replied. Apparently, he doesn't know Hughes that well. Matt Hughes has no class. He proved that several times already. Everybody thought that the fight would go one more round. Even the fighters in the octagon were ready for a third round. Hell, they wanted a third round. Unfortunately, it was left in the judge's hands and somebody was screwed. From what I saw, I agree that the fight had been a draw at that point. Dana White was in Team Serra's locker room congratulating the winner. One of his teammates joked that Dana should pay him anyways. The way it works is that if a fighter knocks out or submits his opponent, they're rewarded $5,000. Anyways, Dana's response was, "I'll give both you and Dan $5,000 for one hell of a fight. You guys deserve it." I think that was a good call. He went in Team Hughes' locker room to let Dan know that even though he lost, he was still getting $5,000 for his efforts. The next guy to come into Team Hughes' locker room was my boy, Matt Serra. Matt asked if he could come in and the guys said sure. He shook Dan's hand and offered words of encouragement. He said that the UFC would definitely call Dan back after the show he just put on out there. Some of you probably think that I have my lips permanently planted on Matt Serra's ass, but I just think the guy is awesome. He gives credit where credit is due. Besides, it's either him or Matt Hughes and I'd rather shoot myself in the foot with a nail gun and then drop a board on it than to praise Matt Hughes for anything. You could've had Josh Koschek, who was on the very first Ultimate Fighter and another prick that I don't like coach opposite of Matt Hughes and I still wouldn't pull for Hughes to win it. I forgot why I didn't like Matt Hughes after Season 2, but he reminded me on Season 4 and he kept it fresh in my mind throughout this season. Also, during one of his training sessions, he almost injured Dan's hand when he was sparring with him. He was trying to "teach Dan a lesson" about something, I don't know what it was. His knee fell on Dan's hand and it almost cost him. It would've served him right if he did injure one of his guys, but luckily that wasn't the case. Matt Hughes may have been great three years ago, but his fire is just about out. Hopefully Serra will finish the job in December.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Perfect Party

I was hanging out with my boy, Cody this weekend. He was planning on throwing a party on Saturday. On Friday, we hung out with some of our friends just for a few laughs. He actually wanted to go shot for shot with me, but I swore off hard liquor after the "tea-bagging incident". Saturday, I bought some beer for me to drink. Cody asked for people to start showing up around 8:00, but I think he was actually ready to kill his liver at 6:00. Him and I started drinking around 7:30. Around 8:30, people started showing up. Usually, Cody's parties end in disaster. There was one party that he didn't host, but a lot of bad stuff happened. There was this one crazy bitch at another one of his parties. She was a freakin' head case. There was a lot of puking and crying at that party. Basically, most of Cody's parties have a lot of drama going on. This party was actually the best one he's thrown together. There wasn't any drama, no one got pissed off, no one was puking their guts out. Everybody was laughing, socializing, having a good time. It was fun. I ended up passing out around 1:30. The party lasted a half hour longer. The next day, I woke up without a hangover. I hung out there most of the day and took a long walk around 4:00. When I came back, I ran into an old friend from high school. When I was senior, she was a freshmen and had a crush on me. The age difference made me uncomfortable, so I faded away. It wasn't the right way of handling that situation and I apologized to her a few years ago when I saw her again. I found out that she lives across the street from Cody. The sad thing is that she's not the same girl that I remember. She lives with her boyfriend and word on the street is that she's into a lot of bad stuff. As much as I'd like to help get her out of that, I think it'd just end like the last bad situation did with a previous friend. Oh well, things change, people change.

Friday, October 19, 2007


As some people know, I'm no longer friends with someone that I really cared about due to the fact that she snapped at me when I tried to get her away from her abusive, controlling boyfriend. I was hurt for around four weeks because of it. Finally, I was able to get a small measure of vengeance this morning. I saw the asshole walking into the building that he works in at my college. I was with Robin and Johnny, discussing plans for Sunday. He waved at me and I said: "Keep looking, asshole," and he couldn't believe it. I told him to get his ass inside and he came out to confront me. So, I called him on what he did to my former friend and he turned around and walked inside. Then, she hunted me down. I exchanged words with her and she went away. She deserves what she gets for being so damn stupid. As far as HE goes, my boys have my back if he tries anything. After this all happened I wondered if I did the right thing. After consulting a number of my closest friends that I trust with my life, they assured me that I did in fact do the right thing. There are too many people in the world that aren't willing to take a stand when they know things aren't right. What happens is that it comes back to bite them in the ass. I stood up and I spoke my mind. I really don't care if he's pissed off or if he takes it out on her. If she had a brain in her head, she'd have gotten away from him by now. I don't talk about people behind their backs. I tell them in person and if they have a problem with it, then that's too damn bad for them. It's a little thing that I like to call Honor. Either stand up for what you believe in or keep your mouth shut.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

UFC Update--Team Serra: 4 Team Hughes: 1

I have another UFC update. I've noticed that Matt Serra and his team aren't shown as much as Matt Hughes and his team. The reason is that Team Hughes provides more entertainment. This week, one of the guys from Team Hughes received some bad news from home. His 19 year old cousin died. It was mandatory that he fight before flying home for the funeral and everything. First off, ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME? Who made that ruling? It wasn't Matt Hughes who made this call, though if it were him, it wouldn't surprise me. I don't think it was Dana White either. Whoever it was that made that ruling is a heartless bastard. Most of the show was focused on Mac, another guy on Team Hughes. Him and another teammate were discussing a fight from the last season. Mac lost his cool and told the guy that he's not a real fighter. I do believe that Mac was goaded into that. Overall, I don't mind too many people on Team Hughes. Mac has a deep respect for nature. Specifically, animals and insects. Basically, both Team Hughes and Team Serra don't like Mac after his harsh words to his teammate. They spent most of the day killing flys just to annoy him. Way to act mature, guys. Well, the poor guy that lost his cousin fought and was knocked out. How did Matt Hughes respond? "I don't remember trading punches as part of our game plan," he told him. THE GUY HAS MORE ON HIS MIND THAN YOUR GAME PLAN, ASSHOLE! If this happened to me and Matt Hughes said something like that to me, I'd knock his ass out. Do you know what Matt Serra did? He went over the guy and said: "You'll be back and you'll be better than ever. We all fall sometimes, we just need to pick ourselves back up and get back in there. Don't worry, you'll make it." The guy wasn't even on his team and he's giving him words of encouragement. The only thing Matt Hughes cares about is himself. His only focus is feeding his massive EGO. Last night's episode was just disgusting. On the plus side, Team Serra's up 4-1. As far as I'm concerned, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

EMO Week

The weekend was pretty boring. My friend, Scott and I were supposed to do something on Friday, but he didn't get a hold of me in time. The funny part is that he saw me on Thursday and didn't mention anything to me about it. Last week was EMO week. Everybody was depressed. People were breaking up, friendships were rocky, it just wasn't a good week. Today, things are starting to get better. The last few weeks haven't really been good ones. I was dealing with my stuff and everybody was dealing with theirs. Finally, it's all starting to end. It happens around the same time every year without fail. It's always the same story with different people. Most of the time, I manage to avoid everything and get on with my life. Basically, my past came back to haunt me one more time and then everyone else had their problems going on. I need to give my boy, Cody a call to see if we're still doing his little party thing this Saturday. I hope everything is still good to go. I haven't had a beer in two weeks. Over the summer, there was rarely a weekend that I didn't get obliviated at least once. I'm not an alcoholic or anything like that. I can have only one beer and stop. I've done it before. I haven't really been in the mood to drink, since I had to deal with my past demons. This is the first time in about a month that I'm looking forward to hanging out with my friends and getting totally hammered. So yeah, everything's starting to calm down again. By the end of the week, everything should be good.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Why Matt Hughes Sucks

Last night, I watched Matt Hughes make an ass out of himself again. At the beginning of the show, it showed him and the assistant coaches punishing the rest of the team. I was on the wrestling team back in high school and if the coaches thought we weren't giving 100%, they'd work us harder, but they wouldn't beat up on us in practice if we lost. What Matt Hughes did was uncalled for. He was just comforting his hurt ego. He thought that he could just walk in there, have his team totally demolish and humiliate Matt Serra's team, and do the same to Matt Serra after the show was over and regain the Welterweight championship. So far, Matt Serra has been kicking his ass. Hughes underestimated Serra. Matt Hughes thinks he's invincable. Anybody who beats him got a fluke victory according to him. Serra hasn't had the luxury of fighting him yet, but he did beat George St. Pierre, who beat Matt Hughes for the Welterweight Championship. Serra earned a championship opportunity by being one of two winners of The Ultimate Fighter 4: The Comeback. He made the most of it by beating George St. Pierre for the championship. Hughes stated that Matt Serra's victory was a fluke and he's not much of a champion. The guy's just a dick. He's a cocky, obnoxious, egotistical, asshole. I don't mind any of the guys on his team though. There may be one or two that I don't like. I'm really pulling for Matt Serra and his team to win. It would be great if it were a clean sweep. Team Serra winning the entire thing and Matt Serra successfully defending his title against Matt Hughes. I understand that most of the stuff I've said so far is completely biased. For those of you that like Matt Hughes, I'm sure you have your reasons. I don't like the guy because he's a damn bully. I'll admit that he had the better team on season 2 and he won the competition. It just pissed me off that he'd bully the guys on the other team. Not only that, but when his guys did the same thing, he'd laugh about it. If Rich Franklin's team did anything that Hughes didn't like, he was an asshole about it. When he was a guest coach for two weeks on season 4, he'd taunt George St. Pierre. George would politely give Hughes his space, but all Hughes wanted to do was belittle him. I laughed when I heard Hughes got knocked out by George. I'll laugh even harder if Matt Serra gets another "fluke victory" on Matt Hughes.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Moving on to Bigger and Better Things

The rest of the weekend has been quiet. With the exception of moving a bed yesterday, I didn't really exert too much energy. That's exactly the way that I wanted it. I came to Candor to step aside and catch my breath a little bit. The past few weeks have been hell. One thing that I really hate about college is the drama. Yes, I'll be the first to admit that drama can be very entertaining. But too much of it can get real annoying real fast. What really pisses me off is that the people who create it on an everyday basis, claim that they hate drama so much. It really sickens me. I've avoided most of the drama this year. A few weeks ago, I wasn't so lucky. Someone that I cared about deeply, was stuck in a bad situation. The situation itself was complicating and it affects a lot of people who don't deserve to be involved in it. I tried to help that person, but they snapped at me and I realized that they're not the same person that I remembered. There was nothing that I could do, so I walked away. Even though I walked away, the pain was still there. It was taking it's toll on my attitude. My closest friends were concerned about me. Even people that I despise were pulling me aside to talk to me. That's when I decided to come back to Candor. Whenever I was in a bad way, I'd come to Candor to recover. I do feel better after staying here the past four days. There are a few things that I'm not satisfied with, but they're just minor things that I have control over. I tried to talk to one of my friends about going beyond capabilities, but he's in his own sad little world that consists of baseball and wrestling. There's nothing else there. No other cares, worries, goals, or dreams. There's a lot of potential that can be used to exceed expectations. Opportunities don't come to those who just sit around and wait for them to come. You have to go out and search for them. When you find them, you must take them. Right now, I'm working on reaching my goals and I'm really close to reaching them. I'm trying to evolve into a more successful person. In high school, I used to wear a WWE T-shirt everyday. The past few years in college, I've been wearing them. Now, I'm wearing black pants and button up shirts. Clothes may not make the man, but they help when you want to make a good impression. Some of my friends that I hang out with are going nowhere. They're still my friends, but I gotta move on. I'll come see them from time to time, but I can't stay where I'm at. I want more.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Drunken Adventures

This weekend, I'm hanging out with my friends in Candor. It's one of those middle-of-nowhere towns like my hometown of Harpursville. Last night, my friend Marcy asked if I'd be interested in hooking up with one of her friends. I've been single since February, so I was all for it. So, her friends arrived and we all started drinking. I didn't drink as much as I could have. In fact, I was only buzzed. That's because I swore off hard liquor after the last party I was at. The last time I was in Candor, I drank everything put in front of me. Within a few hours, I was puking my guts out in the bathroom. My friend, Steve is coincidentally always around when I get too wasted. He helped me make it to the room. Marcy came to offer words in encouragement. Her boyfriend, Aaron, who was way more wasted than I was, had no control over what he was doing and tea bagged me while I was puking in a cup. So, after that incident, I'm taking a break from hard liquor. Getting back to last night, the girl that I was supposed to hook up with, said that men suck and was all over Marcy. It turns out that she's into girls a lot more than she's into guys. Yep, Marcy tried to hook me up with a lesbian. I appreciate her efforts, though. I'm a little relieved. Her friend didn't seem like my type. So, last night was sort of a waste. Oh well, not all of them can be winners. Hopefully, next weekend will be more entertaining.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Drinking A Gallon of Haterade

I only watch one reality TV show and it's called The Ultimate Fighter. The winner of The Ultimate Fighter tournament gets a six figure contract with the UFC. It's been around for 5 seasons now and the sixth season started three weeks ago. The coaches are Matt Serra, winner of season 4 and current Welterweight champion and Matt Hughes, who I think is a horse's ass. Serra's first pick was eliminated on the first show. Ever since then, he's been bitching about wanting to go home and wanting to see his girlfriend. No one likes to lose, but you either take your ball and go home or you pick yourself back up and get back into the mix. Since this guy lost, he's been asking to make weekly phone calls, take days off of practice, and basically not to fight for the remainder of the season. When the guys are chosen to be part of the show, they're cut off from all contact from the outside world to focus on fighting. Unless it's a family emergency, there are no phone calls. Matt Serra and the UFC President Dana White tried to encourage this guy to suck it up for the next six weeks. Last night on the third episode of season six, he walked out of the house and caught a flight back home. Also on the first episode of season six, there was one guy who broke his elbow during the evaluations. Despite what the doctor said, HE STILL WANTED TO FIGHT AND BE ON THE SHOW. However, because he was injured, Dana had no choice but to send him home. It just amazes me that there's one guy who wants to compete with a broken elbow and there's another guy who fought, lost, and is bitching that he's had enough. He threw away an opportunity that someone else could've had and made the most of it. The guy's a pussy. Last night, one of Matt Hughes' boys choked under the pressure and was elimated. I think the name of last night's episode should be "Night of the pussies." Along with being a fan of the UFC, I'm a huge WWE fan. This past Monday, WWE Champion John Cena tore a muscle in his arm and will be out of action for 6 months to a year. What disgusts me most about this is that most WWE fans are rejoicing at the fact that Cena is injured and had to vacate the Championship. If you're going to hate somebody, have a valid reason. The reasons why people hate John Cena are because he doesn't rap in his promos anymore, they hate his gimmick all together, he's been WWE Champion for the past three years, or he finishes his matches with the same five moves. What about Shawn Michaels? He does a flying forearm, nips up, clothesline, inverted atomic drop, body slam, elbow off the top rope, and finishes them off with his Sweet Chin Music superkick. What about my favorite wrestler, The Undertaker? He does a flying lariet, chokeslam, and finishes with his Tombstone piledriver. What about the fact that Batista has had a World Heavyweight title shot every month this year since LOSING the title to The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 23? My point is if you're going to hate John Cena, at least have a good reason. Cena's in the WWE for the same reason all of the Cena-haters aren't. He can do things that they could never do on their best day and his worst day.